Apology + Something that needs to be heard

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I haven't published anything for the last few weeks, and I'm truly sorry for that. I've been having drama with family, and some people I know in real life. I know it's no excuse for keeping you guys waiting, and even though there aren't many people who read this, I was wondering if you wanted a oneshot or another chapter first? As an apology.

I've gotten into vocaloid, specifically OLIVER, Hime and Mikoto, and the Kagamine Twins while on break. It's actually pretty cool, even though just before that I thought vocaloid was going to end my nonexistent singing career.

I also want to spread awareness to the doxxing drama that happened on tiktok. Honestly, I haven't heard much but I do know that someone was doxxed for spoiling the games. For one, it's not okay to doxx anyone, and I mean... common sense, okay?

Secondly, just because they were doxxed does not mean you should spoil the entire game as well. Some haven't played all of the games, so doing that ruins the experience for them. Don't be selfish.

Lastly, I'm brainstorming ideas now for my next chapter/or oneshot, and please don't hate me for my beliefs I'm so sorry. I just need to get it out there.

 I just need to get it out there

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