how he found out...

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I saw a black car slowly pull up beside the park I was sitting in, I noticed the driver was jaden so I made my way over to him.

J: hey rose, wanna drive somewhere?

R: uhh I feel like what I'm gonna tell you is easier to say with no one around.

J: yeah of course, it looks like it's getting cold though! Hop in the car we can just sit here.

I got in the car and looked at jaden who was already looking at me, we smiled to eachother and then I looked down.. realising what i had to talk about next.

J: so you wanted to say something?

R: yeah it's kinda hard to say but i feel like i can trust you.

J: of course rose, I know we only met yesterday but you can trust me with anything... I promise.

R: so let's start at the start.
     My mother was always kind but my father seemed to not like me too much, I assumed he had just always wanted a boy. My mother started to take drugs due to stress problems..

Flash back
R: mum no please it's just medicine you dont need it!! You have me. Please mum I love you so much.
I pleaded and pleaded but she just kept taking the medicine until the bottle was empty.
The last thing she said was
Mum: I love you ro.. always and forever.

End of flashback

I broke down in front of jaden. He put his arm around me and slowly stroked my hair to calm me down.

R: she overdosed. I was left all alone with sam-
I shivered at the name and tears came to my eyes.
-my father who hated me. He always blamed me for her death. Said I stressed her out. He started to-

I took a breath.

-he started to get violent towards me when he was drunk.. which was practically all the time. He would h-hit me and k-kick me constantly and call me awful names.

At this point jaden looked angry. As if he could burst at any moment but he continued gently stroking my hair

J: rose I'm so so sorry you have to go through this. I dont want you staying there anymo-

R: NO. I'm sorry to raise my voice i- I just cant leave. I'm afraid of what he would do to me.

J: what do you mean? rosie tell me what he did to you.
Jaden said sternly.

R: he.. he- he raped me j-Jaden.

I broke down but this time I was having a panic attack. I hadn't had one in years.
I couldnt breathe and jaden whispered soft things in my ear.

J: its gonna be okay. I've got you. You're safe with me. Always.

I eventually calmed down and jaden started to drive. I didnt question where we were going because I was too tired to care at this point.

All I knew was that jaden.. was my safe place.

Issys notes:
Tonight's chapters will be shorter but I'll do a few of them. Hope you're enjoying the story so far!!

you saved me// a jaden hossler story.Where stories live. Discover now