how we confessed...

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Before I start this chapter I just wanted to ask if you would please go and read my friends book!! If you like draco malfoy then its perfect for you!

Its called: Falling for the enemy (Draco X Reader) by MrsMalfoyTheFirst

Anyways on with the story!

*time skip*

So it's been about a week and jaden and bryce have really helped me feel better than before about the whole tayler situation. Jaden and mads have been fighting a lot but he doesnt like talking about it which is understandable. Recently I've started to feel things towards jaden... I know I shouldnt but I cant help it. I cant tell him though, I just have to deal with it! Right?

Jaden walked in looking super angry, I walked over to him

R: jae? is everything okay?
I asked quietly

J: not now rosie

R: hey
I grabbed his arm as he was facing away from me

R: talk to me jae, I'm here for you

J: I think me and mads just broke up

R: oh- i- are you okay?

J: do I look okay?
He snapped at me

R: s-sorry
I backed away a little

J: shit rosie I'm sorry I didnt mean to snap at you

R: I-its fine, I'll leave you alone if you want
I started to leave

J: no! I mean no please stay, I dont wanna be alone

I walked back over to him slowly

R: so what happened?

J: she uh- shes convinced I have feelings for you
He blushed and so did I

R: d-do you?
I stuttered

J: to be honest with you rosie I dont know, I think I always felt something for you but I just pushed it away because I thought I liked mads

R: i- but why me? look at me
I looked down

J: rosie
He lifted my chin up with his thumb

J: you're literally perfect

I blushed but also just felt sad

R: theres so much wrong with me jaden. I'm this broken girl who has so much trauma. Everyone in my life always leaves. My mum chose drugs over me, my dad always hated me, any friends I ever had always left eventually, none of my family ever came to visit me. Theres gotta be something wrong with me, why does everyone leave? I know I'm not pretty or skinny or funny or one of the cool girls but I try so hard to please e-everyone I j-just

I broke down, I started crying uncontrollably and jaden just held me, stroking my hair and whispering things to me

J: rosie love, you are beautiful, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You have the biggest heart and always make everyone around you smile. Theres nothing wrong with you! You've gone through shit but it just shows how strong you are. People who leave you, weren't worth having in the first place. I'll never leave you. Ever. I promise.

R: j-Jae?

J: yeah

R: I- I like you. A lot. I know you and mads just broke up and it's bad timing but I just dont know how much longer I could keep it a secret. You dont have to like me back or even respond but I just needed you to know.

J: rosie i- i think I've always liked you, fuck i just wanna be with you all the time. i cant get you out of my head rose.

R: i feel the same
I could feel myself blushing so I looked down to hide it

J: hey dont hide your blush, its adorable!

I looked back up at him and then yawned. Jaden has been staying with mads so I havent really slept very well.

J: shit are you tired? we can go to sleep if you want

R: a little, I tend to sleep better when you're here
I smiled slightly

J: sorry I left you on your own. im here now and I'm not going anywhere.

R: I'm gonna go change, I'll be back.

I changed into a crop top and some Nike pros which was stupid as its freezing. I then brushed my hair and teeth and went back into the room.
Jaden was on his phone, shirtless and in grey sweats. I cant lie he looked really good, he always did.

R: hey

J: hi
He smiled which made me smile

I got into bed next to him and felt really cold, why did I have to wear shorts and a small top.
I shivered a little.

J: are you cold?

R: a little

J: I'll be back in a second

Then he walked into his closet and came back out holding a black hoodie.

J: put this on
He offered

R: are you sure?

J: yeah dont be silly
He teased

I put on the hoodie and instantly felt warmer, the smell was intoxicating. He had this smell, like a warm smell but I cant describe it. It smells like home. Jaden felt like home. I think I'm really falling for this boy.

J: you warmer?

R: yeah thanks

He then got back into bed and pulled me into him so that I was laying with my head on his chest and his arms were around me. He stroked my hair but this time it was slower, I quickly fell asleep in his arms.

'Sleep well love'

Issys notes:
This is such a sweet chapter🥺🤚.
Anyways I hope you're enjoying the story and thank you so much for 250 reads!!

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