how we made it official...

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So it's been a week since that night when we went on a date and said I love you to eachother. We have been on two other dates, one to an amusement park and one where we just went stargazing. Jaden is amazing, we aren't official yet sadly but as long as I have him I dont really care what we are.

Tonight jaden is taking me out for dinner, he said to dress up nice but then he told me I look beautiful no matter what- ugh hes adorable!

He said to be ready for 7pm and its 6pm now so I better get ready!



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Then I grabbed a hoodie of jadens to leave in the car incase I get cold

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Then I grabbed a hoodie of jadens to leave in the car incase I get cold. I got my bag with my phone, purse and keys and then headed downstairs.

Jaden was stood at the bottom of the stairs, he was wearing

Jaden was stood at the bottom of the stairs, he was wearing

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He looked so hot.

J: woah. you look amazing

R: thank you jae, you look amazing too

J: you ready to go?
He held his hand out for me to hold

R: yeah let's go!

We walked out to the car and he opened my door for me- he just gets sweeter and sweeter everyday. We listened and sang to music the whole way there and then when we arrived he opened my door again for me and then held my hand as we walked into the restaurant. We were at an Italian restaurant because he knows how much I like pizza.

The waiter came and asked for our drink orders and jae got us two lemonades because he knows I hate drinking.

J: I know I already said this but you really do look stunning tonight rose

R: thank you jae
I looked down and blushed

J: I wanted to talk to you about something

R: sure

J: the other night, when I was half asleep and I told you I loved you and you said it back.. did you mean it?

R: jaden, yes. I really did mean it.

J: so did i, i love you Rosie Williams, more than you'll ever know.

I smiled so big

We continued to just talk and then the waiter took our orders. Jaden got spaghetti and I got margarita pizza.
Our food came and we talked and ate until we were finished.

R: that was delicious!

J: it really was

R: I had a really nice time again jae

J: I'm glad, so did I

We just held hands across the table and looked into eachothers eyes.

J: I have something I want to ask you

R: what is it?
I smiled

J: you are the most kind hearted, beautiful girl I've ever known. You never fail to put a smile on my face. I think about you every second of every day and I just find my self constantly wanting to be around you, and see you, and kiss you. Rosie Williams, will you be my girlfriend?

R: Yes yes yes yes!!!! Of course jae!

We got up and he hugged me so tight, we let go of the hug and he put his hand on my cheek, looking into my eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed me passionately. I really love this boy.

We left the restaurant and go into the car, I put jadens hoodie on and then he grabbed my hand. He started to drive and then when we got home we went up to his room. He kissed me again, slow and gentle. We made out for about 10 minutes.

R: jaden?

J: yes beautiful?

R: I love you

J: I love you rosie, always and forever

R: jaden hossler, you saved me.

the end

Issys notes:
I really hope you enjoyed! Leave other story suggestions in the comments and I'll write some. This was my first ever book and I'm super proud of it. Thank you for reading!!!

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