Part 19

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I couldn’t open my eyes, I was in so much pain. Every time that I moved even the slightest bit, I could feel the sharp pains rushing into the side of my head. I had to open my eyes this time. I needed to see where the hell I was.

One eye opened. I could see nothing but a teal blue color. Both eyes open, I saw the same teal blue color everywhere. I noticed my head was leaning on something, so I slowly pulled away. I was still in great pain at this time, and there was no way to stop it. I had to push through it.

I moved my head further and further back, and I saw a window frame. It took my eyes a few moments to adjust.

After a couple moments of my vision unblurring, I noticed that outside the window…was the ocean…. And that also means…that I’m on a plane!

I quickly went into shock and started having a panic attack. I tried to move, but I was tied up in the seat. I couldn’t move! I was stuck in one place! I could get out! I wanted out of this place! I started screaming, but every time I screamed I got shorter and shorter of breath! There’s no way out of this! I feel like I’m going to suffocate!

Two hands were on my shoulder. “JOHN?!” That was my instant questioning reaction. I looked up however, and it wasn’t him. It was Cody. “Cody what the hell are you doing with me? I want to get off of this plane!” I couldn’t stop squirming, and I couldn’t stop hyperventilating. “Cody please just let me go!

He covered my mouth. There were tears streaming down my face.

“Everything’s going to be alright Beautiful, just take it easy.” He reached down and untied the ropes that were holding me in place. When he took off the ropes, he still held me back by my shoulders. “Now listen, I’m going to let go, and I want you to calm down, okay?”

I nodded quickly; anything to make him get the hell away from me.

His hands slowly receded from my shoulders. I waited for him to back up a little bit and I bolted up out of my seat. I instantly jumped over the back of the seat, but then I was trapped. Alexander and Abram were on board as well, and they were sitting in a row of seats two rows back from me. Cody was instantly right next to me. “I thought I told you to calm down Beautiful.”

I decked him in the face, climbing back over the seat where I came from and out of the row. I headed all the way up the middle of the small plane and into the cockpit, locking the door behind me.

I looked over at the pilot who was staring at me. It was the third guy from the building in the small Russian town outside of Detroit. “Take me home,” I demanded.

His eyes quickly looked away from me, and when they did, I immediately started searching for something I could use as a weapon.

“Jessica open the door. Hiding up there isn’t going to make this any easier on you.” I could hear Cody through the locked door, but his spell didn’t have me anymore. “I promise you that everything will be a lot better if you just unlock the door,” he pleaded.

I rummaged through some storage behind the cockpit, and I found a switchblade knife. This gave me an idea. I stood behind the pilot of the cockpit and instantly drew the blade close to his throat. “Take me home,” I demanded again. The guy was shaking; I could feel it in the jerks of the plane.

“Take me home!” I demanded louder.

The door was starting to be run in to. I could hear the breaking of the wood in the door, and at this point I had no more time.

“TURN THE PLANE AROUND!” I hollered! Behind me I could hear Cody telling me to be calm, and to leave the pilot alone, but I’d rather be drowning in the ocean than stuck up here with them. I brought the knife closer to the guys throat and reached for a cell phone that was stuck inside a cup-holder right next to him. I quickly dialed John’s number in the phone, and he finally answered!

“This is John,” he answered.

“John, John! It’s me! I’ve been taken again and I’m in a plane! They kidnapped me!”

“Jessica?” There was a pause.

“Yes John, I’m serious! They’ve kidnapped me and they put me in a plane! They’re taking me overseas somewhere. I don’t know what happened. I was at your house when I was hit upside the head from behind!” I was crying.

“Jess I’m gonna find you. I did it once and I’m gonna do it again.” I know John is determined, and I know that he’ll come get me, but right now, I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to get home. For goodness sakes, I’m in a plane halfway across the ocean right now.

“John I’m scared!” I cried more. “I hate planes, and I feel like these guys are going to kill me! I don’t wanna be here anymore!”

The banging on the door was getting louder and louder. The plane was slowly being rotated back to the way we came from, and the knife was still under the pilot’s neck.

“Jess everything’s gonna be fine!” He didn’t sound reassuring at all. I knew that I was going to be screwed either way.

“John, if anything happens,” I couldn’t believe this was on my mind at this moment…. “I want you to know that I love you!” More tears streamed down my face. If he responded, there’s no way I would have heard it. At that very same moment, Alexander came crashing through the door. He was instantly towering over me, grabbing my arm with the knife, and getting the weapon out of my hand. I was kicking and screaming and kicking some more, but there was no way of getting him down this time. Abram was right behind him, grabbing at my feet. He caught one of them as I was trying to keep them both away. The cell phone dropped from my other hand and it slid under the pilot’s seat.

I could see Cody standing straight up behind the two Russian men, and I remembered that I punched him in the face, which gave me the slightest bit of satisfaction.

I was being pulled by my leg out the door from the cockpit. By now I was being carried by my arms and my legs; Alexander at my arms, and Abram at my legs. Cody stood by watching scornfully. I was thrown on the floor when I was out in the clearing.

As I was being held back by each of my arms, Cody crouched down and leaned in close. “Listen here…. First off, this plane is MY plane. It’s MY personal jet, so I’m the only one allowed to tell the pilot where to go. Second, if you ever hit my face like that again, you’re gonna get this.” He backhanded me across the face. My face heated instantly. He then grabbed my chin, making me face him one last time. “Finally, you will do as we say, and you’re going to do what we tell you to do, because if you don’t, then you’re going to get another one of this.” He backhanded me across the face a second time and the temperature in my cheeks doubled.

He stood up and walked back towards the cockpit; that’s when another beating happened.

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