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"Hey dick heads" the man of the group of teens spoke as he approaches Anthony. The other three were setting up a tripod and lights in front of us. "What the fuck do you want from us!" Anthony screamed in the males face. "It's more for 'pleasure', so you can't really do anything about it unless you guys stop being so fucking annoying... Buuuuut I don't think that's possible." The black haired make smirked as wavers a blade near Anthony's neck. "Stop!" I manage to cough out without bursting into tears. "Ian shut the fuck up you fag!" One of the blonde teens yell and send me a death glare. The teenage boy continued to speak "So, obviously you are wondering why we have cameras, well we didn't want this comedic act to go to waste, so might as well share it to the world on your precious YouTube." In my head I keep repeating 'the cops will be here any second the cops will be here any second', keeping me from passing out or having a heart attack. "So you two are gonna perform an act today for our channel, the whole world will laugh at your humiliation!" the guy laughs softly. Anthony shakes in his chair out of anger. "Ready to film, Jack?" one of the teens asks behind the camera. "Yup, ready....... Filming..... Action" the man says as he gets up in front of the camera. "Hey fellow fuckers today we actually finally got Ian and Anthony from smosh to be on our show!" He laughs, pretending to be excited. "I told you guys we were going to have an awesome video up for you guys! So today we are HUMILIATING SMOSH! Please click the share button right now because your friends are gonna wanna see this." He says before covering the lense with his hand. Anthony is looking at me mouthing "we can get through this Ian... I love you" I mouth back "I love you too" and I let out small tear that run down my cheek. The male winks at the other girls and they charge at us. They cut my face with the knife and punch me in the eye. I groan in pain and struggle to try to get out of the chair. Just then I noticed something... In the midst of the beating I saw a closer look at our abusers. They were the people that got pissed at us and our co-director when they found out we didn't cast them for a video. Back then they were 12 or 13... But why would they come back for revenge for such a little thing, and why now. Just then they finally stop beating us with their fists and they take off our clothing. I manage to whisper "Anthony, stay strong." Although it was barely audible, he grunted in reply. I stopped crying because I had no tears left to release. After the girls took of all of our clothes they cut the ropes that kept us locked onto those chairs and threw us to the ground. I tried getting up but I was hurt to much. They start repeatedly kicking us until we hear "that's enough" . Where the fuck are the cops.... What is happening.


They stop kicking us and I squirm to get up, but am pushed down immediately. Where the fuck are the police! Was that a real call that we made or was it set up. A foot is holding me down to the ground now. "Alright good job guys, now because you guys are such fags," he said smiling. How did he know Ian and I are together. "We're going to let you guys fuck." He says excitedly. "But that wouldn't be to fun for our viewers, so I'm going to add little rules." He says as his voice becomes faster. "No lube, no moans, and no coming or you both will get cut each time you break a rule." "WHAT THE FUCK IS LITERALLY WRONG WITH YOU GUYS" I scream in disgust. "Your fault for being such annoying hateful dicks on YouTube" the red head says before spiting in my face. "Alright, when I let you get up you are going to fuck Ian ok? And if you refuse, Ian will get shot." He says as he pulls out a gun from his pocket. I nod and they let go of Ian and I. I run to him and kiss him on the cheek. "Everything is going to be alright baby." I cry. "I will be ok, I'll forgive anything you're about to do to me ok Anthony." Ian replies as he hugs me tightly. "YOU BETTER BE IN HIM IN 2 MINUTES BEFORE I SHOOT IAN!" He screams.

~time skip because it would be a little much if I put you through all that even though you should still caution ahead~

I don't think Ian can hold him self in anymore, we've been at this for about what feels like 5 hours. I've tried not to hit his prostate, but have hit it enough for Ian
to be at his breaking point. This so called jack guy is mastrabating in the corner like a fucking perv. And the two blondes are holding guns to our heads. "Ian you can let go, we can take one more cut." I say softly to Ian. Not to mention the red head is holding a knife to my back and yells "GO FASTER" I go faster and start to pant. "No we have 15 minutes, I can hold it," he says taking deep breaths as he holds in. I start to reach my climax after 10 more minutes and accidentally moan. They cut Ian's face and my arm. "Sorry," I whisper cringing at the blood dripping from his forehead. "It's ok" he faintly smiles at me. I look over at Jack who is still jerking off..... He starts to speed up his pumps, indicating he is close to his climax. That means we have like 2 minutes left. Where the fuck are the cops. I can see Ian slightly spewing from his cock. I grab his dick trying to cover what was about to happen. "A little longer, we're almost there!" I motivate Ian. I try to slow down as much as possible without getting stabbed in the back. I think in my head 10,9,8,7,6,5- Just then a crash comes through the door and Ian releases in my hand so do I in him. Finally.... the cops are here.... Everything is in slow motion, I hear a gunshot and both of us are out in an ambulance. The last thing I hear is sirens before I blackout.

A.N. Well that's what goes in Julia's head woooooo yea, fucked up stuff doeeeeee! Ok but really abuse isn't cool guys, I'm pretty sure you already know that tho cause you guys are smart :) sooo yazzie. I'm sorry again for this chapter, it got real dark... I'm not sure to kill off either ian or Anthony or nobody.... Yea so thanks for the reads too :0... Again I would suck your dick because you guys are so awesome

And ps your a very very very beautiful person :)

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