Run away

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Once again, Millie was forced to endure Grace's wrath. Turns out, one of Grace's friends overheard Sarah and Millie talking in the hallway and told Grace. 30 minutes before Grace was told, Millie texted Finn.

Millie: We can't. I'm not going to date you Finn. I'm sorry, but dating you would bring me unwanted attention...especially from Grace.

Finn: I understand. Goodbye Mills.

She out her phone away before walking off. Grace's friend ran off towards the pool, interrupting Grace's conversation with someone as she yelled her name.

"Grace!" Taylor yelled as she ran to Grace.

"What is it Taylor?!" Grace said, angrily.

"It's Millie! She kissed Finn!" She said, out of breath. Maybe shouting that out loud wasn't the best idea.

Taylor could see the colour drain from her eyes as she stood up. She quickly moved to the side, leaving room for Grace.

"That bitch won't know what hit her..." Grace spoke as she walked off. Taylor followed her, very worried that Grace was about to do something she should regret.

"MILLIE BOBBY BROWN!" Grace yelled, making her presence known to everyone within a 10ft radius. People suddenly split, making a path for Grace to walk past, not wanting to be in her way.

On the other side of campus, Millie walked to her dorm room, having went to the shops to get what she needed. As she unlocked her door, she was greeted by a distressed Sadie.

" can't be here right now..." Sadie spoke.

"Look...if Caleb is here and you know...then I'll ignore-" Millie began, but Sadie stopped her.

"-No! It's not Caleb. It's Grace..." Sadie spoke.

"What? What about Grace?" Millie asked.

"Look." Sadie said, showing her phone screen to Millie.

Millie Bobby Brown kissing another girls guy? Everything we know about the kiss between Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown.

"H-How did she find out?!" Millie asked, now terrified.

"I don't know..." Sadie asked. Millie thought it was Sarah who told Grace, but Sarah would never tell a secret.

"Put these on and give me your bag. Keep your phone." Sadie said, handing Millie a pair of shoes.

"What? Why?" Millie asked, putting them on.

"Knowing Grace, she'll be on her way here right now." Sadie said.

"Good point" Millie spoke.

"Be careful and be alert." Sadie spoke.

"MILLIE!" Both Sadie and Millie heard Grace yell.

"Go." Sadie spoke, slightly pushing Millie away from the door. Millie ran to the opposite staircase from her dorm. She could hear Grace's footsteps running up the stairs on the opposite side of the dorm room building.

Millie was lucky that she won cross country 3 years in a row in high school. As she ran, she could hear Grace's footsteps gaining ground.

"There you are!" Grace yelled as she tried to run faster. Millie luckily ran into a crowd of people, blocking Grace's view of her. Once she got out of view, she ran into the boys locker room next to the gym, luckily, no boys were in there. Once she made it out the other side, successfully entering the gym, she hid behind the bleachers, waiting for a few minutes.

Grace and her friends ran into the gym, looking. Millie knew that she wouldn't look under the bleacher so she was safe. Once Grace and her friends had left, she ran the opposite way, but the loud gym door must have caught Grace's attention, since Millie heard her footsteps behind her. When she was out of sight, she rounded a corner and ran into the library, speed walking through. No-one was in there.

"She's trapped a mouse in a trap." Grace spoke. Millie sat silently behind a shelf deep into the library.

"Find her." Grace spoke.

Millie sat there, listening to their footsteps. At one point, Grace was close. She was on the other side of the shelf Millie was hiding behind.

"Millie...give up" Grace said. Millie couldn't escape. She looked around for a vent or some other escape. Her escape presented itself as a window. She waited till the girls were far enough away before opening the window. Surprisingly, the window wasn't high. It was as high as the top of a desk, probably one or two feet. She looked behind her, seeing three pairs of feet running towards her. She jumped out, landing in the bushes below. She covered her head, hearing Grace and her friends.

"Did she really jump?!" Taylor asked.

"Keep looking!" Grace said, moving away from the window. As Millie slowly moved away from the bushes, she stood up, seeing him.

"Millie? Are you ok?" He asked, looking at the scratch on my hand.

"Yes. I'm fine!" She said, about to leave.

"What's going on? Why were you in the bushes?" He asked. Millie pointing to the window she just jumped from.

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