4- Someone Didn't Get the No Hook Up Memo

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Another firm nip to the ear lobe was all it took to cause every drop of blood in Shawn's body to head south and cause the brunette behind him to let out a little snort.

"It looks like someone didn't get the 'no hook up' memo" she said motioning towards the movement in Shawn's shorts

"Oh!" Shawn used his hands to cover the not so descrete bulge "Ignore that guy, he's insatiable"

Mila giggled loudly at his response and the sound only further provoked what was happening within the confines of the fabric.

"That's good to know" was her sultry reply as she wiggled her eyebrows before her fingers worked their way up to his scalp and began working their magic once more.

She worked in silence for almost five minutes, rubbing circles in to the skin of his scalp and then tugging firmly at his hair before once again returning to the skin.

"So you didn't answer my question Shawn and you should know... " she wound her hand into his hair and pulled firmly before returning her lips to his ear "I don't like being ignored"

Tugging his head to the side she moved her nail down from his jaw to the point on his neck where she could feel his pulse pounding strong but fast

"He was 'doing' as you like to put it, my girlfriend...missionary"

Letting out a gasp Mila released her grip on Shawn's hair and then moved her hands to his sides and began kneading.

"So you are telling me that she cheated on you, with your angel face..." she took the opportunity to press a kiss to Shawn's cheek "And your God like body" she moved her hands forward so that her chest was once again firmly against his naked skin and began to massage his abs moving agonizingly slowly up towards his pecs "For vanilla sex?"

Shawn shrugged

"It's what she likes"

"And what about you Shawn, what do you like?" her hands were back on his shoulders, applying pressure and coaxing him to lie down, he was unsure as to why but unable to do anything other than what she asked of him, knowing the power she had to take him completely out of his mind.

The way she could make his body feel pain and pleasure, hot and cold all at once. The way her fingers moved over his skin, massaging his body, mind and soul all at the same time. He didn't understand how she knew just what to do to him and when to do it having only met him that evening but by this point he was in too deep to give a shit.

"Close your eyes" she whispered and he obeyed. Feeling the coolness of the satin sheets under his torso he kept his eyes closed as he waited, trying to anticipate her next move, not sure when he would receive the next hit of that beautiful pain she kept blessing him with

"Okay, lift your head slightly but keep those eyes closed, if I see you peeking then you get dressed and you leave. Do you understand me?"

Shawn nodded his head and then screwed his eyes shut tighter, scared she may think he peaked and bring this thing to an end before he got to see the true power she yielded.

A silky blindfold was slipped over his head and a breath caught in Shawn's chest as every image from the Fifty Shades Of Grey movies he's watched with his girlfriend flashed before his eyes

The way the bed suddenly creaked and then moved around him told him Mila has left him lying there, blind to everything around him. It surprised him how much more aware of his other senses he had become since his vision was taken from him.

The scent of the candles Mila had lit earlier was suddenly so much stronger and as he breathed it in he could swear he felt his body actually relaxing, his mind becoming loose and allowing all kinds of lustful images to fill it.

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