34- Mila Versus Brent (Part 1)

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'If you haven't heard from me by 8pm, call the police. Do not try to contact me or come to my house before then. Thank you for last night.

Pressing 'send' Camila closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She didn't know what she was doing, why she had invited him here. She didn't know what he would say or what he would do but she knew she had to do something, confront him with something because he had a grip on Shawn and he was dragging him down, way below the surface. His job, his friends, his life... He deserved those things, Camila's messed up relationship with Brent had no right to take them from him.

The sound of knuckles on the door caused Camila to jump from her chair, a fear she had never experienced with Brent before coursing through her blood stream and screaming a hot warning in her ear, he had physically hurt Shawn and she couldn't be sure he wouldn't physically hurt her.

"Mila!" Brent stepped through the doorway and without any warning his arms were around her waist and his lips pressed to her neck. This was not their normal greeting and as she felt his want grow hard against her stomach she realised she had maybe misjudged him altogether and inviting him here when she was alone might just have been the most stupid thing she had done in all of her life.

"Mila, baby girl" he kicked the door shut and turned the lock before grabbing her hand and pulling her further into her apartment and further away from the safety of the front door. Pulling her down onto the sofa she couldnt miss the excitement in his eyes as he held both of her hands in his and she began to feel fear pooling in her gut

"I did it baby, what you have been wanting me to do for years, I broke things off with Tina. It was stupid of me to stay with her, denying my feelings for you I see that now, but it's time Mila, time for us to be together again, as we should have always been"

His lips against hers were cold and rough and his grip on her hands tightened as the fear that had started in her gut flooded her entire being

Putting her hand to his chest she managed to pull her face away from his just long enough to register his annoyance and as his lips descended once more she felt instinct kick in and lucky for her she had a really good 'fight' instinct.

Pulling away from him once more she managed to lower her head quickly enough that it made contact with the bridge of Brent's nose. He yelped out in pain allowing her the time she needed to pull her hands from his grip and push herself to her feet.

"What the actual fuck Brent?!" Her voice came out in bewildered puffs

"My nose!"

"You're lucky it wasn't your balls the way you were manhandling me"

"Manhandling?! Come on Mila you and I both know it's what we both want, what we have always wanted" he massaged the bridge of his nose and then moved to stand up

"Move any closer to me and I will scream"

"Do it, you know how hot I get when you scream for me babygirl" he was on his feet and moving towards her with renewed purpose and her mind was scrambling for how to deal with this situation. She had known Brent since she was 15 years old, he had been her safe place, the place to take comfort from the harshness of her life and now looking at the storm swirling wild in his eyes she felt anything but safe.

She should have had Shawn with her when she confronted him but she was scared she would look weak in front of both men but now she realised that weakness would have been better than the terror that was hitting her in waves. The front door, her only means of escape was like a life raft moving further and further from her grasp.

"This is because of him isn't it 'pretty boy'" Brent spat the final two words at her and then suddenly his hand reached for her throat "Not so pretty anymore is he, black and blue really don't look good on him" his fingers wrapped tight and Milas eyes grew impossibly wide causing Brent to laugh "I'm not going to hurt you Mila, I just want you to remember that I can, that's all" Gripping it tighter still he pressed his lips hard against hers, forcing his tongue in to her mouth and inciting an unconsious reaction from the much smaller woman as her knee came up and hit him hard between the legs.

"Mila!" he shrieked as he fell forward, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling him down with her "You fuckin bitch!"

"You know it" she added a wink just to really piss him of and that's when his hand reached out a slapped her hard against her cheek.

"Look what you made me do!! " he seemed just as shocked by his actions as Mila was but she would not cry out, she would not show him she was afraid she would face him as he had taught her to face life, cold and detatched just a step away from reality where nothing could hurt her.

The feel of his hands gripping her shoulders and pulling her to her feet didn't invoke panic anymore, neither did the way he dragged her, hand twisted tight in her hair. It was 7pm, in one hour the police would be looking for her and she was sure as hell going to still be fighting when they got there

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