18- Coffee With My Ex

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Shawn wasn't sure how he came to find himself sat in a coffee shop with his ex girlfriend less than 12 hours after having the most mind blowing sexual experience of his life. All he knew was that within 20 minutes of Kam entering his apartment she had tried to get him in to bed three times and although he wasn't keen on the idea of airing his dirty laundry in public he thought there was much less of a chance of her trying to jump his bones in a public place.

"Kam, I'm not being rude but I have a busy day planned, I haven't seen you in weeks so if you have something you want to talk about just please, spit it out" he tried to keep his tone light and friendly but she'd just put a big fuckin black cloud over his good mood and he wasn't happy about it all.

"Of course I have something I want to talk about and it's us Shawn, it's always us"

Reaching over she took hold of one of his hands but he pulled it out of her grasp immediately. She looked hurt but what more could she expect when she had left him after two years together and had taken his best friend with her? Besides, the back of his hands were now covered in crescent shaped marks where Milas nails had marked his skin as he had interlocked their hands and taken her in the shower for the final time before leaving her house in the early hours of the morning

"Shawn, I made a terrible mistake and if I could take it back I promise you I would" Shawn listened in silence as his ex-girlfriend made her excuses, telling him how he worked too much and didn't make her feel wanted or desired the way Brian had, she had felt lonely and uncared for and Brian was there, he had made all the moves, she had been vulnerable... The excuses went on and on and everyone was to blame except for herself.

It didn't take long before Shawn had lost interest in the conversation and his eyes began to lazily explore the coffee shop. The wooden seats and tables, the chocolate colored walls with an array of golden artwork, he took it all in and he attempted to zone his ex out until his eyes suddenly locked on to two chocolate orbs he knew...intimately

Lifting her cup from the table, Mila raised it and mouthed the word 'cheers' to him before taking a long sip whilst never breaking eye contact

"Shawn...Shawn!" Kams hand reached for his face to gain her his attention but he pulled away harshly, pushing her hand away from him and down on to the table. He hadn't meant to be so cold but he was feeling irritatated now.

Kams presence and excuses were irritating him, her constant touching was irritating him and Mila sitting there watching them as though they were the entertainment for the night, an amused smile on her face was irritating the fuck out of him.

"Look, Kam..." Shawn was just building up to telling his ex to piss off when a petite figure appeared at their table and dropped down into the spare chair. The way Shawn's mouth dropped open with no words ever escaping caused Mila to giggle and then look to the blond girl wearing a beige sweater and white skinny jeans. She knew without doubt that this was 'Miss.Vanilla Sex' she couldn't have looked any more 'vanilla' if she'd tried.

Looking back to Shawn she couldn't help but smile widely at how uncomfortable he looked. His large hands holding and then releasing his coffee cup over and over, his cheeks pink and his lips dry.

"Hello again Shawn"

"Mila" his voice was tense, unsure of what was about to transpire. Mila was a live wire, unpredictable and Shawn was unsure if she was in the mood to play nice or to go for the jugular.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Asked Kam, her eyes going everywhere but to Mila

"Theres no real need for you guys to meet. Mila, I'm sorry but this is actually a private conversation" Kam finally met Milas gaze, a look of triumph on her face

"But it's not going to take long so if you'd like to grab another coffee or some cake and I will be over shortly"

"But I don't want another coffee or cake Shawn" she pouted "I want to stay and play with your friend" her voice was almost childlike as she rested her chin on her hand and gazed straight in to Kams eyes, challenging her but to what Shawn wasn't sure.

Could she be jealous seeing him with another girl? The thought of that almost caused him laugh out loud, she was a lot of things but interested in him enough to be jealous was definitely not one of those things. He was nothing more than a play thing to her, something to fill her empty nights

"So is this Miss.Vanilla Sex?" Mila asked in the same tone of voice you would use to ask if this was someone's mother or grandmother and both Shawn and his friend just about fell off their seats as the question hit the air

"Mila!" Shawn hissed, his face redder than Mila or Kam had ever seen it before

"What do you mean by that?!" Kams voice was far higher than was usual for her as it began to dawn on her that whoever this woman was, Shawn had discussed the intimate details of their relationship with her.

"Shawn why is she calling me that?"

"Oh, no, no, no, I'm sorry, it isn't an insult, I mean you like what you like... Right? It's just a shame you liked it with his best friend more than you liked it with him"

Shawn gulped... Loudly, as Kam shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes flicking between Shawn and the table and then back again

"This really isn't any of your business" Kam forced out through her restricted windpipe

"No I know it's not but Shawn's a nice guy, he will let you down gently I just don't want you thinking that's what you deserve, you deserve for him to publicly humiliate you, to throw every word and action in your face" Shawn was silent as it dawned on him Mila was here for him, fighting his corner for him but he didn't need it, he could deal with this, fuck after last night he could deal with anything.

"Mila that's enough, I can deal with this, I appreciate your concern but I promise, I can deal with it"

Holding her hands up in surrender Mila stood up and dropped her lips to Shawn's ear

"Give her hell big boy" she whispered before lifting his chin and placing a red hot kiss to his cheek.

How was it possible that they had shared the moments together that they had but had never once kissed each others mouths

*a last update before I update some of my other stories.

*let me know if you enjoyed it and if you want more by voting and commenting

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