42- The Last Day (Part 2)

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Shawn sat in the darkness of Camilas apartment, his mind spinning. Every word she said to him that morning replaying over and over in his head.

He had known something was wrong but had been too caught up in the blissful feeling of being with her to really push her on what and now here he was, sat in her apartment surrounded by a gloomy silence.

She had gone.

That much was clear. Her car was missing but her apartment door was unlocked and her house keys and cellphone lay on the kitchen counter, and then the part that had his blood swirling cold around his body, 'sorry' scrawled in red lipstick over her bedroom mirror.

Sorry to him, he was in no doubt but sorry for what???

Running a hand through his curls Shells voice echoed in his brain 'she will only cause you trouble' but what kind of trouble must she be in to just go???


He tried to push that name away but it was the one thing his brain kept coming back to. He should call the police, but tell them what? As usual he knew nothing when it came to Camila.

"Shawn..." his head snapped up to where Camila stood at the door. She was dressed up and looked so beautiful but something was wrong he could tell immediately. Her long hair was plastered to her cheek. Her face pale, her eye makeup running, her feet were bare and even from where he stood he could tell she was breathing fast and shaking.

"Camila..." he walked towards her but the look on her face had him wishing he could run in the opposite direction, miles from whatever had her looking so small and so destroyed

"I'm so sorry" as the tears began to pour Shawn reached out and caught her in his arms just as she began to sink to the ground.

Heaving her small body to his, he pulled her onto his lap and rested his forehead against her own

"I'm so sorry" she repeated over and over again as her tears fell and her fingers twisted in the fabric of his shirt, pulling at it, attempting to free his body of it but he just gripped her wrists and brought his face to hers

"What's going on?" over and over she attempted to pull her hands from his grip but he was determined. She was out of control and she was scaring him, he knew what she wanted from him and why but right now he needed answers. "What's going on Camila, talk to me baby"

"Brent..." frozen water flooded his veins and rushed into his chest cavity. What had the bastard done this time???

"What did he do?" Shawn's voice was a whisper, too terrified to ask and even more terrified to know.

"I need you Shawn" her lips began working against his neck as she palmed him over the fabric of his jeans

"And you can have me but I need to know that when things go bad you will talk to me. I don't want to fuck the pain away from you anymore, I want to help you deal with it, together, in more than just a physical way"

"Brent wanted a night with me to stop him releasing the photos he had to my boss, your boss, you, my mother! God Shawn if my mother saw them!!!" once again tears flooded her face and Shawn gripped her face tightly

"The police... We can go to the police" but Camila just slowly shook her head "Why not? What did he do? What did you do?" Shawn's heart thudded hard against his chest. Terrified of the answer, terrified that she had given into Brent's demands "What did you do?!!" pushing her from him he pushed himself to his feet and stared down at the tiny female on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chin, her entire body shaking with sobs. "Did you fuck him Camila?!" Shawn's voice was a yell he had intended to keep control of but the thought of Camila and Brent had him losing all control.

"No" Her voice was a shaky whisper as she lifted her face from her knees

"You didn't?! So what's all this??? All this weird attitude and turning up looking like... God I don't even want to tell you what you look like has happened to you"

Looking her boyfriend dead in the eyes she forced the truth out through her teeth "I didn't fuck him Shawn, I would never fuck him"

"So what...????"

"I killed him"

"You..." Shawn's forced laughter filled the apartment as Camila dropped her head back to her knees "Fuck sake Camila, why can't you just be honest with me??? Why do you have to put up these barriers. Tell me what happened with Brent, let me make my own mind up about how I react to it don't play these fuckin games with me!"

Heaving in as much air as her chest would hold she forced herself to her feet, gulped down her tears and stared up into Shawns reddened face.

" Shawn. Look at me. This is not a game. He was threatening every part of my life if I didn't give him every part of my body. There was never going to be an end, it was just going to be him controlling me and threatening me and dismantling every good thing that I ever built"

"Camila!" he gasped. The truth was written all over her face. She had done it, this wasn't a joke or a game or a barrier this was the cold hard truth and the world began to blaze white around him as his grip on reality began to loosen "Camila!" he grabbed her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around his waist and just let her entire being break down in his arms as the reality of her situation began to sink in.

Her arrest would come, and then the trial, her mother would find out and the world would see the shame she had brought on her family and then they would send her to jail probably the rest of her life.

Panic gripped every part of her as Shawn's arms tightened around her, holding her to him before reality tore her away

"They're going to put you in jail baby"

"Shawn I'm so scared!!" her voice came out between strangled sobs. "I didn't know what else to do I was so afraid"

"We have to go" Before she could speak Shawn had her by the hand as he reached for her car keys "Leave everything. We get in the car and we go, as far away as possible, Mexico, Cuba, anywhere they won't be able to find you" he was dragging her towards her front door now, police sirens blazing fear into his brain

"You can't come with me" her face was panicked as she realised his intentions. "You have family, friends, a life here of your own" she attempted to pull back from him but he pulled her by the arm until she slammed hard into his chest.

"I want you, I choose you. I hadn't lived for a moment before I met you, I'm not giving that up. Now grab your passport, head to the airport, I will grab mine and I will meet you there. We can't risk the police being at my place when I get there"

"Shawn what if they are and they won't let you leave?!"

"Then you get on a plane and I will be there, where ever you end up, I promise I will be there as soon as I can. Take your phone, I will keep in touch. Just a couple of hours baby and we will be on a plane and we will be together, this whole mess far behind us. Do you trust me? " he took her face in his palms and her gaze dropped to his feet and then rose to meet his and she nodded.

" I trust you Shawn, I love you"

"Fuck that's the most beautiful thing I have every heard in my life. Please, please say it again"

"I love you" she just managed to say it before his lips were on hers, soft and wet and desperate his fingers pressing into her hips and forcing her centre to his. Reaching up Camila tangled her hands in his curls as she pulled him as close as humanly possible. They didn't have time for what they both craved but as he pulled back and whispered that he loved her too she knew that no matter how much time it took they would be together.

"Passport, airport, plane and then you are mine" he whispered into her mouth

"Passport, airport, I'm already yours, I have always been yours" she whispered back

The End

*Thankyou to everyone that has followed this story. I pray the ending isn't a disappointment to anyone. Please feel free to let me know if you liked it or hated it and please vote for it x

*Also if you enjoyed this book, my story Sugar High is being updated regularly as is my book with a little bit less mature content Circles

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