Introduction/Day Ten

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Big brain idea -- why not try writing a short introduction and a one shot all in one?

So! This is a Stucky story, a gay marvel story, y'all know how it is. Credit to these prompts goes to Mia Botha; the characters in this story belong to Marvel and Stan Lee/Jack Kirby.

Trigger warnings: at the top of each story that requires a warning, I will put a trigger warning. Just eyeballing the prompts and knowing how I write, here's a list of things to keep an eye out for if you're sensitive to it:

- Depictions of violence and death
- Swearing (usually starred out; for example, f*ck, sh*t, *ss)
- General angst
- Mentions of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia (depending on the chapter)

I will write these in whichever way works! Sometimes I take the prompts literally -- mainly I twist the idea of a prompt so it may not be exactly what you think ;) so anyway! On to the first chapter!

//// Day Ten ////

December 14, 1943


It's been ten days since I've left home, and it feels like ages. God, why did I decide that I was gonna enlist in the dead of autumn and be freezing my *ss off in some upper part of wherever we are (I do know where we are, just can't tell ya)

Miss sittin by the fire with you by my side, Stevie. Miss your really terrible watery soup. (I love ya but that soup is genuinely awful)!

Anyways, I'm running out of ink, so I should prob'ly wrap this up. I'm excited to be home. Sorry I didnt get you a present this year, next one's gonna be great, you wait and see. I'll be thinkin about you, pal.

Stay safe, punk

Your Bucky

The letter sat folded on the table and Steve didn't feel it in him to try and get up. Laying on the couch, shivering, their two very thin blankets covering him, he wasn't sure he was going to make it through the day.

Eyeing the letter, Steve, in a single, jerky movement, grasped at his sketchbook and pencil he'd thankfully dropped close enough to reach.

Trying to steady his eyes, focus long enough to write something, anything, he shakily drafted his own letter before sinking lower into the fever he'd been fighting.

The pencil slipped from his hand.



Its been a long time. Are you safe? I've got a bug of some kind, fever, ill be allright though. Come home when you can okay? Be safe

Yours, Steve


Bucky woke in a cold sweat and realised he wouldn't be getting any more sleep. Sliding from his cot, he slowly got dressed and tried to keep his mind from straying to Steve -- already his work ethic was slipping, so wrought with worry over his friend.

Shivering in the damp cold, he wrapped his arms around himself and trudged over to the fire. There sat two soldiers on watch, talking softly. He wordlessly joined them and pulled out some paper.

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