Two Hours To Go

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Only two hours to go, and Steve was resisting himself from pacing the entire damn airport while he waited for him to arrive.

The flight was on time, he knew this, reasoned that Bucky would be okay -- but Captain America always had enemies, and Bucky deciding that instead of dealing with Stark to ask about a way home from their latest mission, he'd chosen to fly commercial.

Because he was Bucky Barnes, a very stubborn man, and he did what he wanted.

Steve clicked his phone screen on; no new texts, phone calls, two spam emails that he didn't know how to get rid of. He shut it off again and sighed briefly.

Looking around, he was the only one sitting at gate C, waiting. Two hours to go.

He wanted to call Sam, ask him if he was okay, but Sam was flying in style and Steve figured he really shouldn't bother him mid-flight and fight against the wind for conversation with him.

Two hours to go. Steve leaned his head against the wall and folded his arms, closing his eyes.


Two hours to go and Captain America was absolutely exhausted. He hadn't healed quite yet, not as quickly as he should, which was an indicator to how drained his body actually was.

He wished he could call Steve, ease the fears he was probably having -- Steve worried too much about him, and Bucky loved him so much -- wanted to help him in any way he could.

Looking around did bring him back to reality, the funny reality of Captain America flying coach to get back home while very obviously wounded and tired. He had asked for discretion but a bloodied and dirty Captain America was a little hard to ignore.

He pretended not to see the curious little boy turned around in his seat to stare at him. When he kept looking, Bucky gave him a smile and little wave. The kid happily waved back.

Choosing to then casually bury his face into his phone, he flicked through his photos and paused over a selfie he'd taken with Steve, both of them bruised from a recent battle, but laughing -- Bucky had just told a joke and he was looking at Steve for his approval, Steve mid laugh.

It was one of Bucky's favourite photos of them, always made him smile and his chest ache.

Still two hours to go -- no, a little less -- and he leaned his head against the window to watch the clouds drift by.

One hour and Steve sat doodling on a napkin, absentmindedly, waiting. The anxiety passed and boredom took place; a select few other had shown up to wait for their people. One coolly watched him doodle; either that or they were particularly drawn to the metal hand. Steve self-consciously tucked it into his jacket pocket.

An hour later, Steve was back to pacing. Planes took off and landed, and Steve kept his eyes fixed on the gate. Eventually, Bucky's flight came in and amongst the many civilians walked Captain America, looking like he's gone through hell.

Steve walked up to him, brushing past others to finally, finally reach Bucky.

"Hey," Steve breathed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Bucky smiled tiredly and rested his head against his arm as they started walking through the airport together.

"Hey, Steve," he sighed with a smile. "I'm home."


I was more focused on getting the late one done but here it is! Little shorter than usual, little simpler than usual.

Stucky Halloween: 2020 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora