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Did someone say coffeeshop au?


"Here you go," Bucky said with a fake smile as he passed the extra large triple espresso mocha over to the irritable woman, who accepted it with a curt nod and a snide "thanks".

He glanced at the clock on the monitor. He still had half a shift to go.

He held back a sigh and began brewing another pot. The small coffeeshop seemed to fall to a standstill as none other than Captain America stumbled through the door, helmet askew and still in uniform.

He pretended not to notice everyone staring at him and sorely wished he'd picked a smaller business. Almost shyly, he stepped into line and rocked on his heels, ignoring the snapping of cameras. Tony would have his head when he saw him.

"Hey, how can I help you today?" Bucky tried not to sound as bored as he felt, blinking once as he found himself face to face with a super soldier who could easily snap him in half.

Steve took half a second to register that he was being talked to as a normal person would, taken back, relief surprising him. He pondered his order for another half second before speaking. "Could I just get a large vanilla latte, please?"

Bucky punched in the order wordlessly. "Anything to pair with that today?"

"Uh -- no. Thank you," he said, glancing briefly at his nametag.

"Can I get a name for the order?" The question fell out automatically, and he quickly realised that instead of asking for his secret identity like any common fool, he could've made it out to the only Captain America in the room.

Steve felt a momentary panic and said "Cap", unsure, and Bucky smiled briefly.

"Sounds good, Cap'n, that'll be waiting over here for you."

Steve smiled back nervously and moved to stand and wait. Bucky eyed him for a moment, surprised mainly at his demeanor -- it looked like he wanted to take up as little physical space as he could, as if he hated to be a bother.

Once he'd accepted his coffee with a genuine thank you, Steve rushed out to meet up with the rest of his team.

The coffee shop fell into quiet chatter and Bucky wondered if that was the longest talk that guy had ever had with someone who didn't care that he was a superhero.


Apparently the coffee shop was close to where either Captain America lived or where he was stationed for missions or whatever, because he began showing up more regularly; Bucky's coworkers always gushed about it whenever he came in and they took his order.

Bucky didn't see the appeal. Sure, he was an honest and attractive young man, Bucky could appreciate that, but that's also what he was -- he was just some guy coming in to get his coffee.

The next time Cap came through Bucky's door was at the end of his shift. He looked a little worse for wear, hiding a limp and trying not to make it obvious that he's hurt. There was only one regular there still, a writer buried in her laptop, who paid neither of them any mind.

"Hey," Bucky greeted with a wave and a smile. "Tall vanilla latte?"

"Yes please," Steve said, more breathless than he thought he'd be from the recent fight. He passed some money over and stared absently at the ground, lost in thought.

Bucky studied him carefully. "Any pastry to go with that? Muffins are half price," he allowed, and Steve looked up.

"Oh, um. Sure." He cautiously handed more money over and Bucky got started on his drink. The question of "are you okay" was on the tip of his tongue but he wasn't sure how appropriate that was, if he'd even get an honest answer at all.

Stucky Halloween: 2020 Where stories live. Discover now