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Steve heard the familiar sound of the door being pulled too fast, the hinges flying off as the door was removed with a loud crack.

A sigh, resigned, and a quiet "thanks, Obama."

Steve shook his head. "You okay?"

"Peachy," came Bucky's sarcastic reply. He shuffled into the room, metal and still gripping the doorknob as if his life depends on it. "Think I'm due for a recalibration," he huffed. Steve lay his book down, walked over and tried pulling his hand free to no avail.

"How did you-- "

"All I did was try to open the door," he protested and wrestled his hand free with Steve's help. They stood there a second frowning at his hand.

"I'll get Tony to come by, he's in Dallas right now but he should be back by the end of the week." He studied Bucky a moment. "Can you wait that long?"

Bucky sighed over-dramatically and nodded yes anyway.


As if it were the holy year of 2016, every single time any inconvenience happened Steve heard an exasperated "thanks, Obama", from a simpler time.

Much simpler.

"Steve," Bucky groaned after a particularly loud crash. Steve stepped cautiously into Bucky's room, where the brunet lay underneath his closet door which he'd yanked free. The force had knocked him backwards, pulling the closet door with him. Steve shook his head and got a hold of the door.

"Hold on -- " Steve yanked and the door came loose, save for the handle which remained gripped in Bucky's hand, the plastic splintering. Bucky looked pained at the inconvenience.

"This arm is going to be the death of me," Bucky griped.

"Just -- " Steve grunted as he tore the handle free and helped him move his mechanical fingers. "Take it off for the time being."

Bucky went quiet. "Had it for so long, I... that's... weird," he finally murmured. Steve softened and gave him a gentle look.

"I'll be there to help in whatever way I can, okay?"

Bucky pursed his lips and nodded.


Now the noises came from Bucky completely forgetting his arm was no longer there.

He took a corner too sharp and slammed into the wall. Stunned, he stopped to stare at it, disappointed. Before the words "godd*mn it Obama" could leave his mouth, Steve was at his side, laying a hand on his waist.

"You okay?"

"I can't win."

"Also doesn't help you're incredibly clumsy," Steve noted as he took his hand, led him away from the dangerous wall. Bucky sulked, glaring at it as Steve pulled him away.

"How am I s'posed to do anything, Steve?"

Steve frowned, debating which course of action was better. "I'll be your buffer," he suggested, and thus the plan was pushed into action.


Bucky slammed into Steve again and pushed himself off of his chest, gripping Steve's shoulder with his one hand. "D*mn it," he hissed.

Steve's brain short-circuited and he stared at him, blinked a couple times and sat up. "You hurt?"

"I'm fine." Bucky looked disdainful. "I should probably just put the stupid thing on again."

Steve nodded, confused as to why his stomach is twisting nervously. "Up to you, Buck," he said, and Bucky hauled him to his feet.

"Sorry I crushed you -- "

"No, that's okay. I'm fine," Steve added at Bucky's concerned look.

But was he? He thought perhaps he liked his best friend, and that seemed like the farthest thing from just fine.

Thanks, Obama.


*screaming into the void because ahhha I'm super late*

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