chapter forty-two. house of expulsion

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"You are all expelled from this school."

No, absolutely not! This isn't happening right now, tell me it's not happening. Tell me we haven't just been kicked out of school by a group of adults upset we stopped them from bringing what should be a long-dead man out of a nearly-century-long coma because he'd be evil and, oh, yeah, he's supposed to be dead!

"Expelled?!" KT repeats. "Why?!"

"Yeah, that's not fair!" Patricia adds, and once again, Sweet tells her to be quiet.

"Oh, God," Alfie stresses, "my parents are gonna kill me."

"You're trying to get rid of us?!" Eddie questions, which leads us into questioning this decision simultaneously until Victor calls, in that stupid booming voice of his, for silence.

"You have heard Mr. Sweet's decision," Victor says forcibly. "Now I suggest you go back to the house and start packing."

Eddie looks at Mr. Sweet, betrayed. "This stinks, and you know it."

"Edison," Sweet says, "you will be returning to America as soon as I can book your flight."

"You can't do that, sir," KT says, her voice full of venom. I don't blame her, because I'm at the breaking point myself. I'm just afraid of blowing up because I don't know what'll happen.

"You, too, KT."

"No more insolence," Victor says. I glare at both of them. I can't believe this. "Go back to Anubis House immediately."

"Come on, guys," Eddie says quietly. "They're not listening to us, anyway."

This can't be happening. None of us got a chance to speak to anyone else in the house before we were forced out of the school. That means both of my roommates as well as Joy and Jerome don't know that the six of us were just expelled. I did manage to sneak a quick text to Jerome, telling him I really needed to talk to him later.

"I can't believe Sweet expelled us," KT says, falling onto the couch. I glance up from my phone at her, swallowing.

"I thought you said your dad would pretend like the ceremony never happened," Alfie says, looking over at Eddie, who's been pacing since we got in the house.

"Another great example of how little I really know him," Eddie says.

Patricia speaks up, "We could report them."

"And who's gonna believe us?" Fabian asks. "It's our word against theirs, and our word sounds pretty crazy."

"So... we just give up," I say, letting out a shaky breath. "That's not like us." But it's what's happening. We can't appeal this decision, seeing as how they could easily prove how often we miss class, how often we break curfew, rules.

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