Don't Let Konoha High Shut Down!

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"First off, I would like to tell all you to reason for this school's closure." said Tsunade as she paused for a moment. She handed out a document to all of the teachers.

"As you can see in the document, a company has offered us over 150 billion yen to close the school. They would like to use this land to open up a shopping mall."

"Are you saying the money is more important than the future of the school?" asked Naruto.

"No. Konoha High has been established for over 20 years now. In the course of the years, may more schools have opened up and the competition has been quite high."

"But, didn't we gain a 10% increase of students than last year?" asked Sakura.

"Yes, I understand that. Konoha High is considered one of the top schools for students to enroll in. However, we believe that it is time for other rivals to take our place."

"So, it's for the future of the others huh?" sighed Shikamaru.

"If you look at the condition of the school, it has been old and rusty over the years. Konoha needs a change. The build-up of schools have been massive over the years. I believe this will give oppourtunity for the others if we were to retire."

"But that's isn't fair! Where will we go then? We are obviously gonna lose our jobs dattebayo!" said Naruto.

"Not exactly. I've heard that some of you had been planning to furthur your career into something else?" said Tsunade as she stared at a few of the teachers.

"Naruto, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you early but I'm planning to open a painting shop." said Sai.

"I actually want to open up a bakery in the future..." said Chouji.

"Hah? You bake? That's strange." answered Kiba.

"What about all of you then? You guys are gonna stop being teachers?" asked Naruto.

Quite a number of them hesitantly nodded. It seems that Naruto didn't see this coming, he had always thought he would teach forever but nothing lasts forever.

"I just recieved a letter from the company who is buying us, apparently they want us to close down by the end of this year. Therefore, I will be relocating the rest of our students to Suna High. That is all, I wish you all well for the future." said Tsunade as she left the room.

There was a long silence as the door closed. There were sighs and whispers.

"Naruto, I know you don't like the state of things right now but all of us have our own plans for the future." said Kiba.

"I know. Sorry for being selfish." said Naruto as he stared at the paper.

"Naruto, sometimes it's better to move on." sighed Sasuke as he stood up and left.

"What are all of you planning to do?" asked Naruto.

"I'm going to become a florist." answered Ino.

"I'm planning to become an entomologist." answered Shino.

"T-that's really random Shino..." said Shikamaru.

"I've always dreamt to be a sports trainer!" said Lee with passion.

"I would like to furthur study in calligraphy." said Neji.

"Everyone's got their future planned huh..." sighed Naruto.

"Oi Naruto, your daughter's missing." said Sasuke as he returned to the room.



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