The Konoha High School Festival Begins!

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It was finally the day of the last school festival. It was already a hectic morning as teachers and students help to set up the stalls and decoration before all the guests arrive.

News spread quickly of Konoha High's last festival making a huge anticapation for the guests. There was an estimation that over 5,000 guests would be coming over to enjoy the festival like students from Suna High, Kumo High and many others.

After the teachers finished helping their students, they finally had time to rest. Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Temari went to fetch their kids ( excluding Tenten ) while the rest of them loitered around in case the students needed any help.

"Shikamaru, what time is it now?" asked Naruto as he sat on a bench nearby the sea of food stalls.

"12. It's lunchtime now." answered Shikamaru.

"This smell is killing me. Can't we sit somewhere else?" said Chouji as he started to feel hungry.

"Here, my treat." sighed Shikamaru as he handed a 500yen coin to Chouji.

"Wow, thank you Shikamaru!" said Chouji in delight as he quickly dispersed into the crowd.

"Wait, Chouji didn't bring any money?" asked Sai.

"Well, let's just say he's been trying hard to satisfy his girlfriend these days.." mumbled Shikamaru.

"HUH?! Chouji's got a girl?! And he didn't TELL US?!" shouted Naruto in surprise.

"Quiet you idiot! Look, Chouji wanted to hide it cause he's too shy about relationships." said Shikamaru as he pulled Naruto over to make sure he didn't attract any attention.

"Wait, Shikamaru you knew?"

Shikamaru nodded. Naruto froze at the thought.

"So you finally noticed it, idiot." said Sasuke.

"Wait. Wait. Am I the only one who didn't know about this-ttebayo?" asked Naruto.

Everyone nodded. Naruto's face turned into a frown as he sighed. He then proceeded to cower in a corner and started to mumble things.

"Chouji's a terrible liar anyway. It was way too obvious." smirked Shikamaru.


Soon, as the scorching afternoon approached the children has arrived. It certainly brought attention to the students as they were just "too cute" to handle. They were definately treated like celebrites.

"You think we should make them mascots for the school?" joked Kiba.

"Oh! That's actually not a bad idea!" said Naruto with enthusiasm.

"Wait, you aren't serious are you?" said Shikamaru in worry.

The teachers decided to split their ways in order to spend time with their families during the festival. Lee, Shino, Kiba and Chouji volunteered to stay around the school in case students need help with anything.

"You sure you guys don't want free time?" asked Naruto.

"It's okay. Just leave us bachelors and enjoy time with your family Naruto-kun!" said Lee.


At the second floor of the school:

"Yosh! Boruto, Hima-chan do you want to enter a haunted house that will scare your souls out?" grinned Naruto as he held Himawari in his arms while Boruto held Hinata's hand.

"Bring it on dattebasa! I ain't scared of no ghosts!" yelled Boruto with confidence.

"If a sunflower dies, do they become a ghost too?" asked Himawari out of the blue.

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