It's Gonna Be A Wonderful School Festival!

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It has been two months since the last Sports Day. Time seemed to have passed by so quickly as life at school became normal once again. The routine started again as teachers brush up on their topics with the students as they know that grades are still more important than anything else.

It is now finally lunch break as the teachers head to the staff room.

"Finally, a time to rest! I'm so tired dattebayo!" sighed Naruto as he took a seat at his desk and stared at the wall.

"How many classes do you have later?" asked Shikamaru as he took a sip of coffee.

"3 classes in a row. Who the hell set up the timetable like that?!"

"Boss Tsunade of course. I swear, she's a sadist." said Kiba.

"Anyways, the school festival is coming up soon." said Sakura.

"It's the usual stuff right? Maid-cafes, concerts and all that stuff..." yawned Shikamaru.

"Yeah, but this is gonna be our last school festival-ttebayo! We should make it a grand festival!" said Naruto.

"How troublesome." sighed Shikamaru.

"Can't wait to try the food stalls, especially the yakisoba" said Chouji as he started to feel hungry.

"Well, our job as teachers is to guide students on setting up the festival. It's a lot of work but we do this every year." said Shikamaru.

"By the way, how many clubs are established at Konoha High? I forget-ttebayo.." asked Naruto.

"Here, I remember Tsunade giving this list to everyone at the start of the year. Don't tell me you lost it already..." said Tenten as she handed a paper to Naruto.

It was a list of all the recent clubs for this year. As usual, there were sport clubs, normal clubs and some rather strange clubs like the "Teacher Shipping Club". There were over 50 clubs established by the students at Konoha High

"Woah, theres a lot more clubs that I had expected!" said Naruto in surprise.

"Well, the majority of the clubs are just made up of 4-6 members." shrugged Shikamaru.

"By the way, all teachers are told to stay back this Friday to check up on each club like what stuff are they gonna do and all that" said Tenten.

Everyone groaned after hearing Tenten. They definately gave a totally different response compared to years ago. The teachers were slightly older and were of course, much tired than usual. More work is like a death sentence to them.


By Friday, teachers somehow forced their way to show up and began to ask around. They created a list of all of the events that will be happening in the school festival coming next week. There were mostly food stalls, cafes, several game stations and even a haunted house in the making.

After their work was done, the teachers decided to eat dinner together at Ichiraku, their usual place. However, they were surprised to find Konohamaru, their ex-student working there.

"Eh? Konohamaru?! What are you doing here?!" shouted Naruto in surprise.

"I have a job y'know sensei.." mumbled Konohamaru as he handed out the menus to everyone.

"It's a bit strange to have a student to serve us.." giggled Hinata.

"Haha..well, I actually like working here. Now then, what are your orders sensei?" smiled Konohamaru.

Everyone had their orders written down as Konohamaru went into the kitchen. Naruto felt a feeling of pride as he observed Konohamaru.

"Hinata, I'll probably feel the same when Boruto and Hima-chan grows up like him" whispered Naruto with a smile.

"Well, you will have to wait about 20 years before they become like Konohamaru-kun" giggled Hinata.

"And you will still be looking beautiful in the next 20 years" whispered Naruto as he stared into Hinata's eyes.


"Oi waiter! Please remove this lovey-dovey couple out of my sight. It's making me puke!" shouted Kiba as he felt uncomfortable watching them.


"Oh boy, there they go again." sighed Shikamaru as Naruto and Kiba started fist-fighting each other.

"Geez, they never grow up do they?" sighed Sasuke.

"Boys will stay boys I guess..." giggled Sakura.

"Alright guys! Here are your ramen!" said Konohamaru as he came out of the kitchen and served the many bowls of ramen on his serving plate.

Everyone settled down as they indulge themselves in a delicious ramen dinner. The sound of slurping was all there was among the silence in the ramen store.

"Hey Konohamaru, one beer over here!" said Kiba as he drank his soup.

"Got it sensei!"

"Oi Kiba, if you keep going on like that it's going to endanger your life!" said Shikamaru worrily.

"Who cares, alcohol tastes great after a day at work!" pouted Kiba.

"I think we should really find him a girlfriend soon, otherwise..." whispered Naruto

"Actually I tried to hook him up with some girls but...he just sucks. Really." sighed Shikamaru.

"Oi Sasuke! Help Kiba out!" said Naruto as he turned to Sasuke.

"Why me?" asked Sasuke as he took a sip of water.

"Cause you're popular with girls. No wait, the whole neighbourhood!"

"Very well. I'll see what I can do." sighed Sasuke as he looked at Kiba chugging down a mug of beer down his throat.

"By the way sensei, here." said Konohamaru as he gave an invitation letter to all the teachers.

There was a moment of silence as everyone opened the letter only to be left surprised.

" Invitation to Sarutobi Konohamaru and Hyuuga Hanabi's Wedding "

"CONGRATULATIONS YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" shouted Naruto as he tried to attach himself to Konohamaru.

"SO YOU HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOUTH AT LAST!" cried Lee with tears of pride as he also tried to hug Konohamaru.

"Sensei...please calm yourselves...." said Konohamaru as he tried to remove the stubborn bodies that was clinging on him.

"Hinata, did Hanabi tell you anything?" asked Sakura.

"No....but I did noticed her staring at her hand a lot these days..." said Hinata in a state of surprise.

"Um, Hinata-sensei....Naruto-sensei..." stuttered Konohamaru as he turned towards them, with his face slightly flushed.

"Please treat me well as your brother-in-law...." said Konohamaru slowly as he felt slightly embarassed.

"Of course, Konohamaru-kun." smiled Hinata.

"Yosh! Konohamaru, don't call me sensei anymore alright?! We are family now-ttebayo!" grinned Naruto with joy as he excitedly hugged Konohamaru.

"Naruto-sen..Naruto-san please don't hug me..." said Konohamaru softly as he found it difficult to call Naruto differently.

And so, another happy occasion has fallen in Konoha High. That night, Ichiraku was filled with happiness and the celebration of Konohamaru's upcoming wedding.

"Alright guys, with all this good news I'm pretty sure our school festival is gonna be a great one! Cheers!!" shouted Naruto as he lifted his mug of beer up high.

"CHEERS!!" shouted everyone.


After a festive night, life became normal once again and soon, it was time for Konoha High's school festival to begin.

Four more months before Konoha High closes down.

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