The Final Sports Day

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It was now April, the highlight was sports. To everyone at Konoha High, this would be their last. All of the teachers took part in this seriously and wanted to make the best of the last.

"Alright guys! We definately have to add an event especially for teachers!" said Naruto at the meeting.

"Hey, don't just make one. Make lots of it like five or ten!" grinned Kiba.

"Y'know the highlight of the show belongs to the students, not us" sighed Shikamaru.

"But I think it would be nice to have a student vs teacher kind of event." said Sakura.

"It's our last sports day, we can do whatever we want can't we?" pouted Naruto.

"Fine, we'll just balance out the 30 events with a mixture of both student and teacher participation. Happy?" sighed Shikamaru.

"You sound so tired Shikamaru" said Chouji.

"I had to take my kid out yesterday and I had to take care of his other friends. Didn't had time to do any work." sighed Shikamaru.

"Being a father is tough huh?" said Kiba who was still happy being single.

"Alright, we'll have two race events and a tug of war with the students." said Tenten as she wrote the things on the whiteboard.

"Let's get this meeting over with. I have to fetch Inojin at 3." said Sai.

Everyone was more focused and worried about their children than the importance of the meeting. It was definately tough to balance the job between a parent and a teacher but everyone found their way to do it. The meeting ended quickly as Tenten and Kiba went to discuss the sport events with the student commitee.


Teachers had to stay back at school with the students to help the preparation. This became a huge problem as nearly half of them have kids to take care of.

"Is it possible to extend the daycare hours?" asked Sai worriedly.

"I doubt it. It probably won't happen even if you bribed them." sighed Shikamaru.

"I know! Let's just bring our kids along! They can help too!" said Naruto with a large grin.

"Are you an idiot? They're all five year olds. What can they do?" said Kiba.

"Are you saying you underestimate the power of my son?!" shouted Naruto.

"Idiot, first of all not all kids are like yours Naruto." sighed Shikamaru.

"No, actually I agree with Naruto. This may be a good chance for Inojin to expose himself." said Ino.

"It would actually be fun to see what kind of things your kids could do at that age y'know?" said Sakura with a smile.

"Fine, fine. Only for tonight alright?" sighed Shikamaru as he shrugged.

"YAY DATTEBAYO! Boruto and Hima-chan are gonna have a great time tonight!" shouted Naruto with joy.

"Someone please shut this idiotic father up" sighed Shikamaru.

"Is Shikadai a bit too worrisome for you?" asked Chouji

"No, he acts more adult than any other kids." sighed Shikamaru.


The sun has finally set and both teachers and students were ready to begin their preparations for the sports day tommorow. Sakura, Hinata and Ino went to the daycare to pick up their kids while all the men stayed behind to do hard lavour such as moving large objects and setting up the field.

"Naruto-sensei, when your daughter comes can I take pictures with her?" asked a student.

"I worry that I may find everyone's children so cute that I might just take them home!" teased another.

"O..oi, please don't harass my daughter when she comes dattebayo..." said Naruto.

Suddenly, there was a car outside the entrance gate. The door opened and there were five little kids coming out of the car. An excited blonde that came running towards Naruto with his fists open, a small, tiny girl that was also running towards Naruto.

"Papa! I'll show you my new secret move!" yelled Boruto as he threw his fists to Naruto.

"Tou-chan! I missed coming here!" said Himawari as she hung onto Naruto's leg.

"Boruto! Hima-chan! Had a great time at the daycare?" grinned Naruto as he carried both of them in his arms.

"So father, what kind of troublesome work are you giving me to do?" shrugged Shikadai as he casually walked past Shikamaru and instead, observed the field.

"Here, you can check if all the items are in place." said Shikamaru as he handed a book to Shikadai.

"Hello Papa." said Sarada quietly as she looked up at her father, Sasuke who was a man of few words.

"Sarada, please help those students over there. They seem to be painting something." said Sasuke as he pointed at the group of students.

"Father, is there anything I can do to help?" said Inojin with enthusiasm.

"Yes, you and Boruto can help those students lift the materials." said Sai with a smile.

"Guys, we'll go find a place to park the car!" said Sakura as she drove off with Hinata and Ino.

As soon as the children arrived, they definately caught the attention of all the female students. However, they still continued to work hard to prepare for the sports day. It was soon dinnertime and Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata went over to the convenience store to buy food. Everyone was delighted to see bentos fresh out of the microwave and immediately filled their stomachs.

"Himawari-chan, open your mouth wide!" said a female student as she offered to feed Himawari.

"Wow Shikadai-kun, you're really a smart kid!" praised another as she observed Shikadai tying up some objects.

"Inojin-kun, I think you can be a future artist!" praised another female student as she watched Inojin paint some banners.

"Hey guys, I've got a brilliant idea!" said Naruto with a wide grin.

"Not again." sighed Shikamaru.

"Let's bring our kids to the sports day tommorow! We can have an event just for them!"

"Sounds fun!" grinned Kiba.

"I mean, the students seem to have fallen for our kids" giggled Sakura.

" as you wish.." sighed Shikamaru.


Finally, the preparations for the sports day was complete. Everyone was exhausted and they had to go home to rest up for tommorow. However, the kids were even more energetic than ever.

"Alright guys, let's do our best for tommorow dattebayo!" shouted Naruto with enthusiasm.

"For our last sports day hehe!" said Kiba.

"Can I go home already" sighed Shikamaru.

"Konoha High, let's do this!" grinned Naruto.


At long last, the day has arrived. It was early in the morning and both teachers and students arrived at school very early to do final preparations. The students were pleased to see the teachers bringing their children along and tried to contain themselves from hugging them.

The final Konoha High sports day has begun.


Authors Note: I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry that I will not be able to update as often as I used to >_< been pretty busy with school. I will try to update whenever I have the time. Thank you, I really appreciate all of your views, likes and comments! :)

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