Having Morro As Your Boyfriend

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(From my Tumblr @greenygreenland, which is why this is more of a list than a one-shot)

-when he fell for you, he fell h a r d

-he may look tough and mean, but he's actually a real softie because he's just a teenager

-acts all emo/cool because he wasn't the happiest guy growing up

-you change that because he learns to find joy in life again

-he's awkward at love-related-stuff because all he ever knew was the way of the ninja

-if you met him when he possessed lloyd, then there's no doubt that you held a grudge against him

-that changed when you realised he had corrupted himself over the idea of becoming the 'chosen one'/green ninja

-you begin to forgive him after he redeems himself

-you save him from dying because yeah, you kinda like him and hate to see him go

scratch that--you love him

-he's not the cuddly type at first and is kinds shy at public affection even if it's hand holding

-baby steps baby steps

-your relationship = difficult at first because he's a ghost

-you learn to get used to it

-morro lowkey sad he can't physically hold you/hug or kiss like a human could

-he wishes he could be a regular human again

-kinda insecure about that and fears that you'll leave him for a man who could offer what he couldn't

-you give him a long talk and spend each day showing him how much you love him and why he's so special to you

-"morro, i would never leave you because you stole my heart"

-he'd laugh a little and say with a small smirk, "did i now?"

-you'd grin at him and give him a tight hug

-he's a gentle kisser despite his tough exterior and he'd be the quiet romantic

-so he wouldn't like to bring you to public places or fancy restaurants

-he prefers long walks, star gazing, long talks under the moonlight, movie night on the couch, or anything that's not too loud

-lowkey a great flirt despite thinking he's too awkward/inexperienced

-"are you a star because you make all my dreams come true"

-you'd probably be blushy if you're shy

-if not, i bet you'd tease him back or begin a flirting contest

-would do anything for you even if it meant leaving the land of the living to let you live another day

-if someone bothers you he'd probably threaten them

-if you don't like that kind if stuff he'd just glare at them until they cower away and run for the hills

-watching a scary movie with him is like watching cinema sins because he criticizes the whole movie



-"so fake"

-"that's not even what a ghost looks like!"

-if you get scared he'd wrap his arms tight around you and let you lean into his shoulder

-"it's not real, don't be scared"

-"your boyfriend is a literal ghost you have nothing to fear"

-cuddles after the movie to offer you comfort if scared

-would be the type of guy to put his arm round your shoulders and let you lean into his side

-the ninja disapprove of him at first

-especially kai + lloyd

-nya would just be cautious while zane wouldn't be too happy about it

-cole would thinn you're crazy while wu would give morro a 'talk'

-jay would keep a careful eye on morro

-lloyd would freak at first

"You're dating the guy that possessed and almost killed all of us? Are you nuts?"

-"fear isn't a word where i come from...?"

-"don't give me a starfarer quote. This is serious (y/n). What if he hurts you?"

-"he won't. I just know it."

-you have such strong faith in him that lloyd decides to be like elsa and let it go (but he keeps an eye on morro)

-they later find out how much he loves you when he protects you from some thugs in the street

-"are you okay? Are you hurt (y/n)?"

-"i'm fine. You?"

-he would smirk at you and give you a big, firm kiss on the lips

-"not a stratch"

-the ninja learn to respect and trust him because they see how much you both love each other

-morro spoils you with little gifts here and there or by giving you a breakfast in bed

-he goes to wu for advice on relationships because he's still kinda i n s e c u r e

-"i can't say i know much about that, but i know the best thing to do is to be yourself. It's less complicated. And if (y/n) loves you as much as you do her, then she will not have a reason to leave you."

-takes his advice and applies it to the t

-turns out the old man is right

-you both would do anything for each other, even if it meant walking to the ends of the earth and back

-morro = defintion of i love you to the moon and back

-you guys = perfect power couple/soulmates

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