Chapter 21: Tallion

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Tallion still waited in the tunnel. The thunderous hoofs had become pattering footsteps drawing nearer towards him. He couldn't tell, however, if it was coming from the well where he waited, or above him near its entrance.

He decided to delve deeper into the tunnel, fearing the thought of being caught alone by the Vanguard. He hastened his step, moving as fast as he could through the dark. But it in the dimly lit tunnel, it was far too easy to lose step. Tallion's breath became heavy, sweat dripped from his forehead and fell into his eyes. Fear continued to engulf his mind. Further and further he moved through the tunnel, trying to keep his breath quiet, and his steps soft.

Desperately he searched the darkness for any sign of the Revolution. And eventually, Tallion found that he was not alone, after all. The light of his candle, painted a face in the darkness, then another, and another still. A group of faces, all painted against a black canvas stood before him.

Tallion composed himself and stepped his way towards the Revolution, who were waiting for him, just as Alina said, armed and prepared to fight. He whispered as he moved closer still, "My friends, it is truly a relief to," A loud noise echoed through the tunnel. It was unmistakable, the sound of the well's cover, being pulled back open.

Tallion's relief was quickly interrupted by a return of fear, that trickled down through his spine and sent chills across his skin. His head turned to point his eyes towards what his ears had heard, but the candle light was no match for the thickness of the dark.

Tallion composed himself and remembered Alina's instructions. He was to lead the tunnel ambush. He turned quickly back towards his men, as he whispered, hoping the tunnel would not carry his words to the oncoming Vanguard.

"There is no time for fear, no time for uncertainty. We know the tunnel better than our enemy. Take to the walls and await the sound of a whistle, this will be your que. Take their light. The tree will stand strong today, brothers," Tallion said. His words were accompanied with a swift gust of breath, as Tallion put out his candle. There was nothing but darkness. Tallion made his way towards the wall of the tunnel. The revolution had prepared the walls of the tunnels, carving out sections of the stone wall, voids in which they could hide in.

Tallion reached towards the wall of the tunnel, feeling the cold, rough stone. He continued his hand along it, searching for a void. But his hands, searching the dark, could not find what he was looking for.

The steps of the Vanguard grew louder, and their approach nearer. Tallion continued to desperately search. The other men were still, no sounds surrounded him and he again felt alone, engulfed by the darkness.

Tallion ran his hand along the wall yet again, this time moving his hand with a great pace. His soft flesh met a sharp corner in the stone that cut his skin and drew blood. But he went unphased.

Tallion was more concerned with his survival than a simple wound or a tear of flesh. His breath grew heavier still, and the steps of the Vanguard were now accompanied with voices. They were close, very close.

Tallion's hand, suddenly slipped from the wall, falling into an empty space. He had found it. He gathered himself, and stepped into the void in the wall, now almost entirely covered, hidden by the stone. From the void in which he stood, Tallion saw a sliver of light that wrapped around the bend of the tunnel.

The light began to illuminate the tunnel, and slowly the darkness began to give way. This darkness, however, was unlike any other. The light of the candle could not combat it, not fully. The candles showed the Vanguard their feet, and nothing more. Tallion peered from the wall, and anticipated the bloodshed to come.

Suddenly, they appeared. The formation of the Vanguard filed through the tunnel. The light of their candles bounced off of their armor, and cast shadows amongst the walls that made them appear as giants.

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