Chapter 36: Kline Wullmont

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The smell of roasted meats and sweet wine filled the Banquet Hall. A feast was set, prepared with the finest foods of Ferenor. Kline waited, dressed in yellow linens and wearing a golden crown upon his head. He didn't wear his crown often, but Edward Reed could use the reminder of Kline's rule. Though he would never show it, a nervous stir wallowed in his gut. For Edward and Fey Reed had arrived in Ferenor.

Kline had not met with the Reeds in quite some time. In fact, he seldom interacted with any of The Realm's Lords face to face. He had messengers or ravens carry out his words. But this news was far too important for any bird or boy to deliver.

Kline had a daughter who was ready to marry, Elena. The Reed's had a son of the same age. Kline knew that The Realm was fragile, despite his willingness to admit it. Fear was all that united them, fear of another Esternlund attack. Each day that passed without an invasion, that fear lessened, and the union of The Realm became more fragile. For many, the threat of Esternlund was a trial of the past, a mark of history. Through marriage, houses would truly be joined, and alliances could be made to keep Kline's throne safe.

"Your Grace, it is truly a pleasure to once again be in Ferenor," Edward Reed said. He and Fey both bowed as they entered the Banquet Hall.

"The pleasure is mine. It's been far too long." Kline shook hands with Edward and offered a hug to Fey. He wasn't fond of either of them, and it was their distrust that made the marriage so vital. "You remember my wife, Rebecca," Kline continued.

"Of course, how could I forget a Queen of such beauty." Edward held Rebecca's hand and gently kissed her soft skin. "My Queen."

"Edward, Fey, it is fantastic to see you both. We welcome you to Ferenor," Rebecca said.

Kline had told her not to speak. His wife worried him, she never seemed willing to shut her mouth, and this was hardly the time for saying the wrong things.

"Please, sit. I hope that our accommodations are sufficient for you to rest after your ride North," Kline said.

"They're more than enough, Your Grace," Edward replied. The Royal Servants began to set the table with the evening's first course.

"And the export, I hear it successfully reaches your city's walls," Kline said.

"It does. Luckily, the Eldwood is far more predictable route than the Valendale. Word has spread that much of the export to the East is being ransacked," Edward replied.

"My Lords, a roast beef, seasoned and spiced," One of the servants proudly interrupted. She set a large roast down upon the table. "If the roast is not to your liking, a turkey, with warm carrots and gravy." Another servant placed the cooked bird upon the table and they left the room.

"Please, take some food, eat." Kline preferred not to address the issue with export. Now was certainly not a time to show weakness.

Edward grabbed for a slice of the roast. Fey and Rebecca both began to eat from the turkey, and the anxious mood that Kline had expected, finally set in.

Kline looked to Rebecca and smiled, continuing his charade to hide any weakness, including that of his marriage.

"How is the turkey, Fey? I've always said that the Overland Woods have the best tasting birds in Miriela," Kline added.

Fey smiled and nodded as she ate. "Very good, Your Grace. The turkey is exquisite." Kline wasn't sure how to respond. Sweat began to pool across his forehead, and his mind scrambled to find his next words. But before he had time to respond with another uninterested remark, Edward interjected.

"I must say, we were more than surprised to hear of your summons. To what do we owe for such a wonderful occasion?" Edward asked.

Kline had planned to wait on revealing his intentions, until the wine had a chance to soak in. But Edward's directness had forced the King's hand. Kline set down his cup and ended his facade. His bright and glowing glamor and turned stoic and cold.

"Very well, right to the point then I suppose. My daughter is of age to marry. House Reed has sworn allegiance to Ferenor, and joined The Realm. You have bent the knee, and relinquished your claim as King, to serve under me as a Lord. You have a son the age of my daughter. Now, I ask for you to show your allegiance and bind our houses," Kline said. He waited, as the Royal Servants continued to bustle about the Banquet Hall, preparing the feast. Edward and Fey sat across from Rebecca and Kline at the long and narrow table.

"I do wish that I could oblige, Your Grace. But our son, Briggston, is soon to go South, to live with his aunt at Seagarden Bay. He has wished to sail since he was a young boy. We could only bare his begging so long; he's been asking to go South for years. I did not think to consult you in the matter, as I now see I should have done. Forgive me, Your Grace," Edward said.

"You did what you thought was best for son. I have no quarrels with a man who would do such a thing. But it is not too late. I'll see to it that he travels South as many times as he wishes, after he's married my daughter," Kline said.

"We would be honored to join our houses, and Elena is such a beautiful young girl. Briggs would be lucky to call her his wife. But leaving Briggs in the South may offer a greater benefit to The Realm, Your Grace," Said Fey.

"How so?" Kline continued to reach for the warm bread, which sat in a basket at the center of the table.

"House Blaue of Seagarden holds a great fleet, the strongest in the Southern Suns. If House Reed joins with House Blaue, then so does The Realm. Let our son marry in the South and you will gain yourself something The Realm does not yet have, a proper fleet," Edward remarked.

Kline was a stubborn man; he seldom would admit his faults. But such a lust for power can make a man reconsider his very nature. "Perhaps, but why should I expect a King in the South to bend the knee?" Kline asked.

"The waters of the Southern Sea are rising, and Seagarden is slowly being swallowed. King Blaue needs land for his people. We could either offer him land in Miriela, or help him take another island of the Southern Suns. Either will do, as long we offer him a solution. All desperate men are quick to listen," Fey said.

"He will not bend the knee to a Northern King. And he certainly will not send his men North to fight for one. Miriela is hardly united itself, and now we now wish to venture South? That may be the most foolish suggestion I have ever heard," Said Rebecca.

"Enough, Rebecca," Shouted Kline. "I will not have you speak to our guests in such a tone."

"It's okay, Kline. The Queen is right. The Realm is not as united as we all may have hoped. The East is severed, we have heard of Alina Morione, and her revolution in Oaksgaurd. We may have lost some of the Vanguard, but the West still remains strong. Highland, Kessex, and Ferenor, we are truly The Realm. But it's simply not enough. Perhaps it is foolish to join with a Southern House, but what other choice do we have? As you've said yourself Kline, Esternlund is to return," Edward said.

Kline quickly grasped Rebecca's arm and held back her imminent response.

"Will this Southern King march on the East of Miriela? Will he help reclaim the city of Oaksguard and destroy her revolution?" Kline paused and waited for a response. He was constantly haunted by the land he had lost. All his ears heard were his heart's desires. "I want this King to come to Ferenor, and bend his knee before my throne. A messenger or letter will not do. Your son may marry in the South, if it means I have a fleet at my disposal. They may take land in the Valendale, rebuild the Balen Hall. There's enough land to build a kingdom the size of Ferenor there. It's all theirs. If The Realm is strengthened with a fleet, and he gives me Oaksguard, King Blaue will have land for his people."

"We will send word, Your Grace," Edward said.

"Very well." A jolly smile grew across Kline's face and he began to chuckle.

"Now that the damn discussion is over with, let us enjoy this feast." He lifted a chalice of red wine. "To The Realm, and to House Reed."

Kline wanted to crush Alina Morione and retake the land he had lost. Edward and Fey Reed had given him that opportunity. Regardless of what the High Council may have to say, Kline wanted his fleet, even if it meant risking an alliance with Seagarden. 

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