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It was easy to resolve things with Olivia. She was mostly mad at Gowon and not so much with Jiwoo. In her head Gowon used her so naturally it made Olivia hold something against her. But resolving things with Jungeun or Hyunjin would be much  more difficult. Jungeun's issue was extremely personal and Hyunjin's was too.

Jungeun wasn't planning on talking to Jiwoo and this was clear. Out of all places Jiwoo also didn't wanna bring it up in front of everyone. Even if privacy wasn't an issue Jungeun stuck by Jinsoul like bubblegum. Talking to her would be impossible without Jinsoul or someone else getting in the way.

The Butterflies were somewhere else eating pizza. Things weren't as quiet as the Wolves but everyone could still feel some tension. The only things reliving the tension was Yeojin and Yerim messing around.

"This burger tastes good!" Yeojin laughs and points at it.

Yerim giggles and pats her head. The pair were pretty close now it was almost obvious to the others it was more than just friendship. They were at an awkward stage in this "relationship" but they themselves got over the awkwardness for the time being.

Gowon saw the way Yerim's eyes twinkled when she watched Yeojin simply eating. It made her... jealous in a way. Seeing how easy it is for them compared to her and Olivia.

"Can we go now." The blonde said in an annoyed tone.

"Hm?" Haseul and Vivi both turn their heads and the sudden change of mood.

"Are you ok Wonnie?" Sooyoung asks now looking at Gowon who's standing up.

She nods. "I just want some practice." She checks the time on her phone. "Tournaments start in half an hour anyway."

They all agree that's a valid reason and get going. Upon getting there they see the Wolves a few feet away but don't bother talking. They wait their turn till they can play against some strangers.

"Alright!" Gowon says hyping herself and everyone else up.

Everyone picks their mains like a usual game. The map is introduced they have to get point A and B to win. Easy.

These types of matches were always good for the Butterflies. Haseul and Sooyoung were both tanks and made sure to protect everyone while doing the most damage. Gowon also a tank was more in the middle of the fight she trusted her teammates to help her.

Keeping her alive while maintaining the point was what they did. Which earned them another quick victory.

There wasn't much communication but they played enough times to know where everyone should position themselves. Either way they were playing with some strangers usually teenage boys. The ones who would do anything to play against someone like the Butterflies. Which usually just meant they were inexperienced and easy to beat.

The boys come over to them. "Hey you guys play great!" One of them says.

"Thanks you guys weren't too bad either." Gowon lies... they were horrible.

The boys start laughing and looking at each other. "We were thinking there's six of us and six of you... Maybe after today's tournaments we could go out maybe get something to eat?"

The Butterflies look at each other. They're all gay so this is weird to them. "We'll pass but thanks." Vivi says as politely as possible.

The boys laugh again and it seems to be over but they keep asking for a date making the girls very uncomfortable.
After a while of back and forth another team comes.

"Why don't you guys get going?"

"Whatever." One boy says and leads the others aways

They look over and see another league. The Butterflies didn't recognize them instantly but eventually they realized these were Nightmare

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