Chapter 15

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"I-401 how was the supply run to our southernmost base go?" Mikasa asked the SubCarrier.

"When I surfaced, I noticed a trio of Ironblood ships attacking not only a Base but a small fleet!" She replied.

"And the conditions of the fleet?" Kodai asks causing I-401 to look at him.

"The fleets currently in my Hangar bay." She replied as the hanagar doors opened before a storm of blue cubes went out and formed into ships.

"Sheffield, Javelin, Ayanami, Laffey go and give them Medical Attention." Kodai orders as the four ran towards the SubCarrier as Sheffield takes out a medkit from her uniform.

"Before I can make my report, may ask who's that strange looking Battleship?" I-401 asks in wonder.

"That would be him and certainly not related." Yamato answered as she points at Kodai.

"Why does Yamato meant that you're not related to her?" The SubCarrier asks the male.

"The thing is I'm not only from another world but from another time and that ship you've noticed, is the Yamato." Kodai explains before she left with the satisfaction of her answer being answered.

Ironblood HQ:

Bismark now recovered heads towards the Kommandant's office when she stopped by the door as she heard not only Dessler but from another she recognized as that of a Siren.

"Don't worry Empress, once we've destroyed every single Battleship, we'll head towards the next phase which will be the Aircraft Carriers." Dessler explains.

"Excellent Dessler and with the upgrades you've done to your secretary, we'll be able to control her actions and as far as I'm concerned, she's probably listening to every single word of our conversation."

Hearing this, Bismark gasped as Dessler opened the door after grabbing a trigger. "Why are you trying to spy on your faithful Kommandant, Bismark?" He asked politely.

"Sir, I was wondering if I should start working again but I heard that you're in a meeting and seeing that my request is not of importance, I had to wait till it was over." Bismark explains to Dessler.

"I'm sorry but, we'll be leaving soon and since I feel that you're not good enough to...."

"But I'm known to the Royal Navy as 'The Terror Of The Seas' so how am I going to live up to my name if I'm...." Protested Bismark as Dessler click on the trigger on his back before a flash of light appeared outside!"

Bismark now on the ground from the loss of power weakly looks up and said. "What did you do to me Kommandant?"

"A failsafe incase one of you isn't healthy enough to go out on missions and I care about you girls but sometimes I don't like to do things like now inorder to keep them from the fight in their weakened state." Dessler replied as Bismark noticed him putting something in his jacket before blacking out.

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