Part 3

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After I proved to them my pvp skills we switched back over to the smp and and they provided me with some basic materials and weapons. I declared loyalty to the Dream smp and they recruited me to their "army".

Dream gave me some armor and an some diamonds and netherite for me to prepare for the upcoming battle.

"Woah!" I exclaimed when he dropped the goods. "It's been like 20 minutes and you're already my Minecraft sugar daddy!"

Dream started laughing loudly, occasionally weezing as Sapnap and George both showed their disgust to my sentence.

"He's just simping." George laughed.

"George that's literally what sugar daddies do."
I shook my head even though they couldn't see me.

Dream continued to laugh and Sapnap ran over to me and threw down some more diamonds.

"Aw! Sappy nappy!" I coed.

"Not you too" George groaned.
Dream ran over to sap and punched him.

"Well... while you two fight over who can be my sugar daddy, I'm going to go enchant these." I laughed and ran off.
I realized I had no idea where I was going and walked back over to Dream.

"Can you... can you show me where the enchantment room is again." I asked in a small voice.

"I'll show you!" Sapnap yelled, and ran off. I watched him hop away without turning back and laughed. I waited for Dream to lead the way.

"Right this way." He chuckled.

I spent about 25 minutes killing the spiders and enchanting my new armor and weapons. Dream went over some game plans on how to win the war and we would occasionally suggest ideas and debate ones that didn't seem so smart.

George and Sapnap were arguing over each other's plans when I had a great idea.

"Oo! Oo!" I hollered.

"What?" They all asked.

I quickly checked who was on the sever again and it was still just us.
"What if, I changed my skin to dream's, made a Minecraft account with the closet name to Dream?" I suggested. "They don't know I'm even in the smp right?"
They all confirmed.
"So what if In the middle of the battle, I join and there are two Dreams. They would never see it coming and it would throw them off. We may even be able to get the discs."
It was silent as they thought about it.

"Or not..." my ego was deflated at their lack of response. "Forget I mentioned it"

"No, no." Dream finally responded. "It's actually a pretty good idea."

I grinned proudly as George and Sapnap also agreed.

"I could even join early and hide for a while, to really surprise them."

"You should do it!" Sapnap cheered.

"I'll send you my skin."

"This is fun!" I said excitedly.

Dream sent me his skin on discord and I logged off of Minecraft to create a new account. It was hard finding username that resembles Dream. Curse that man for using such a simple name.
I ended up just putting my Minecraft name as Dreann because at first glance it can look close enough for them to not notice.
I joined back into the smp and showed off my new look.

"This is going to be epic!" George yelled.

"L'manberg is going DOWN!"


~Idiot~ by kato_libra (dreamwastaken fic<3)Where stories live. Discover now