Part 10

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"Aw yes! I love the smell of stale air and cigarettes" I sniffed the air and sighed pleasantly.

We were leaning on the hood of Clay's car that was in an empty parking lot of an old strip mall that no one goes to. It was 10 pm and after our drive around Orlando we got a half a dozen donuts from Krispy creme and we were sitting there just relaxing.

"You know, this parking lot reminds me of high school." I looked up at the stars. You couldn't really see them but I still watched them anyway.

"How so?" He asked taking a bite from a donut.

"Well you see," I began my story "I used to live in the country bumpkin butt fuck of Florida, also known as northern Florida, and every once in a while, my friend and I would sit on the roof of her car in a parking lot just like this one and we'd eat McDonald's and make fun of all the racist men with beer belly's and bald heads and confederate flag tattoos that would walk out of the bar in the strip mall." I recalled. "We actually had to get in the car and step on the gas once because one guy heard us laughing and started yelling at us. I flicked him off obviously but I'll tell you what; my friend and I were super fuckin scared."

I looked over to clay who was simply smiling at me.

"Have you lived in Orlando your whole life?" I asked.

"I have"

"That's cool... I left that hick town the first opportunity I got." My smiled faded as I started to think about it. It wasn't just the town that made me leave.

"What's wrong?" He must've noticed my change in expression. I turned to him and gave a forced smile.

"Everyone's got a past they'd rather forget. But that's a story for another night." I placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it. "Let's go back to your place and watch a movie."


"What genre should we watch? Oo! We should watch a horror movie!" I said excitedly.

"No no no no" he grabbed the remote away from me.

"Why not?" I whined.

"I don't like horror movies." He replied quietly.

"Aww! Does wittle dweamy poo get scared?"
He rolled his eyes in response yet he couldn't hide the corners of his lips curling up.
"It's okay. I promise you're safe with me." I leaned on his shoulder and grinned up at him with bright eyes. His smiled grew wider but he shook his head.

"We can watch horror movies some other night." He said and I leaned up with a pout.



We decided on watching The Perks of being a Wallflower for the night. I absolutely love that movie and he said he's never seen it.

"I'm bout to get real emotional FYI" I warned him, as the beginning credits played.

And I did.

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~Idiot~ by kato_libra (dreamwastaken fic<3)Where stories live. Discover now