Part 16

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"That was so corny." He laughed, still holding me in his arms.

"I know you did not just-" I shot back at him and struggled to free myself from his embrace to be dramatic. He only tightened his grip and chuckled. "Can't have shit with you" I tried to hide my grin.
Pulling me closer, he buried his face into my neck swaying us a bit. I hummed, pleased with the position, and rubbed his back with my hand in a circle.

"We still have a few hours before I have to leave. What do you want to do?"

"Stay longer" he muttered.

"I wish I could" I sighed.

"Cancel your appointment."

"I can't. I haven't been to the dentist in forever. The next opening they have is in a like 7 weeks." I explained.

"Pleeaassee" he pulled back a bit to start kissing the side of my face multiple times. I felt my cheeks flush pink.

"That's not fair..." I chuckled. He knows exactly what he's doing. That slick son of a bitch. It won't work on me, though.

"Just a few more nights" he inches closer to my lips and then placed a peck on them.

"You drive a hard bargain, but I can't miss that appointment." I snaked a hand from around his waist, pulling it up to cup his face. He leaned into my touch, closing his eyes. God damn this man is beautiful. I hate it. It makes me wanna stay.

"I tried my best" he mumbled. "What time do you have to leave?"

"Umm... I'd say around 6. Hopefully rush hour is cooled down by then."

He looked over me and at the clock on the wall.
It read 1 pm. He gave me a mopey look and I couldn't help but pout, too.

"I wanna show you one last thing..." He said finally pulling away, but still holding on to my arm, pulling me behind him.

"Woah- okay were are we going?" I tried keeping up. He walked us back over to his front door and grabbed his car keys again.

"You'll see. It's a cool place only the natives know about."

I didn't ask further questions, instead, I just followed him as we walked out of his home and into his car.
The drive was 45 minutes long, and as per usual I had the aux. I played a lot of songs he hadn't heard of but I knew he would like them after I saw his playlists the other day.

I really took the time to think about us, and how our relationship is going to change when I go back home.
A three-hour drive is not very convenient for a serious relationship. Especially when both of us seem to be touch clingy, judging by the way he is holding my hand as he drives, rubbing circles into the back of it with his thumb, and how I am eating every bit of the affection up.
We are lucky that it's only three hours separating us. We can take turns visiting each other, but it's not like we can spend every weekend together. We both have schedules and being a content creator is difficult when you're away from home all the time.
I haven't even streamed since before I got to Orlando, and I usually streamed regularly. Most of my following is on twitch, and keeping up with the flow of it is difficult.
Of course, my mind goes to the most negative places.

I zoned back into reality, seeing that he was driving us down a gravel road and into a wide area for parking that only at 2 other cars. It was surrounded by large trees and the landscaping was already starting to look gorgeous. I was still confused as to where we were, but I didn't ask questions as he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. I hopped out and looked around as he walked over to me and smiled, interlocking our fingers and pulling me along, behind him to a gravel path. There was a large white building at the end of it with columns surrounding the entrance and beautiful accents in the plaster.
I looked up at him once, a content grin across his lips. He walked us up the marble steps and past the door that was already wide open, revealing a wide-open area with marble floors and tall walls. The ceiling was made of glass and was lined with all sorts of vines and ivy. It looked like a greenhouse but also like a museum at the same time. There were plaster statues on pedestals and beautiful paintings on the walls.
I was in absolute awe as I absorbed the elegant atmosphere. My jaw slightly agape and my eyes dancing around the room, noticing every small detail, from the different types of vines to the small imperfections in the old artwork that made it even more classy.
On the other side of the room was another door, leading outside. He let me silently gawk at the beauty for a bit, before chuckling and pulling us towards the other door. It was like I was in a trance.

~Idiot~ by kato_libra (dreamwastaken fic<3)Where stories live. Discover now