Part 18

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Sometime later

Content is the best word that I could use to describe how I feel about where we are right now. The distance wasn't so horrible after all. We had plans to visit each other twice a month, taking turns driving the three hours to get to the other's house.
And for the past few days, Dream had been streaming his speedrunning, and I would join the team speak to just have casual conversation and root him on. George and Sapnap would also occasionally join, along with Karl who I became good friends with very quickly. It was always a good time with all of us together and the time I had alone with Clay was never dull. Chat had started to speculate that we were dating but we talked about it and decided to never confirm anything just to keep our privacy. It didn't stop them from shipping us or asking about it, but I personally didn't mind and I don't think he does either.
Our relationship was going smoothly and although we did miss each other all of the time, it only made the time we spent together more special and that's what matters. The last time he visited me, we took a trip further down the southwestern coast of Florida and went snorkeling. We stayed at an Air B&B on the beach and just spent the weekend enjoying the beautiful weather and warm waters. It was basically fall already but in the ocean was still a decent temperature from the summer.

There was never a moment where I had doubts about my feelings anymore, and we just relaxed in the bliss of each other's company whether it was on call or in person. I've never been happier.
And although it wasn't perfect all of the time, we remained strong and supportive of each other.

This was one of those times.

Accusations that he was cheating on his speed runs were starting to get to him. Everything was starting to get to him. He canceled any future speed run streams just to shush the people who were trying to claim he didn't deserve his success. Of course, nothing would ever satisfy those people and they still dug and dug to find anything to get him canceled.

I notice the subtle changes.

He started becoming less and less enthusiastic about speedrunning, I could hear the defeat in his voice when he talked about it briefly with me, and now he rarely streams. It breaks my heart. His fan base has grown so much and I can tell just how thankful he is to have those people in his corner, but as his fame grows, the number of people trying to take that away from him will also grow.

Scrolling through Twitter, I came across more and more tweets tagging him that were very harsh and that completely undermined his hard work. Later that day he posted a Tweet with an attached link that addressed all of the times people have tried to cancel him.

What kind of girlfriend would I be if I just sat and watched?

Throwing together a few things into a suitcase I was ready. I grabbed my car keys on my way out the door and locked it behind me.

Third-person POV

Clay simply listened to music as he sat on his bed, staring into space. He held a melancholy expression thinking about everything. He looked over to the clock and read the time- 6:47 pm. He hadn't eaten all day, just not in the mood for it.
As he finally stood up from the bed, he casted a glance to his computer, feeling dread as he did so.
Maybe later... He thought.

He heard his phone ding, signaling a text. Frankly, he didn't have the energy to pick it up and read it. He would answer it later.
A few seconds more and it dinged again. He ignored it.
A third ding made him groan out loud as he finally picked it up and read the contact.
Oh, it's Cara, probably shoved answered the first time.

~Idiot~ by kato_libra (dreamwastaken fic<3)Where stories live. Discover now