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Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine  "Run fast for your mother , run fast for your father"

Gemini Narcissa Malfoy was the oldest daughter to Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. She was a pretty girl , standing at 5'0 with piercing blue eyes and the undeniable white hair that resembled that of her father's. Ever since she was a little girl her father instilled the idea that purebloods are better than everyone, she knew from the age of 9 that her father had arranged a marriage with a boy from the Avery family. The Avery family are a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight families , who were strictly pureblood. Although she did not want an arranged marriage , so when her acceptance letter to H0gwarts arrived her father made her a deal ; if she found someone of her liking , that is of course pureblood , her father would let the Avery family know that their daughter was no longer available. As she boarded the train at King's Cross her mother bid her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and the reminder from her father of their deal, although he expected it wouldn't happen so soon, she was still a young girl at the ripe age of 11.  On the train she found an empty compartment to sit in , she was lost in her thoughts about Hogwarts that she didn't notice that three people had sat down. One boy tapped her on the shoulder "My name's Brian Avery, these are my friends Lee Johnson, and Angelina Johnson , what's yours?" . "Gemini Malfoy , but I like to go by Gem". They continued to chat until they arrived on the platform , from there they were led to some small boats that took them to the entrance of the school , Gem was amazed , yes she lived in a manor almost as big as the school but her house was dark and cold , the school was lit with lights and seemed so welcoming. As soon as they arrived they were met with Professor McGonagall , she stood tall and spoke loudly, she informed everyone that while they studied at Hogwarts they would be sorted into houses ,  Gem already knew this information seeing as her father told her many times that she would certainly be sorted into Slytherin. The doors to the Great Hall opened and there were four long tables with the older students sitting in them , staring at the little kids that walk before them and to the very front , at the front stood Dumbledore, after he made his welcoming speech the sorting began , as the kids' names were called she grew more nervous , what if she was sorted into a different house would her father punish her severely ,  like he did when she had gone to the muggle market with her mother and she had met a nice girl around her age and when she asked her father to go to a muggle park to see her new friend she was yelled at and the house elf had to bring food to her in her room which she was not allowed to leave until like her father said "she learned why we do not associate with muggles". She was so lost in her memory that she didn't realized her name was being called until the kids pushed her to the front , as the hat was placed on her head her heart was racing and her hands shaking , it seemed like forever until she heard the words "Slytherin" , it felt like she could finally breathe , she proudly walked to the table who cheered for her , although she swore she could hear the other tables boo . As the rest of the students were sorted she felt sad , none of the people she met on the train were in her house, as everyone calmed down and enjoyed the feast she looked around first at her table and then at the other ones , she was in amazement of how everyone seemed to be getting along , everyone except her she was alone , but she was used to it her father never allowed her to have friends instead for 5 days of the week she would have different witches and wizards at her house training and teaching her since she was 5 . As the feast came to an end they were escorted to their rooms by the prefects , once the prefects spoke about the common room they were able to go to the rooms , when she entered there were already two girls in there , "hello my name is Gem" she spoke , the girls smiled " my name is Jenna and this is Emma , we are sisters". The girls seemed nice enough for Gem to befriend, she felt more comfortable so she asked them about their family and their home life , while she tried to avoid the same questions she asked. Gem did not want to speak about her parents and what she did at home , not that she had much to say about it anyways . Her father had always been this cruel and cold man , he had no respect for anyone who wasn't what he considered worthy , even family would get shunned if he ever found out they were messing around with muggles or muggle born witches and wizards , her mother on the other hand wasn't as outspoken about the matter , she was a kind woman who lived in fear of her husband , she had to play by his rules for the sake of her children , she did what she had to do , even if it meant acting cold towards her own children. Although it seemed to Gem that when her brother Draco was born her mother was different , she tried to protect him from their father , Draco's punishments didn't seem as bad as Gem's , he didn't have to be trained and taught as much as she was , that made Gem's resentment of her parents even bigger , she sometimes wished her family was more caring and kinder , she wished that they didn't care about blood status because she had wished she could have gone to a muggle school  when she was young , she knew about muggle school because her house elf , Dobby , has snuck in a few muggle books for her and she found them quite interesting. She continued to think about her home life long after the two sisters had gone to sleep , while she lay awake nervous for the first day of school. Before she knew it and with about 3 hours of sleep she was in the Great Hall again but this time for breakfast , she sat with Jenna and Emma while they discussed their school schedule "Potions : Professor Snape" . As she entered the classroom she noticed the professor was an odd man he wore all black , had black hair to his shoulders , and he spoke in a low somber voice . Throughout the class she paid close attention answering all of Snape's questions , having previously learned them from the witches his father hired. At the end of class Professor Snape requested a two parchment long essay on the three potions demonstrated in class , as soon as the words left his mouth Gem heard two voices groan and complain , she turned her head to see who was complaining and she saw two boys with flaming red hair , they looked similar they had to be twins . As she walked out of class she bumped into someone, she looked up to apologize when she realized it was the boy she had met on the train but she was blanking on his name "Brian Avery, if you don't remember" he laughed , she felt a bit embarrassed for forgetting his name but she was grateful that he was friendly , they started walking in silence , "you're Gemini Malfoy right" , "you can call me Gem , but yes I am" , "I see that you got sorted into Slytherin, I was hoping you would be in Gryffindor with me" he laughed awkwardly, " well all of my family has been in Slytherin so I kinda expected it" "it surprised me actually" , "really? Why if I may ask?" , "well you see my brother told me that most of the people who are sorted into Slytherin turn out evil some way or another and you just seemed so kind when we spoke on the train" . Gem was in shock she had never heard that before , it couldn't be true because as far as she knew her father may be cruel but he wasn't evil , as far as she knew she father had never hurt anyone. Gem didn't know what to say so she laughed awkwardly and waved to Brian gesturing that she had to go to class. At the end of the day she sat in the common room alone , she decided she would send a letter to her parents.      

Dear Father and  Mother

The first day of school went well , I was sorted into Slytherin. As of now I made two friends named Jenna and Emma . In my first class I was able to answer all the questions that Professor Snape asked. I hope everything is going well and I hope to get a response back if not from you mother and father than at least from Draco.

-Gemini N. Malfoy.

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