Fred and George

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Everybody Talks - Neon Trees "it started with a whisper"

Gem took a rag and began cleaning the cauldrons and dumped the left over potions away , "you're Gemini right , a Malfoy" , "uhhh- yes i am , and you are Fred and George" , "right we are , the infamous Fred and George" , Gem just laughed and went back to cleaning. After the first hour passed they were completely done and had no idea what to do , so they sat in silence for a couple minutes until one of them spoke up "so Gemini are you interested in Quidditch" , "in all honesty not really , I've never been to a match" , "well too bad because George and I are on the team and we are probably the best players" Gem scoffed at their cockiness "if you don't believe us why don't you come and watch us play" , Gem thought it over she did have to study for the upcoming exams but then again she had been study for the past two weeks straight and she pretty much had read every subject book in the library, even reading those that weren't for first years , "yeah I guess I can attend at least one match , when is the next one?" , "actually in two days" , "okay I will be there then I h-" as she was about to continue her sentence Snape appeared out of his office , "you may now go". The three of them filed out of the class and headed to dinner. As they reached the hall Gem once again had to part with them , it seems as she was always parting with the people she interacted with , she did have Jenna and Emma but it was different those two were always with one another and they were also able to easily make other friends in Slytherin , Gem on the other hand was having a very hard time , she felt as if she could not relate to any of the other kids and she felt as if they were purposely ignoring and avoiding her. Her whole life she only had one constant friend , her brother Draco , yes he was a bit of a brat but he was the only friend that Gem has known , although Gem did feel some envy towards her brother , her mother always tried to shield Draco from their father and try to keep the punishments to a minimum, she always thought that was the reason he was a bit of a twat , he seemed so entitled and really believed their father's beliefs. Gem never really cared about blood status she always thought that anyone could be great despite their blood status , but her father persisted that they only associate with pure bloods . The longer Gem stayed at Hogwarts the less she cared about any kind of status , why would she anyway no matter how rich or poor or the type of blood they had they were all studying at the same school with the same professors , playing on the same teams and evening eating at the same tables. She wondered what her father would think surely he would be angry as he could have kept Gem at home and studying with the hired wizards and witches but she had begged and begged to be able to leave home , although she didn't know it her mother also begged her husband to let Gem go and allow her to be with other kids her age , even though Narcissa never spoke about it she truly wanted her daughter to leave home and not have to endure anymore of her husband's punishments. Narcissa was always quiet compared to Lucius and she always watched as he mistreated her kids but she hit her breaking point three years ago when she witness Lucius order someone in the kitchen staff to not bring Gem any food for two weeks because she spoke of muggles , Narcissa could not idly stand by and watch her own daughter be starved , so she ordered Dobby to make sure that Gem was fed and not to be caught by absolutely anyone , after that incident she decided to reach out to her sister Andromeda Tonks , although she did not know what she hoped would come from that, luckily enough her newfound rekindled relationship helped when her daughter went away and she had to write to her . When Gem wrote home and Lucius saw the letter he became angry for no reason yelling at Narcissa , something along the lines of why did she write to them when she wanted to leave in the first place , now that months had passed with Gem being gone Narcissa only had Draco but before she knew it he would be heading away except not to Hogwarts but instead to the Durmstrang Institute which was Lucius's decision , he wanted Draco to go there instead because they only allowed pure blood students in , this is something Gem had yet to find out. At Hogwarts Gem was getting ready to head to the match , it was cold almost snowing but not yet , Gem only considered it winter when the snow would stick to the ground , she started to head out to the stands finding Jenna and Emma along the way , just as they sat in their seats the match began , she saw as first the Ravenclaw team flew out then finally the Gryffindors , she easily spotted Fred and George because of their hair , Gem like to think to herself that their flaming red hair was the reason behind all their antics , as the match went on Gem found herself cheering when Gryffindor would score a point , finally someone had caught the golden snitch she did not know who it was but she stood up and cheered. As everyone cleared out Gem walked with Jenna and Emma all three of them buzzed with the excitement of the match , as they were walking down the corridor back to their rooms they heard loud chanting and cheering it was the other first years of Gryffindor cheering for Fred and George , Gem stopped and stood behind the crowd waiting for them stop and disperse when it finally happened she waved at the two brothers and only Fred walked towards her while George stayed behind to talk to one of the girls in second year. "Did we live up to the expectations now Malfoy" , "please call me Gem , and yes I guess you did I have to say I have never been one for sports but you guys are bloody amazing" , "I always live up to it Gem" Gem simply laughed not knowing what to say , she thought Fred was quite charming but only for the time being she had no time to think about charming boys , "well Gem it seems I have to head off now and help my dazed brother but I hope to bump into you sometime soon" , Gem waved as she saw Fred pull George by the arm and lead them to their common room. Gem walked the rest of her way to her room , she then began picking the clothes from her closet and began packing even though she had a week left till she went home for Christmas she liked to be extra prepared , once she was happy with the amount of work she had done she decided that she would not head for dinner tonight and roam the school while it was empty. She walked down the corridors quietly and slowly , even if it had been months since she arrived and she walked these halls everyday she was still in amazement , she was lost in her own thoughts that she didn't snap out of it until she was on the ground , she looked up and realized that she had bumped into Dumbledore , "I am so sorry headmaster I was lost in my thoughts" , "no need to worry Ms. Malfoy , you're the one on the ground not myself" , he spoke with a soft but set voice , he spoke with authority even if he didn't mean to , "now do you mind if I continue this walk with you , the feast was quiet large and I am stuffed" , "of course not headmaster I would love for you to join" , as they resumed her walk Gem mostly followed while Dumbledore led , he led them right to his office. When they went into his office Dumbledore sat at his desk and instructed Gem to sit opposite of him and then he spoke "you know Ms. Malfoy I wasn't quite sure if you were going to make it to our wonderful school , there were rumors that your father had hired the best wizard and witches he could find , but I am quite thrilled that you made it , you seem to be getting top marks in all of your classes and seem to be taking advantage of our library" , "yes Professor I am quite happy that I am able to attend this wonderful school , I love all the classes , not only that but all the students had taught me something I didn't know" , "now what could your peers teach you that you didn't already know Gemini" , "well they taught me that we are actually all equal , blood and wealth status doesn't matter" , "ah Gemini you look so much like you father yet you are nothing like him , I can see why professor Snape has taking a liking to you , I remember when your father was roaming these halls , he was loud and outspoken , I do hope you are not offended by the way I speak of your father" , "not at all professor , I did live with him and I know exactly the kind of person he is" , "ah I see , well you do know you are always welcomed to stay here during the holidays ,we understand that not everyone wants to go home during these times" , "thank you but I need to go home to see my brother" , "as you please Gemini you may now go , I enjoyed our little walk and chat , but please do not mention what I spoke about Snape he is very private and only let it slip that you were doing great in his class and he believes you will do great things , oh dear there I go again , head out dear before I say something worse that shouldn't be said , goodnight". Gem walked backed to her room when she ran into George "this is quite embarrassing for me but George right...?" , "yeah aha don't worry about it even our own mum gets us mixed up" , "well that makes me feel much better aha , what are you doing out walking the halls this late" , "I could ask you the same thing , but I'm actually going to see this girl from Ravenclaw don't tell my brother or I'll be in trouble" , "now why would I tell Fred about this and why would he get you in trouble" , "actually not Fred but my other brother Percy , I'm assuming you haven't met him but he's a prefect , speaking of Fred it does seem as if he has taken a certain interest in you Malfoy" , "Gem please call me Gem I do not like to be addresses by Malfoy , but I don't think so your brother is just friendly" , "well Gem if you say so , now if you will excuse me I can't keep my date waiting too long now can I". As George walked away Gem thought of what he said , Fred simply couldn't be interested in her she was a simple plain girl with no outstanding qualities and she was sure she did not make good company , plus even if by mere chance that he was she simply had no time to be entertaining any kind of feelings that might develop , if she wanted to make her father proud she had to focus on school. The rest of the week passes by in a flash and soon Gem would be heading home , at the final breakfast before break she sat with Jenna and Emma , she was actually giddy she loved the winter at home , having all the fireplaces on made the manor feel warm for a change and she loved the snow. As she boarded the train she sat with her friends and Brian Avery who seemed to think it was okay for him to join them in their compartment, the train ride was long and Gem needed to stretch he legs so she decided to go look for some sweets , once she arrived at the sweets cart she noticed Fred was already there , "ah if it isn't the great Ms. Malfoy" , Gem rolled her eyes "please either call me Gemini or Gem" , Fred laughed and waited for her to get her sweets so he could pay for them "don't worry about it Ms. Gem I got it covered" , "well thank you very much" she waved at him and began to walk back to her compartment. She was drifting to sleep when the train came to a stop ,she stepped off the platform looking for the white hair she always spotted first but she could not find it , she began to worry that they had forgotten about her when she saw Dobby , "Dobby here for you , Dobby happy you're back, let's go home" , Gem was saddened at the fact that her father and mother did not pick her up as she saw all the kids around hugging their parents. Dobby held out his hand to her and she grabbed it , before she could blink she was home but like always it didn't feel like home.

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