The Averys

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Animal - Sir Chloe "I tried to love , but you're not my type"

Gem made her way to the dining room walking down all the long halls , when she entered the dining room she noticed her mother and father were sitting down but they did not even turn to look at her , she cleared her throat and her mother looked up at her , she smiled shortly at her and went back to whatever she was doing. Gem didn't know what she expected obviously her parents weren't affectionate but the least they could do was acknowledge her presence , she swiftly left the room and made her way to her brother's room , as soon as she walked in he ran up to her and hugged her , even though he was a brat Draco loved his sister , she was the only one who was truly kind to him , she tried to play with him and if he was caught by their father Gem would take the blame so that he wouldn't get in trouble , ever since she left he had been lonely and trying to follow his father around to the meetings he would host. "You know today is an important day sissy" , "why is that now Draco" , " father is hosting a party with some of the most important people" , Gem couldn't helped but be annoyed she had just come back home and was excited to get a bit of peace and quiet and just be alone in her room and now she had to entertain company , "you know mother and I went to the shops and if you look in you room she had bought you a dress just for this occasion" , Gem stepped out of Draco's room and made her way down to her own room Draco following close behind her as she walked into the room she saw a beautiful black dress placed perfectly on her bed , "ya know sissy even though this dress is nice nothing can take away how ugly you are" Gem smacked Draco on the head and he ran out of her room laughing , just then Narcissa walked and she shut the door locking it , even triple checking that it was locked , she spoke in an extremely hushed voice "my dear daughter did you happen to receive any letters while at school" Gem didn't know what to say , should she tell the truth , what if it truly was a ploy to get her in trouble , after a few moments of silence she solemnly nodded her head , "very good dear I wasn't sure if the message would reach you , is everything okay you seem sickly" , "not at all mother thank you for the dress" , "yes of course now please get ready dear we have guest coming over in about an hour and you know how your father gets when everything isn't perfect and we wouldn't want you getting in trouble" , soon Gem was slipping on the dress although she did not like fancy extravagant clothing it didn't matter cause after she greeted all the guest she would be heading up to her room. "Gemini" her father's voiced boomed into her room and she ran down the hall to the stairs , her father was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her already visibly irritated he was tapping his foot loudly against the black stained wood floors , "about bloody time Gemini , the guest will arrive in a mere couple of seconds you need to be on your best behavior" , "aren't I always father" before Gem could say anything else the doorbell rang throughout the whole manor and her father was practically running towards the door , when he opened it she saw someone she did not expect to see in her house , it was Brian from school , her father beckoned her over and she shook hands with a rather tall fellow and a the beautiful woman that stood besides him . "Gemini , these are the Averys , you remember I told you about them" , Gem couldn't believe after months of going to school with Brian she never put together who he was , he was the guy she was set to marry when she became of age the guy who spoke ill of muggles and she disregards him , here he was in her house. Gem politely smiled at him and as their father walked towards Lucius' office and their mother towards what Gem would only presume was the only thing her mother had accomplished before she met Lucius when she was a young girl with a bright spirit , her art room , Narcissa had traveled the world collecting paintings and artifacts , Brian came over to her "hello Gemini I glad to see you" she didn't know what to say or do "hi Brian I'm surprised to see you here" as the continued the conversation Gem lead him to the back of her house to a huge class door that lead to the outside , even though it was snowing they both sat on a bench , they talked about simple things like school and how they were happy to be home and what they were hoping to get on Christmas , after 45 minutes they were being called inside by their parents , they walked to the dining and sat opposite of each other , while their families made small talk Gem picked at the food not really feeling hungry "so Gem Brian tells me you are getting perfect marks in all of you classes" , "yes sir I am trying my best so I can work-" , "Gem will be working at the ministry as soon as she finishes school" Lucius finished the sentence for her and Gem looked at him with a confused expression but she couldn't say anything about it now , the night went on with pointless conversation between Brian and Gem until it was time for him and his family to leave. Gem was getting ready to head upstairs till Draco came up to her informing her that her father wanted to see her in his office , Gem made her way to her father's office. When she walked him he was sitting behind his desk and she sat across the room from him , "Gemini come closer" , "of course father" , "I hope you had a good time with Brian , he seems like a very nice with good ideals and it seems as if he also wants to follow in his father's footsteps and work at the ministry" , "but father I do not want work at the ministry I want to be a healer" , "that is total nonsense , you are of the Malfoy family you must maintain the family name , no one in our family has ever done anything like that , that is simple work for witches" , Gem knew she shouldn't argue because it would only lead to a big fight and possibly her not being able to return to school so with her head down she nodded , "that's not what I called you for anyway I just wanted to know how school was going" in a surprised tone Gem responded "it is going very well top marks in all of my classes , I'm so excited for Draco to join in two years he will absolutely love the school" , "Draco will not be attending such a school dear he will be sent to Durmstrang one of the finer institutions" , "but why that school when he can go to Hogwarts , it is a wonderful school with wonderful professors" , "now Gemini do not raise your voice at me , it is not your decision to make it is mine and it is final" , Gem didn't know what to think so she stormed off to her room , she would never be able to see her brother seeing as the school was too far from him to be traveling back and fourth for holidays. She laid in bed mauling over her thoughts when her mother walked in wearing a night gown , "Gem come with me quickly" , Gem stood up and walked out of her room following her mother , her mother lead the to her own art room , "what are we doing in here mother" , "my dearest Gem I feel for you in ways you could never know" Gem was confused but she continued to listen , "when I was a young girl I had plans for myself I wanted to do many things with my life which included continuing to travel the world and collect paintings , but then I met your father and he was a great man until he wasn't , once he loved how I was so free but then it all changed and I had to leave everything I loved to be with him and I do love him but it's hard sometimes. I'm getting carried away but I know you do not want an arranged married so I wanted to tell you that you need to find someone who you truly love and when you are of legal age leave and be with them , I will always support you , even though you think I am not the best mother I hope that when you get older that you understand why I had to act so cold towards you and it does break my heart , your father is a cruel man and I just stand by and watch as he punished you , even though you are just a little girl , I want you to be happy , if you ever need anything while at school please write to your cousin I have given her a couple of things to be able to provide for you" , "mother I am sad about Draco he will be so far away and he is my only friend" , "my dear my heart is broken I am trying to convince your father to let him attend Hogwarts even though you will both be away at least you would have each other , I am trying my hardest dear , now let's head back to your room before your father notices that I am gone and comes to look for me" . Narcissa left Gem in her bedroom now heading to her own room. Gem spent the rest of the night awake with her thoughts racing.

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