Lucius and Narcissa

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Me and My Husband - Mitski "And I am the Idiot with the painted face"

The next morning Gem woke up to Draco jumping on her bed , "wake up sissy, someone is here for you" , Gem got out of bed and headed to the restroom quickly brushing her teeth and washing her face but she did not bother changing. As she went into the hall she stopped at the top of the stairs she spotted her father talking with someone until he turned to her "Gem get dressed  quickly you are being indecent" she turned to walk away when she caught a glimpse of Brian , if she could she would fling herself down the stairs in order to not have to deal with him today. She went to her room and put on some jeans and a regular long sleeve tee , she once again made her way down the stairs ignoring her father's glare which only meant he disapproved of her wardrobe choices. "Hi Gem sorry to stop by so suddenly I know tomorrow is Christmas so I just wanted to stop by and give this to you" Brian handed her a small but long boxed wrapped in red paper , "well thank you so much for this Brian if I had known I would have bought a present for you as well" , "no need to worry about it Gem , well I must be going now I have to help mother prepare a big feast for tomorrow" , she lead him to the door and waved until she could no longer see him in the thick fog. She went to the living area and placed the gift all the way behind the tree , if no one can see it then technically it does not exist , as she stood straight she noticed her brother in the doorway "present from your new boyfriend innit" , "shut up you bloody git I don't have a boyfriend" , Draco walked out laughing before Gem could hurl another insult at him. Gem sat on the floor looking up at the extremely tall tree almost touching the ceiling and she reminisced in her memories of when she was a much younger girl , she remembered one particular Christmas Day when she was about 6 or 7 when she had begged her parents to get her a kitty , although her father said no of course he thought she had no use for a cat and it would serve to make a mess , with tears running down her face she ran to her room. Later that night during dinner she did not come down to eat so her mother came to her room with a plate of food offering it to her but she still refused it even if she was starving , her mother sat by her bed stroking her bed , the only time she could remember that her mother was ever affectionate at all , "my dear you know anything else you want for Christmas you can have you can even have a 100 presents" , Gem had come to realize that the only way her parents could be affectionate was through gifts , "mother a kitty is the only thing I desire , why must father be so cruel" , Narcissa sighed she wished she could answer that question herself she wished her husband was a bit kinder all their daughter asked for was a cat , Narcissa thought that if they were a normal family she would be able to get her daughter a simple cat but they weren't a normal family. When Narcissa was pregnant with Gem things were a bit different , she thought that her husband would become a more caring person because they now had a child but that wasn't the case at all. But that night after Narcissa finally convince Gem to eat dinner she left her room and made her way up to her own room to have a talk with Lucius , as she opened the door to her room he was already in bed sitting looking at some documents , "Lucius" she called multiple times until he finally looked up "what is it" , "can you please reconsider your decision about Gem getting a cat she is very upset about it" , "no there is no use for a cat around here , and if she's so upset just get her more presents than you have already bought her" , "but Lucius all she wants is a simple cat she doesn't care about the other presents" , "well Narcissa I have made my final decision and if she is going to continue to be a brat about it then she will not be getting any other presents" , Narcissa laid in bed with her back to him getting ready to fall asleep "you know what Gem asked me tonight" before Lucius responded she continued to speak " she asked me why were you so cruel" , with that Narcissa closed her eyes and fell asleep. The next day Gem did not leave her room not even to eat , her mother kept bringing food for her , since Christmas was the next day Narcissa dragged Gem out of bed "Gem come now I have a surprise for you" Gem got dressed and followed her mother "now Gemini do not and I mean do not tell your father where I am taking you" , she nodded furiously and just went along , when they arrived she was in wonder "where are we mother" , "these are some muggle shops darling , now I know your upset about not getting a cat , so get whatever you would like" , Gem dragged her mother into every store they passed by , grabbing only a couple sweaters and some books , at the end they came across a sweets store and Gem rushed in , she got as many sweets as she could carry asking her mother to carry some for Draco , once everything was paid for they headed back home , Narcissa ushered Gem to her room so that Lucius wouldn't see her. In her room Gem yelled for Draco until he appeared in the doorway , he looked at Gem on the floor with so many sweets spread out and rushed to her on the floor , they ate so many sweets that by the time that they were called for dinner they couldn't move. That night Gem could hardly sleep with the excitement of it being Christmas in the morning , just as the sun came up Draco was pounding a her door yelling at her to come down to the living space , when Gem entered the room everyone was already there , she sat next to Draco watching him open up his gifts , everything he wanted , when he was done her mother handed her a couple of gifts and she was content with what she had received , after everything was open and they were getting ready for breakfast her father called her back , she went and he handed her a big box "I think you forgot to open this one" she opened it slowly not sure what to expect , when she finally opened the box she was ecstatic , it was a beautiful black kitty with piercing yellow eyes , she felt like crying but she kept it together , she quickly thanked her father almost going for a hug but she decided against it because it would be too awkward. She ran out yelling for Draco so he could see her brand new present. Narcissa came back into the room "what made you change your mind darling" , "I thought I could do something new this year but just this time only" , Narcissa smiled softly finally satisfied with what her husband had accomplished. That was the best memory Gem had with her family although unfortunately her cat died the next year. Gem found herself feeling sad over that memory, she wished she had a normal family that had normal days , if she was a normal girl Gem likes to think that her and her father would get along well , they could spend quality time together and she wouldn't have an arranged marriage , she could do what she wanted with her life with her family behind her supporting her the whole time , she would have been able to have many friends and when she left to Hogwarts she would have left her friends behind but it would have been easy for her to make more friends. But she's not a normal girl with normal parents , she's a girl who has made the best with what she was given , she didn't care about money so that didn't matter , but she tried her hardest to be different than her father and she tried to hard to help Draco be different too , it seemed so far that she was succeeding , but she wasn't certain about her future , would she continue to play this dreadful game until she finished school and marry a man she didn't like or would she spend some of her school time finding someone she loved and leaving with him as soon as she became of age , it was all a mystery to her , she was such a young girl with the world laying on her chest.

Angel//Fred Weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora