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Tomorrow - Kali Uchis "I can feel the world opening up , I think I broke the curse"

Narcissa spent the rest of the night thinking about the fact that she couldn't keep her children safe , she knew many things that her kids didn't or that maybe they don't quite understand right now but at some point she knows they will have to deal with in the near future. As the morning came her and Lucius spent all of their time in his office , Draco and Gem ate breakfast together but in complete silence , Gem didn't know how long it would take for her to forgive Draco he broke the trust she had put in him , although it wasn't entirely his fault it was their father's fault. After they were done Draco headed upstairs while Gem walked to the living space sitting on the coach reading a book until she suddenly felt a hand of her shoulder she turned and it was her mother , "your father decided it was fine for you to go back to Hogwarts" , "thank you mother" , Gem was giddy about this although if her father had forbid her from going back she would have found a way to leave no matter what. She headed to her room to do something that could get her in more trouble , she sat down at her desk and began writing a note , she first wrote it the address that she remembers reading over and over again while at Hogwarts , she wanted to write to her cousin and she wanted to meet her , as she began writing a heart felt letter she stopped when she realized what could happen if he father found out , it would it 100 times worse than a bruise on her wrist. She took the letter and shredded it into tiny pieces and threw it away in the waste bin , she decided she would wait until she arrived at Hogwarts and find a way to not use her own owl. Although she did not know what she hoped to gain , maybe it was someone she could trust in that didn't share the same beliefs as her father , someone outside of her family who she could trust , she didn't really communicate with anyone in her family , she didn't even know her mother had more than one sister , either way she wanted to meet them in case anything happened she hoped she could count on them if anything , and by anything she meant if her father didn't allow her to go to Hogwarts anymore. She left her room to get some fresh air and take a walk but she stopped half way on the stairs when she noticed there were three men dressed in all black talking with her father she tried to listen but they were talking so quietly she could only make out a few words which included mark and lord but not the rest , suddenly her father was kicking them out telling them not to return. She made her way down trying to not attract her father's attention , she made it to the back door walking out and feeling the cold hit her cheeks and ears , she made her way down till she hit the forest , she contemplated heading home but she decided to continue straight , it felt colder as she continued until she came in contact with something and she fell to the ground she looked up and expected to see a tree but she was met with a tall man , the man grabbed her by the collar of her coat asking what her name was , she stayed quiet struggling against the man and started to scream although she doubted anyone would be able to hear her , "what's your name darling" he continued to persist "Gemini Malfoy" she whimpered he suddenly let her go dropping her to the ground harshly and they scrambled off as quick as possible , her leg was in extreme pain but she ran home as quick as she could. She made it to the back door but once again she fell to the ground and started screaming for her parents , the back door swung open and from it appeared Draco he saw her and ran to bring his mother. Narcissa ran out kneeling next to Gem asking her what was wrong but Gem was crying so much she was only able to  point at her leg Narcissa walked back inside to get Lucius , they both walked out and lifted her up carrying her to her bed , she continued crying so her mother sent for a healer to come to their manor , after an hour the healer was looking after Gem informing her parents that she had broken her leg but she was able to help her out she would just have to wear a cast for two weeks or so. After the lady was gone Narcissa headed up to Gem she wanted to know what happened , Gem was a bit out of it but she informed her mother of what happened , letting her know the man looked like one of the men her father was talking to her earlier. Her mother walked out of the room and just as she was about to fall asleep she heard her mother yelling , "do you see Lucius the kind of people they are and they come into our home and inform you that he's coming back and you ignore them , you anger them and kick them out" , Narcissa continued to lecture Lucius and Gem stayed in bed listening with her eyes closed. The next morning she woke up feeling some pain almost forgetting the events that had occurred the day before , she had carefully sat herself up in bed and then tried to make her to her door holding onto anything she could stopping at the door and peeking her head outside , it was quiet but not like the way she's used to , there was no way for her to get downstairs so she decided it was best to stay in bed , Gem read through most of her school books and sometimes asking Dobby to grab some books from her father's library for her. After what felt like months for Gem it was finally the end of the week which only meant she would be heading back to school , Gem felt excited yet saddened and confused because she never got to talk to her brother about everything that happened and it would be a while before she would be able to see him , she pondered if their relationship that she considered to be a close one would withstand this situation. As she packed her bags she felt like crying this was her home but so many terrible things throughout her whole life had taken place here and she never really felt comfortable, her home felt like a temporary place , a place that she could not escape from everywhere she went it followed , whether it be in the form of restriction from her father or painful memories not even the happiest memories could replace. Leaving to her felt as if she was a bird trying to fly away but when the bird made it far enough to feel free that bird realized it was tied to a tree so it could only go so far , she wanted to fly to soar over places she could only imagine to feel as if every move she made wasn't a disappointment to someone else , as if every move wasn't calculated like a game of chess. And she packed her trunk full to the brim imaging that this would be the last time she would spend at this cold dark manor , she looked at the necklace that was given to her by her parents and it wasn't a cute heartwarming gift it was a representation of who she was supposed to be , it was as Brian had spoken about Slytherins mean and evil just like her father , the snake meant that she must be who the people make her out to be not what she wanted to be , but she would not remove the necklace from her body she would wear it with pride and show people like Brian and those who avoided her that she was not what the necklace represents but rather that the snake was just as it's called a snake.

Angel//Fred Weasley Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon