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Portland - Bowling Shoes "Let's go soon and get there nice and early"

It was Friday night when she had left the twins to head to her room as she walked in she noticed someone sitting on the couch in the common room she walked closer and realized it was her cousin , Tonks stood up and hugged Gem "what are you doing here so late at night" , "I told you that we would be spending the weekend together" , "oh yes I remember now" , "get a bag packed with a change or two of clothes and meet me outside". Gem ran up to her room grabbed her school bag dumping out the puts and placing them under her bed and filled her bag with two changes of clothes , she had forgotten that Dumbledore had given her permission to leave the school since what had happened in the courtyard. Once she was done she headed downstairs to meet Tonks who was waiting for her outside , they ran down the corridors laughing leading them to the entrance of the school , Tonks extended her hand out to Gem who took it before she knew what was happening they had disapparated from the school. They appeared in a place where Gem did not recognize , it was a normal looking building with lots of windows and in some of those windows people could be seen , suddenly the building began to open making a space between it with a door , Tonks opened the door and they headed inside when Gem noticed the space was closing. They had entered a house that was unfamiliar so Gem followed Tonks closely behind , "this is where we will be spending the night tomorrow is when the real fun will begin" Tonks said as she led Gem to a room "this will be your room if you need anything I will be downstairs for a bit and if I'm not there my room is across the hall besides that feel free to take any food from the kitchen". Gem sat on the bed and looked around at the room there were pictures of people on the wall but she did not recognize them , Gem was feeling tired and laid in bed she stared at the ceiling for awhile until she started thinking of her friends hopefully they wouldn't worry since she had not told them she would be leaving soon enough Gem had fallen asleep. The next morning she was woken up by a knock at her door Gem opened her eyes confused for a second about where she was when she remembered she stood up quickly putting on her robe and opened the door Tonks standing on the opposite side smiling at her "get ready love we are going to head out in a few minutes" she simply nodded and shut the door to get changed. She grabbed her bag removing the clothes from inside and changing before she exited the room she made sure to grab her coat , she walked out and down the stairs Tonks already waiting for her by the door , Gem thought they would disapparate from this place but they began walking "may I ask where we are headed" , "we are going to London today and not Diagon Alley but actually London". Gem felt cheery hadn't really seen London only in passing on the way to Diagon Alley where they got all their school supplies and now she was going to see it , before she knew it they had arrived on a busy street there were so many people everywhere , so Tonks grabbed Gem by the hand leading her somewhere where Gem had never been. They arrived in front a what looked to be a bakery when they entered there was soft music playing and people sitting down inside enjoying some hot beverages , Tonks walked up to the counter and began talking to the person who was wearing a red apron , Tonks looked down at Gem asking what she fancied although Gem didn't really understand she asked for a hot butterfly pea tea , they walked to a table until their drinks were called Tonks placed a mug in front of her and a small plate which had a piece of bread and butter on the side. Gem began telling Tonks about her friends and what she had done in her classes , Tonks inquired more of what Gem had disclosed to her about Brian and Gem felt her throat get dry and her eyes glossed over and Tonks realized she shouldn't have asked so instead of pressing further she stood up and grabbed her hand dragging her out of the little bakery shop and into another store front but this one seemed vaguely familiar , it was a book shop she remembered the exact moment she had first entered this shop it was with her mother soon after her and her father had a fight , she entered and remembered how it smells and the faint music playing in the background , she remembered when she had entered with her mother and there had been a song playing throughout the whole shop although Gem wasn't familiar with it for the rest of the new year Gem couldn't stop humming it , she walked through every aisle taking her time looking at books that caught her attention grabbing a few of them. She walked out with Tonks after they had paid for the books they walked around Gem stopping at almost every store front admiring each of them , until they came out another shop that was familiar to Gem "can we go in here I want to get something for my friends" , "of course we can , let us hurry now since the sun is setting" , Gem walked around grabbing everything she could see as some of the sweets she had never heard of she thought her friends would enjoy trying them with her. After a tiring day they headed back to where Tonks first took her last night and Gem was basically skipping on behind Tonks , when they arrived there was a man sitting at the the dining table Gem was startled but her cousin placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder "this is a friend of mine Remus Lupin" Gem walked towards him shyly to shake his hand "he stays here too sometimes but he will be no bother to you" , "so you're the Gemini Malfoy that Tonks couldn't stop talking about , she kept going on and on about how she was going to meet her cousin although I do have to say I did not expect you to be so young" , Tonks walked up to him nudging his shoulder. He had left the room and Gem sat with Tonks at the table 'tomorrow morning we will go back to the bakery for breakfast and you can grab something for your friends as well if you would like" , "I just want to sincerely say thank you , you could have easily turned me away because of my father and the things he has said to you and your family but instead you listened to me and gave me something that I needed someone I can genuinely call family" Tonks grabbed Gem and held her tightly . Every time Gem had a conversation with Tonks she felt fulfilled in a way , in a way that she never was able to have a conversation like this with anyone and she enjoyed hearing of her cousin's adventure her cousin was brave and careless she did what she wanted and she didn't care what people thought of her and Gem had come to consider her someone she looked up to someone she aspired to be like. As the night grew darker Gem grew drowsy and she fell asleep on the couch , Tonks asked Remus to help her take Gem to the bed , Tonks looked down at her sleeping cousin which had seemed like a routine whenever they met Tonks didn't admit it but she was scared to meet with her cousin seeing as she knew things about her parents that would make Gem go through worse situations than she had already gone through. By the next day Gem was on her way back to Hogwarts she had so many items in her bag and she was excited to share them with her friends , Tonks had walked her to the entrance of the school hugging her goodbye. Gem wanted to go to her room first to drop off her new books and dirty clothes , as soon as she stepped into the corridors again she began looking for the twins and Angelina she didn't know exactly where they would be but she took a chance and headed to the courtyard and as she stepped outside she immediately saw the familiar faces , she basically ran to them and when she was near them they spotted her calling her name. Gem sat next to Angelina began telling them how she had went to London with her cousin and they had so many questions for her , "I have something for you guys" , "what is it now Malfoy better not be a prank" George joked , and although they knew Gem hated being called by her surname she let it slide knowing that when they said it it was a joke , Gem opened her bag and pulled out all the sweets including some pastries she had bought from the bakery , they looked at Gem with wide eyes "I went to some muggles shops with my cousin and they had so many sweets so I wanted to try some with you guys" they began to to indulge on the sweets being nervous with each new one considering that the sweets that they were used to sometimes came with a surprise flavor and it wasn't a good one. They devoured the sweets and the pastries , though Angelina began feeling sick probably from them eating all the sweets so George accompanied her to the hospital wing to get something from Madam Pomfrey to make her feel better. As always Gem was left alone with Fred though she didn't mind , they sat in silence while Gem was digging around in her bag she took out a rectangular box and handed it to Fred "since you got me chocolates the other day I figured I would return the favor" , "are you being nice or are you actually being suspicious Ms.Malfoy" Gem gently nudged his shoulder with hers at the sound of him calling her by her surname "well I am being nice but I also hope this helps so you won't go so hard on me and scare too badly you know" , "I will have to think about it but I think you may persuade me if you help me with the potions homework" , "okay fine if that's what it takes I will help you". Gem once again noticed the difference in Fred and George although she knew Fred was the biggest jokester ever but he did seem sincere even in between all his sarcastic remarks he was a nice guy and the word that always came to Gem's mind "charming". They began walking to the Gryffindor common room so Fred could grab his work though Fred invited her in she decided it was best that she wait outside , when Fred exited the room he was changed into a maroon sweater that had an F stitched on the front of it once again they began walking side by side to the library. When they entered there were a couple people already there so they decided to sit in the very back of the library and began working on the homework of course Gem knew all the answered she had already done the homework and with the help of the book that Snape had given her. Though Fred hated homework and he found it difficult to pay attention in class he never found it hard to listen to Gem teach him about any subjects and when she spoke of it she spoke so fluently she was by far the smartest person he knew , even though she was clumsy bumping into things and falling he found her graceful in the way she carried herself because she wasn't like any other person in her house that he had met it was almost like Gem didn't see the line that separated them it was blurred to her and he found that fascinating. Of course he knew of her family they were often spoken about and sometimes her father appeared in the paper and his parents told him to be careful when it came to Slytherins because they did not take kindly to those who weren't perfect purebloods , the funny thing is that the Weasleys were pureblood but people like Lucius Malfoy looked down at them because Mr.Weasley took a liking to muggles and when he brought up to the ministry that they should instill a muggle protection law Lucius fought against it but nobody listened to his skewed views and the law went through but none of that matter to Fred like it didn't matter to Gem. He looked at her and laughed to himself because on multiple occasions he had heard her talking to herself about his hair that was like fire and he would tell George that her hair was like snow and when they had heard of her last name George joked to Fred that if he hung out with her her snow like hair might put out his fire red hair but George said that before he knew her before he realized that she was just a kid like them a kid who didn't care about who her parents were and she was a kind person then before the two boys knew it they were friends with her.

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