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Every Hour - Kian "I wanna waste every day and every hour with you"

Back in Fred's room George spent almost the whole night teasing his brother , and George would laugh louder each time but when his brother joked that they would make a cute couple Fred couldn't help but smile at that thought , they had gotten so loud that Percy actually had to come into their room to shush them. As George fell asleep for the night Fred didn't want to sleep so he took out the book that belonged to her and he began flipping through the pages dragging his finger along every words trying to absorb and understand what fascinated Gem so much , he had spent most the night reading the words on the pages that he fell asleep with the book open. The next morning the teasing continued even more after George woke up to his brother asleep clutching on to the book that belonged to the girl with the snow like hair , when they entered the hall for breakfast Fred looked over looking for the familiar face and when he found it he smiled widely at her and he beamed even more when she smiled back , George couldn't stop cracking jokes that even Percy joined the conversation he wanted t0 know why his brothers were being so loud today and last night. When George explained to Percy about Fred's "little crush" he shook his head explain to the two brothers who wouldn't fully understand it right now that Gem's father was very strict about who his family associated with though Percy's words meant nothing to Fred right now because he didn't know the extent of it and the 11 year old boy wouldn't know until later what role they would play in each other's life. In all of his classes Fred was distracted even though it wasn't something new but this time his mind wasn't filled with pranks his brother and he could play on the others. Though now he could name other defining features that Gem possesses he could call her the girl with eyes blue like the ocean or the girl with a library in her mind but he didn't particularly like that one as he thought about it it sounded to be the opposite of romantic but he didn't have a reason to have romantic thoughts Gem was just his friend and as he had said before Gem would eventually get tired of his antics and not want to be his friend anymore. Gem in her class was distracted by her own thoughts which was a rare occurrence , her mind was clouded with Fred though anyone could look at the twins and see no differences that wasn't the case with Gem she could easily tell them apart now , Fred was louder than George he would take the lead in most conversations and when Gem had seen them play a prank on someone it would have been Fred who came up with the idea and George would be the one who telling Fred that it was a good idea , when they walked into a room together Fred was always front and center and George walked behind him but he didn't mind in fact he preferred not always being the center of attention. At the end of her last class instead of heading to the library to study she headed to Snape's classroom , but when she made it to his door no one seemed to be inside seemed that she would leave her questions for another day so this time she headed to the library hoping to remember at least something she was taught from today but once again she was distracted. While trying to study her mind began to wonder once again so he closed the book with a huff deciding it was better to try again later on when she was able to focus , for now she took out some parchment and her quill beginning to write a letter to her cousin letting her know of everything happening though it wasn't really an interesting letter besides the fact that she mentioned Fred and George though she had mentioned Fred's name more than necessary when she finished the letter she sealed it and was ready to send it off remembering that she couldn't use her own owl and she felt a bit weird asking Jenna or Emma for help seeing as she basically only saw them in their shared room and though they still talked she didn't feel as close to them anymore. She walked out of the library on the lookout for Angelina in hopes that she would be able to help her out though of course as if some magical god willed it she was met with none other than Fred "well hello Ms.Gem" he spoke with a beaming smile like always ruffling her neat hair "now where is little Gem headed to" , "well if you must know Fred I'm actually looking for Angelina" , ever since the encounter outside of the Great Hall Gem had found it a bit confusing talking to Fred because it made her mind turn into a haze "did you need help with something because she is actually quite busy" he informed her but she knew she couldn't tell him the exact reason why she couldn't just send the letter herself so she had to come up with an excuse in order to ask him to send the letter for "well you see my bird is injured so I was going to ask her if she could send this letter to my cousin" she beamed a soft smile at him hoping her explanation was enough and that he would ask no questions "well hand er over I can send it off for you , come on well just go to the top of the tower". Gem walked besides him like always and when they made it to the tower they walked up the icy steps , when they were almost at the top Gem missed a step almost slipping backward but managing to grab to the closes thing or in this case the closes person to her which happened to of course be Fred she had wrapped her hand around his upper arm causes him to turn around and grab her wrist in order to prevent her from falling , he pulled her up to the same step he was standing on and as when they continued upwards he took a hold of her hand "don't want you to slip again do we" he said as he grabbed her hand holding it but not interlocking fingers. When they finally made it to the top he let out his bird handing it the letter and watching it fly away and when they made their way down Fred never let go of Gem's hand and still when they made it inside the castle he didn't let it got walking to the hall for lunch until they sat in front of George and Angelina who were laughing loudly as they stared at the odd pair. They had acted like nothing happened until Angelina had asked Gem to accompany her to the library and help her with an essay , when the two girls left is when the teasing began again from George as Fred sat eating his food with his cheeks flaming red and he had no comebacks for his brother only reveling in the feeling he felt moments ago with Gem. In the library though Angelina didn't need any help her finished essay lay neatly in her book bag , but she wanted to pull Gem aside and do the same as George tease her about Fred but the two young girls both giggled in the back at the library with others staring at them for being too loud but as she continued with her teasing Gem had come to a small realization maybe she didn't have to marry Brian for now it was a huge maybe as she was too young to be thinking about forever though it was practically forced onto her. During dinner she sat with Jenna and Emma who asked her many questions about what she had been up specifically with the two red haired boys , Gem had been afraid that the two girls would be mad at her for not hanging out with them anymore as Gem had been new to friendship and wasn't sure if there were any rules. While the girls continued to talk Gem looked up searching for the familiar face and when she found it it was no surprise that he was already looking at her both beaming at each other. After dinner Gem headed to Snape's classroom still hoping to talk to him but once again she found his door locked still holding onto to a bit of hope she sat on a nearby bench expecting that he would walk by from dinner soon , as she waited she began to think about her parents obviously she wasn't allowed to write home but she wanted to know how they were mostly how Draco was because she had been his only friend since he was born and her heart ached for him but she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps , thinking it was Snape she stood up smoothing out her robes but her face faltered when she realized it was the exact person she did not want to see Brian. "Gemini how have you been , I haven't seen you in a while" , "I've been doing well just trying to get up with studying and homework" as she answered he walked closer and closer to her making her look like a deer in headlights when he was only inches from her face that he seemed to be studying "have you actually or have you been hanging around with the blood traitors Weasleys" he spoke the name Weasley with venom filled in his voice and that angered Gem she would not let anyone bad about her friends , at her sides her fist were balled up ready to fireback at him until the footsteps she was waiting for finally arrived "Mr.Avery don't you have elsewhere to be" spoke the familiar voice. As soon he appeared into view Brian disappeared "professor I was actually hoping I could speak to you" he nodded his head already unlocking the door to his office and sitting at his desk "seems as if you're always coming at the right time professor" spoke Gem trying to lighten the mood when he didn't say a word Gem decided to speak again "i just wanted to ask you a question professor "go ahead Ms.Malfoy , I hope I have the answer you're looking for" , "well I was just wondering if it was against the rules for me to sit at another house's table" , "not exactly why do you ask though I assume it was because you sat at the Gryffindor table yes?" , "well I noticed when I was leaving that there were people staring at myself and whispering about what I can only assume to be again about myself" , "well you see Ms.Malfoy there is no other way of putting this other that most of the other houses are not fond of Slytherins , they like to say some rather foul words about us which I will not repeat in front of you but it's the way it is , it is unfair but that's life isn't it". This time it was Snape who left Gem speechless , what was wrong with Slytherins the housemates that she had met were very nice to her and she never had a problem "I know it doesn't seem like it but I try and care for all my Slytherin students and they can say I am mean and unfair but I am really trying to protect them from the likes of the other houses as I know what they are capable of" she stared at the professor who opened up to her the professor who everyone was afraid of because he didn't need to say a word to scare them but to Gem he was just like all the other professors he cared about his students but he did have a strange way of showing it.

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