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Mariposa - Peach Tree Rascals "I can't wait for you to come my way"

Angelina waved her over and Gem couldn't back out , not that she didn't want to talk two the brothers just that she felt a bit awkward after their interaction on the train though it wasn't their fault , so she sauntered her way to them and took a seat next to Angelina , she waved at the two boys shyly , "these two gits needed lots of help with studying so I hope it's okay that I invited them but if you say the word I will kick them out" Gem laughed at her comment "I don't mind actually the more people the quicker we can get this over with and get to dinner" , they all began reading each pointing out pros and cons of the mandrake writing notes , after an hour they were done and just began talking , once they heard the clock strike two times they knew it was time for dinner , Angelina and George walked ahead so Gem thought she would be polite and wait for Fred to pack up and walk to the hall together , "by the way I'm sorry about my brother yesterday if he made you uncomfortable he can be too much sometimes" , "don't worry about it , it was a bit uncomfortable as I don't like talking about my father's work but it's not a big deal at all" , Fred smiled at her and Gem thought he was charming but she told herself that he was just a nice boy maybe she could also be friends with him and his brother , "if I ever need more help studying I might just have to ask for your help again" , "um yeah of course" when they walked into the hall they waved their goodbyes going to sit at their separate tables. After dinner Gem was walking back to her room when Dumbledore stopped her , "Ms.Malfoy please follow me" , "is everything okay", "yes nothing to worry about" , he lead her to the hospital wing "I didn't mean to scare you just that your mother informed us earlier today that you can remove the item on your leg , we had to bring the healer since Madam Pomfrey had never dealt with such and item" Gem sat on one of the beds while the boot was being removed , after the healer asked her to walk on her leg and asked her how she felt , Gem felt great she was glad that she didn't have to go the rest of the week with it because even though it had only been one day she didn't not find it comfortable to go up and down the stairs with that thing , as she walked out and Dumbledore was still there "ah yes Gemini all done now , I will walk you back to your room" as Dumbledore led Gem down the stairs they were abruptly stopped by Fred and George , "now what are you two doing roaming around after curfew" the two boys stayed silent while looking at each other "well since you are already out here why don't you walk Gemini back to her room and directly back to your rooms after if not I will find out and you will serve detention with Professor Snape" they just nodded and burst out laughing after Dumbledore left. As they walked her back to her room they began to make conversation "ah Gem I see you are now more mobile I was afraid Fred and I would have to carry you to the dungeon" Gem laughed at George's comment lightly smacking him on the arm "I think it would actually be the other way around seeing as I am stronger than the both of you" Fred and George looked at each other and suddenly George had picked up Gem running down the hall with Fred trying to catch up , once they arrived n front of the Slytherin room she was back on the ground "now what was that you were saying before Malfoy" , "hey don't call me Malfoy" Gem jokingly pouted , they all laughed and before Gem could walk into the common room George stopped her "hey a bunch of us are going to the Black Lake tomorrow during lunch you should tag along it will be fun and I'm sure Fred would love for you to join us" Fred smacked George in the back of the head making her laugh "sure I would most definitely love to join you guys" , "rad" they both spoke at the same time , after they let her know where to meet them she headed inside to her room , when she was changed and ready to get into bed she started thinking about her cousin. Gem had said she wanted to write to her in hopes of meeting her that is if her cousin wanted to after all Gem was sure if she had never met her it was because of her father and his radical views and Gem wouldn't put it past her father to insult family , but she would write to her tomorrow either asking Jenna to have her owl deliver the letter or even asking Fred. But she couldn't sleep there were so many things going on in her head so around 2 am she got up and went to the common room not wanting to wake her roommates , she sat on the floor next to the fire and table and began writing a letter , she kept it short only writing to ask if it would be okay for her to come to Hogwarts so they could met , she felt somewhat satisfied so she headed upstairs laid in bed and instantly fell asleep. This morning she had not woken up earlier than everyone else , when she woke up Emma was already awake and she thought this would be a great opportunity to ask her to deliver the letter and she agreed sending the letter off. After breakfast she found Angelina and they both walked to class when they sat down the Professor hadn't arrived yet so everyone was chatting amongst themselves , "hey Gem during lunch today a couple of us are heading down to the Black Lake you should join us" "thank you for inviting me actually George invited me last night and I agreed" "ah perfect we were all" but before she could finish the Professor entered the room. Today the time passed by extra slow for Gem maybe it was because there was something she was actually looking forward to , she was actually making friends with others and she was finding it easier than the first time around , especially Angelina she hadn't mentioned anything about her family or cared that they weren't in the same house. At the end of her last class before lunch she was packing her things , Angelina and herself walked to the the Black Lake and there were already a couple people there Gem looked around and spotted George talking with someone else but she couldn't find Fred , as they reached a big tree someone jumped from behind them scaring them and causing Gem to fall back landing on her butt , it was Fred after him and Angelina finished having a laughing fit he stretches his hand out to help her stand up "I'm sorry I didn't think you would scare so easily" he said in between giggling , "it's okay I guess" Gem joked while they made their way closer to the lake , they had set out a blanket and they had a bunch of sweets and some food. Gem sat next to George would and everyone was chatting about anything and everything , George turned to her and asked her about her holiday , although she left out most of the details and mostly spoke about what she had received and when she asked him the same thing he was detailing every single day and the amount if siblings he had , which to Gem seemed like a handful from his stories but Gem felt some sort of jealousy from his stories because it seemed as if they all got along and they didn't have the problems she had , in her head he had ideal parents they seemed loving and caring , she was snapped out of her thought when Fred suddenly sat next to her patting her head , "hey that's a nice bracelet you have there" , "oh uh thank you it was a gift from my parents" she didn't want to say who actually got it for her cause she thought it would be awkward to explain to other 11 year olds that her parents arranged a marriage for her and the person she was to marry gifted it to her. George had got up and went to sit next to Angelina , "next time you scare me be prepared for a beating" Gem joked with Fred , the conversation she had with him was different from the one with George. At the beginning of knowing them she couldn't tell the difference they are so identical and she had thought they had the same personality but today has brought her to the conclusion that George was more of a sentimental guy and Fred was a big jokester even in serious times , which she enjoyed it seemed that it helped her get her mind of certain things.

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