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Secret For the Mad - Dodie "But you will burn right now , but then you won't regret it"

After everything that happened Dumbledore had granted Gem the rest of the week off in order to recover and he mention that he spoke with Tonks although he didn't disclose about what. Gem wanted to get out of her room so she started walking towards the Black Lake taking a thick jacket with her considered the snow was still as heavy as ever , when she arrived it was quiet and peaceful so she sat down even though she knew her clothes would become soaked , she again went into deep thought thinking about everything that happened , it was nothing normal at all but since when did Gem know what normal was. Hogwarts had became the one place she felt safe she felt at home , her home felt temporary it was a place where she had been her whole short life but she felt as if she was in someone else's house , she couldn't be herself despite what she had gone through she was very optimistic and didn't have a care in the world of who she was , she knew exactly who she was and if differed from her family the only way she identified with her family was through her looks she looked like her mother but she had hair as white as snow there was no denying who her father was. She began to think of George who had told her of his family and what they did during Christmas they came together and spent the whole day with each other and although his siblings were annoying he didn't know if he could imagine a life without them , she thought George was especially lucky because he has someone with him all the time he had Fred and no matter what they would always have each other , Gem didn't know if that rang true for her and her brother if her father found out what she really thought she couldn't even imagine the consequences. She began to feel chills from her clothes being soaked so she went inside before she would catch a cold , she went to her room to change , the school day was over and even though Dumbledore excused her from class she still wanted to do the work so she went around asking her professors for the work , she finally made it to professor Snape's class , he was sitting at his desk reading some papers so Gem walked up to his desk clearing her throat "ah Ms.Malfoy can I help you with something" "yes professor I just came to collect the work" , "Dumbledore said you were granted the week off I think he meant no school work either" "yes I understand I would still like to complete it though" , Snape began taking out paperwork and handing it to Gem and he told her about the two rolls of parchment on the subject matter of amoretentia , as she was thanking him and about to walk out he called her back "you know Ms.Malfoy I know your father very well and I know what happened to you or more like why that happened to you" Gem didn't know what to say did he know how her father treated her , "I know what students say about me , they say that I'm mean and that I'm evil , but I know the way your father behaves and whether you believe what other people say about me I knew when you walked in my class exactly who you were and you are one of the smartest students I have taught in a long time , and once again whether you believe those things about me I am the head of your house and I care about the students I have to look after so if at any time you need help I hope you consider me one of the people who you can go to" , Gem thanked him sincerely and walked of out of his class , she had never felt as if Snape was the caring type but he seemed sincere. With that interaction in her mind she headed to the library to get some quiet time in order to get her school work done , Gem had grabbed a stack of books and walked towards an empty table she didn't notice someone walking towards so she bumped right into them dropping all the books to the ground she apologized to the person and began picking up the book the other person bending down and helping her pick up the books she looked up and noticed it was Brian , 'hey Gemini I'm glad to see you feels like I haven't seen you this whole week" Gem give him a short smile "yeah I have just been busy this week with school work and all" Gem walked to the table Brian following her. They sat opposite of each other while Gem tried to focus on her work Brian kept talking although she wished he stopped and that he would get up and let her be , "oh you're still wearing the bracelet I gave you , I didn't know if you would like it but mother said those are the kind of things girls like" obviously Gem wasn't going to let him know that she found it inappropriate but she had yet to take it off because until this moment she had convinced herself of the lie she told Fred and George that the present was from her parents. Just as she was about to speak someone sat next to her , she saw the familiar red hair it was George "there you are I've looked through the whole school looking for you" Gem laughed genuinely looking at him "I don't think you looked everywhere or else you would have found me sooner" , "okay well you caught me I asked someone and they said they saw you in here" , "well you found me now , what's up" , "I just wanted to ask you how you were since Angelina said she hadn't seen you after what happened" Gem became invested in her conversation with George that she didn't notice Brian had left , though he looked at them before leaving with a sour expression on his face. George helped Gem put the books back , he informed her that he hasn't told anyone what happened and that to Fred and Angelina he told them that she simply felt ill , Gem thanked him profusely , "Gem would you consider me your friend" he asked "of course , including Fred and Angelina" , "okay good cause you can always talk to them and myself as well if you are feeling down , you can also come to us so we can cheer you up you don't necessarily have to tell us what happened but we'll help you" Gem was feeling overwhelmed with happiness she had multiple people who cared for her she didn't know how to express her gratitude so she hugged him she held him tightly because she had never known kindness like this. Once they had left the library they met up with Fred who was sitting in the court yard , he stood up patting Gem's head lightly "there you are , you've been missing the fun" , "and what fun would that be Mr.Weasley" , "oh just some pranks we have been pulling on Filch" , Gem laughed along with the twins. Looking back at when Gem first saw the mischievous twins she didn't think she would be friends with them , she paid attention throughout the whole class while they messed around and when Gem found Fred charming she pushed it out of her head because she wasn't going to allow herself to be distracted but she came to realize she liked the distraction of him and George of course. Besides them when she first met Professor Snape she did not think of him as someone who she would trust with her issues but she has come some way since her first day when he was just a girl , a girl who wanted to make her parents proud and that's what she lived for. She had come to realize that if she continued to try she wouldn't be herself she would have to pretend to be someone she despised someone who she would never forgive if she had the same thoughts as her father , since she started school she hadn't heard anyone speak of blood status or wealth , everyone was living in the same school with each other sitting in the same classrooms the only thing that actually separated them was their houses.

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