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In the Middle - Dodie " Wanna help my worlds collide"

Her leg was feeling way better now but still a bit sore , the healer had conjured a special boot that she had retrieved from some muggles and added a healing charm to it , it was a bit much but it was helping Gem heal faster and it should be off by the following week. It was time to leave home and she was excited but nervous almost like it was her first day again , so much had happened in a span of about three weeks or so , she looked at her wrist where the bruise was now faded but it was covered by the bracelet that she did not want to wear but once she board the train she could be rid of it and if Brian asked she would say she left it in a jewelry box at home because she was afraid of losing it. Then she looked down at her leg and thought about what happened , but she shouldn't think about it anymore she to be going back to school where she would be reunited with Jenna and Emma and she hoped that he would make more friends , no she knew she would make more friends she would be able to show who she truly was , she felt as if at the beginning she was more reserved but she gave no reason for anyone to believe that she was at all mean. After triple checking that she had everything she was ready to get going this time her mother followed her to Kings Cross station with Draco following quietly behind his mother. Gem didn't know this but he felt so guilty , he felt as if everything that had happened to her was his fault and now she was leaving and they hadn't said a word to each other and he really just wanted everything to feel okay , so here he was following his mother to escort his sister to the station and send her off. When they made it on the platform Gem noticed her two friends and they waved at each other , Narcissa asked Gem if she had everything with her making sure she didn't forget anything , once they were assured she had not forgotten a single thing Narcissa took Gem's hand in her own and told her daughter to be careful and to make sure to remember not write home unless it was absolutely necessary after Narcissa said goodbye Gem started to walk towards Jenna and Emma who were already waiting for her , she was about to climb on the steps to board the train when she felt someone hug her from behind , she turned around surprised by the sudden action when she realized it was Draco he looked like he was on the verge of crying and Gem couldn't seem to stay too mad at him so she hugged him back and when they let go Gem patted his head to reassure him that everything was okay. She sat down in the familiar compartment with her friends and they chatted about their gifts and what they did over the holiday , they had so many questions for Gem regarding her leg but Gem had to lie and say she had tumbled down the stairs. After an hour Gem had felt tired of sitting feeling that her leg felt better when she walked for a bit so she decided to go take a walk passing every compartment at a slow pace , she didn't realize until this exact moment that she knew few students she only knew those in her classes and only knew a few Slytherins , most of the students were  either sleeping or too busy catching up with their friends to notice Gem's stares , she almost made it to the front of the train when a familiar red hair boy stood in front of her , he greeted her , she had until this very moment forgotten about their interactions , Fred was about to speak when another boy with fire hair stepped in front of her and outstretched his hand "Percy Weasley, you're a Malfoy right" , Gem shook his hand "Gemini" , "well I would just like to say I admire the work your father does for the ministry , I do hope to work there one day" , Gem just smiled awkwardly at him she didn't like to talk about her father and his work , she especially didn't like when people would come up to her and ask her if she was a Malfoy , she figured it was the hair that gave her away similar to how the Weasley boys were identified by their hair , when people called her Malfoy she felt as if they didn't care about her but simply cared her family , they were seeing her wealth , which she didn't consider hers, her blood status and most importantly her father. She didn't really have anything left to say so she just waved at the three boys and began walking back to her compartment , when she made it back she internally groaned because she saw Brian sitting in there , then she looked down and noticed she had not taken the bracelet off and now she couldn't remove it as he had already seen her , she walked inside and he greeted her in a hug and she reluctantly hugged him back , she sat beside him and he began talking about his holiday although Gem was barely listening because she was daydream. Everyone grew silent as they arrived , they all got off and hopped into the boats once more. When they arrived before the Great Hall Gem felt extremely nervous for some reason she tried to brush it off as they all scurried inside the hall ready for a feast , Dumbledore of course gave one of his touching speeches and the kids all began eating , as Gem was eating she felt herself becoming more relaxed and her eyes began to wonder to the different house tables taking in all the faces she was really determined to make more friends , she then looked at her table and saw all the people they were all laughing and enjoying themselves , she remembered the first day when she was sorted into Slytherins and she remembers the faint boos , it didn't make sense to her , maybe because she was still so young a silly naive girl or maybe she hadn't heard all the stories , it didn't make sense to her because the only difference in her eyes were the house colors and their assigned creatures which only gave a generalization of the students' characteristics. She thought maybe she could change that , she was just so sweet and oh so naive she didn't realize that her name came with a price just yet , in a way she thought that it would be best that her brother didn't come to Hogwarts she didn't want him to be subjected to the same experience as her , she thought that he might have a harder time than her making friends. As the night grew darker everyone was making their way to their rooms , Gem sat on a bench she wanted to watch more people as they walked by , it's funny how she didn't realize until now that she was just a small person compared to everyone yet she had gone through so much , as the people began to fade away she looked down at her wrist , she pushed the bracelet back looking at her bruise she realized it was a good idea to keep it on till the bruise faded if not there would be more questions from her friends and she didn't think she could answer questions about it without tearing up. She made her way to her room and when she muttered the password she entered expecting everyone to be in their room but they were all buzzing with energy sitting in the common room , but she felt exhausted and wanted to lay down , and rest her leg most importantly as soon as she laid in bed she fell asleep not even being able to unpack anything. The next morning she was up before her friends giving her a bit of time to unpack , as soon as it was time for breakfast everyone was heading out excited for the first day of class , in the hall there was so much commotion until everyone was heading to class , Gem's first class was transfigurations she looked around and decided to sit next to a girl that's she vaguely remembered from her very first day , she turned to the girl and introduced herself the girl was named Angelina and she seemed friendly , when the professor walked in he asked them to take out their books , Angelina looked around in her bag realizing she didn't have it Gem looked at her pushing the book to the middle of the desk so they could both read it and Angelina shot her a smile thanking her , when the class was over Gem walked with Angelina , they were asking each other questions and they both realized that they had herbology , flying and astronomy together. As they made their way to each classes they began talking more and more until it came time for lunch and they each sat at their own table but had agreed to meet before dinner to study a bit since Madam Sprout was already expecting them to find the properties of the mandrake. After lunch the rest of Gem's classes went by in a flash , she went to her room to drop of her bag and the unnecessary books only taking the herbology book with her. As she entered the library she noticed there weren't too many students in there considering it was only the first day of school , she looked around and spotted Angelina noticing she was sitting with two other people , Fred and George.

Angel//Fred Weasley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang