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Comfort Crowd - Conan Gray "This hurt that I'm holding's getting heavy"

When Fred heard the clock strike he jumped up offering his hand once again to help her to her feet , they picked up the the trash and the left over sweets once again George was already walking way ahead with Angelina so Gem decided to walk back with Fred. Fred had walked her right to her class and she stretched her hand out to him giving him back the extra sweets but he shook his head telling her to keep them and waving goodbye. After her last two class she went to the library to get her homework done , she was sitting down with her head in her book for an hour until it was time for dinner even though she wasn't hungry she decided to just go and chat with her friends. Everyone was enjoying themselves when the doors opened and Mr.Filch walked in and ran to Dumbledore he whispered something to him and they both walked out , everyone went back to what they were doing chatting amongst themselves and eating , Gem was chatting with Emma about her class when Dumbledore walked in and he looked around and then his voice boomed echoing against the walls "Gemini Malfoy" he spoke , everyone turned to the girl with hair white as snow , she felt embarrassed and quickly with her head down she walked towards him , he directed her outside of the Great Hall and told her that she needed to go to his office , she followed quickly behind him , when they reached his office he gestured for her to go in and he closed the door as she went staying behind. Gem walked in and she saw a woman with purple and pink hair , the woman turned around and came to Gem hugging her , Gem was confused she didn't know who she was and this lady was hugging her , "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but I'm not sure that we know each other" , "Oh I'm Tonks , Nymphadora Tonks" , "oh you're my cousin I just wrote to you this morning I didn't think I would hear from you for at least a day or two let alone met with you" , "oh I was just so excited when I got your note that I got here as quick as possible , I have to say I didn't expect that you mother and father would allow this" , "actually they do not know I wrote to you , I was just hoping to talk to someone else beside my family who didn't have such strong beliefs like my father does , I hope I'm not crossing any lines" , "oh of course not I would be more than happy to" , they sat down on the couch that Dumbledore had in his office and talked for awhile , Gem learning that she didn't like to be called Nymphadora but instead Tonks and that she went to Hogwarts to but she was in Hufflepuff , while Tonks asked about her family though at first Gem hesitated to tell her the truth of all the things that happened but at the end she told her everything. Dumbledore returned to his office with Snape and Tonks and Gem excused themselves and walked out , it was almost midnight so Tonks accompanied Gem back to her room , "thank you so much for meeting with me Tonks" , "of course , I was thinking that if Dumbledore allowed it I could take you somewhere this weekend" , "that would be great I hope to see you this weekend" , they said their goodbyes and walked their own ways. Gem was ecstatic that they were able to meet and that her cousin seemed so nonchalant about it despite disclosing that Gem's father had said some nasty words to her and she hoped that she would be able to leave for the weekend. The next morning when she woke she felt excited she didn't know why but she felt like today was going to be a good day , after getting ready for the day she headed out of her common room and into the Great Hall , she sat down to eat looking around and noticing George was waving at her she waved back expecting to see Fred next to him but he wasn't. Once breakfast was done she walked out of the hall looking for Angelina so they could walk to class together but she didn't see her so she figured she better just get going once she entered the room she saw Angelina already at their desk and when she walked up to it she saw a small box of chocolates and a little note , she asked Angelina if she knew anything about it but she shook her head , Gem opened the little note and it read "this one is for scaring you although next time I won't go so easy on you" F.W the letter was initialed she took the treat and placed it in her bag and sat down. After class Angelina and Gem were walking to her next class when Snape stopped them he asked Gem to follow him , they entered his classroom "Ms.Malfoy Dumbledore has asked me to relay a message to you , he wanted to let you know that you are free to leave this weekend" , "oh thank you so much professor" , "you know Ms.Malfoy I hope you don't think I'm intrusive , but I hope you realize that you have to be careful about where you are seen and especially with who you are seen with" , "oh uhh yeah thank you" , Gem walked out of his class realizing that he was right but she needed to make this connection she felt as if her father was getting worse with his punishment and she felt as if she would have to marry Brian because it didn't seem there were too many people that she could choose from that her father would approve. She made it to her last class before lunch but she wasn't really paying to her professor today her mind was on other things , she had gone to the yard during lunch not feeling hungry at all , she was sitting on a bunch deep in thought when she felt someone sit next to her "penny for your thoughts" George asked her nudging her shoulder , "what are you up to planning to prank some more people aren't you" George's laugh boomed in the court yard and Gem found herself laughing and then for some reason crying , she felt manic she wondered why she felt the need to cry. George thought she was messing around until he realized he wasn't , he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder asking her if she was okay but Gem jus continued to sob until she was hyperventilating, George didn't know what to do he tried to calm her down but he couldn't , he grabbed her by the wrist pulling her with him as he walked , he was going to take her to the hospital wing because he had no idea was was wrong with her , when they arrived George explained the situation to Madam Pomfrey she nodded at him telling him that she would take care if it and that he should head to class. Madam Pomfrey gave Gem some tea and before she knew it she was fast asleep , after a couple hours Gem began to open her eyes and she heard some whispering , she slowly sat up and she saw that Tonks was there talking with Dumbledore in a very hushed whisper , they turned to her and asked if she was okay but she felt like crying again , she was such a little girl and she had so much on her mind she wished she could be like the other kids who simply had to worry about homework and getting in trouble at home for not doing their chores. Tonks sat on the bed that Gem was laying in , Gem didn't notice until now that she had a different hair color , Tonks grabbed her hand asking Dumbledore if she could speak to Gem alone , he simply nodded and headed outside. "You know you have some nice friends , they came by and dropped off some sweets for you wondering if you were okay" , Gem once again sat up and saw a table with some sweets on them and she noticed some little notes that looked like the one Fred had written her earlier , "what's wrong Gem , your friend said one minute you're okay and the next minute your crying" , Gem's throat began to feel dry and she wanted to cry but she didn't allow herself to , "it's getting too much for me I just want a normal life with normal parents" , Tonks looked at the poor girl in front of her how could this little girl have to deal with so much. Tonks was fully aware of the way Lucius acted and how Narcissa stood idly by watching it happening , she never understood her aunt but kept a connection because her mother asked her to and when Narcissa asked her to write to her daughter at school she felt some sympathy because even though Narcissa stood and watch what happened to her children Tonks knew she had no other choice she knew something Gem didn't and Gem wouldn't understand until she was older and as it looked to her Gem and her father would be on opposing sides. What could she do for this girl in front of her this girl who was suffering , she didn't know at the moment but she would have a talk with Dumbledore later on , she was glad that it seemed as Gem had genuine friends at school who at least cared about her , she looked at the girl in front the girl who begged for normal parents. Tonks didn't have words for her so she simply held her hand and stroked her head until Gem was asleep once again.

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