Pride and Prejudice

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Would You Be So Kind - Dodie "I know you know that I like you but that's not enough"

Fred had come to realize that he really enjoys spending time with Gem he hadn't even noticed the amount of time his brother was spending with Angelina , they were both in their own separate world. Fred had even told his mother about the girl with eyes like the ocean and hair like snow but his mother gave him a fair warning about "that family" which is the way she put but his mother didn't really say more as she thought that they were just kids anyways , that little girl couldn't be responsible for what her father had done. After helping Fred with his potions they hung out for a bit before dinner they both sat near the courtyard but not outside because it was too cold but they were still able to feel the harsh winter wind. Gem felt comfortable around Fred he had an easy going personality that made her feel carefree though she was more of an academic person she liked the contrast it created , Fred being sarcastic and quick witted with his jokes and she was quiet but whatever question someone would ask she could answer in a heartbeat. After awhile they made their way to the Great Hall fo dinner though they weren't too hungry still full with only sweets having to say goodbye like always , Gem sat with Jenna and Emma and they told her how they had a crazy weekend and they had forgotten about their homework hoping Snape won't give them detention. After dinner Gem felt tired she wanted nothing more than to head straight to her bed and fall asleep but as she made her way to the dungeons she was stopped by Brian "hey I was looking for you this whole weekend I wanted to hangout" , "oh yeah I had to do some much homework and didn't leave my room" Gem couldn't tell him that she left to see Tonks because she didn't know if he would tell anyone which might result in her parents finding out she didn't really want to talk to Brian about anything and as she began walking down the stairs he got a hold of her wrist making her stay in her place "you do know that the Weasley are nothing like us" Gem pulled her hand back feeling offended that he had even said anything to her about her friends at all , before she could respond to him Snape appeared behind Brian "is there a problem here Mr.Avery" , he left go of your wrist "not at all Professor Snape" , "well then best you head to your room before points are taken away from your house for being out almost past curfew". Brian scurried off leaving Gem and Snape standing on the stairs "it would be wise for you to head to your room as well Ms.Malfoy" she nodded and made her way in a hurry when she entered her room it was empty which was weird but Gem liked being alone so she didn't necessarily mind it , she sat in bed and decided to begin reading one of the new books it was something she had never read before , she usually read mystery novels and racked her brain with every new page to figure it out but she saw this book and for some unknown reason it caught her attention. Gem had spent awhile reading it that she fell asleep midway , by the time she woke up it was already late she had missed breakfast and her first started in 10 minutes she rushed to get her robes on and ran right into her class Angelina gave her a weird look but before she could say anything because the professor just walked in , Gem's eyes felt heavy throughout the whole class her eyes closing with head resting on the palm of her hand Angelina had nudged her rib so many times Gem wouldn't be surprised if a bruise had formed. Once the class had ended and they walked to their next class Gem told her how she had stayed up most of the night reading and Angelina just laughed at her , Gem was glad she had her or she would have slept through all her classes , during lunch she didn't eat because she was too busy with her face in her book she couldn't put it down at this point , walking down the hall to her next class she didn't even look up until she had to put it away. At the end of her last class she didn't even think any of the homework that was due , she headed to the courtyard it was only snowing lightly and she figured that she would be so engrossed in the book to even notice she sat on a bench placing her bag next to her and began reading , when she was at the last page she felt something cold hit the back of her head ready to yell she turned around and she saw two red hair boys laughing so hard they almost fell over Gem glared at them waiting for them to finish their laughing fit Fred came up to her ruffling her hair "is little Ms.Malfoy mad" Gem took the book she was reading and hit Fred on the arm with it this caused Fred and George to laugh even harder. Before gem could hit him again he grabbed the book easily pulling it from hand "now what are we reading no doubt a 7th year text book" he looked at the front of the book studying it careful until George came up behind him snatching it from his hands "Pride and Prejudice" Gem snatched the book back stuffing it back in her bag huffing at the boys who were now sitting next to her , they teased her some more but she knew it was all fun and games. They sat and talked for what seemed like hours Gem didn't even realize that it was already dark outside and they had actually missed dinner and her stomach was growling "wow there Gem you must have a monster in there" Fred joked "dinner is over and we didn't get eat and I missed lunch" Fred and George looked at each other and they each grabbed one of Gem's hand , George also grabbed her bag throwing it over his shoulder , both of them began running dragging Gem with them but she had no idea where they headed it seemed to her they were nearing the Hufflepuff rooms suddenly they were ducking behind something that she had never seen , she heard footstep and they were all quiet once the footsteps were no longer heard they proceeded to enter a room that Gem had never seen before it was a kitchen but it was huge there were pots and pots upon each other it seemed endless. The boys finally let go of her hands and took a couple of pots setting them on an empty table and grabbing some plates , after rustling with the pots Fred pushed a plates towards Gem it had a bunch of food on it "won't we get in trouble for being in here" she questioned before stuffing her mouth "well that's the fun in it" Gem gave them a side eye and rolled her eyes making the boys turn into a fit a laughter , when they were done they sat on the floor because they were to full to move , "what is the book you were reading about I have never heard of it" , "well Fred to be fair you haven't heard of too many books have you" Gem teased him nudging his shoulder with her "it's actually a muggle book" she took it out of her bag and placed it in his hand "would you like to borrow it" , "well I am definitely not a big fan of reading" , "oh" Gem said feeling subconscious so she took the book back about to place it in her bag again "but what if you read it aloud to me" Gem's eyes sparked at the idea. She had been reading to both of them , mostly Fred because George had his eyes closed and Gem assumed he was asleep , she was so into the book and Fred was so into staring at her that neither heard the footsteps walking towards them before they knew a voiced boomed and Gem jumped with fright "what are you three doing in here" it was Snape and he seemed angry George had finally opened his eyes again but they all stayed silent not knowing what to say "you two head back to your rooms at this instance" he pointed at the two brothers and George was soon out of the room but Fred had taken a hold of Gem's hand pulling her with him until Snape had told her to stay and he glared at Fred until he let her hand go and walked out of the room "I'm so sorry Professor I missed dinner and was hungry so they brought me here to get some food but I know that is no excuse" , "you know Ms.Malfoy you need to be more careful who you associate with your father would not take it lightly to hear you got in trouble for being with two silly boys" Gem didn't say anything she was in a sort of shock and felt offended but mad that he was basically telling her who to hang out with , she looked at him for a second and walked out of the kitchen. As she began walking towards her room someone grabbed her hand she yelled and turned around to see it was only Fred "you scared me you bloody nutter" he laughed loudly but Gem shushed him not wanting to get caught again "I didn't want you to walk back alone in a big scary castle if anything were to happen I am the only one strong enough to protect you" Gem looked at him with her eyebrows raised "Fred I'm definitely stronger than you" before he could say anything her let out a loud yell muttering that something had touched his leg , Gem was almost on the floor from laughing pointing at Mrs.Norris rubbing on his leg and purring , Fred blushed pushing gem away from the cat so they could continue walking until they reached her room "I was wondering if you could read the rest of the book to me it's really interesting and if I were to read it alone I wouldn't be able to focus" he smiled at her his cheeks now resembling his hair but she just smiled and nodded at him waving him goodbye and goodnight.

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