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Ribs - Lorde "Mom and dad let me stay home , it drives you crazy getting old"

The year had passed by in flash for Gem , it was now only one month before she would return home and leave school for three month before returning , this saddened her she would be leaving all her friends for a little bit and there was no way she would be able to write to them and she wouldn't be able to have her weekly evening tea with Professor Snape. Though she was still a little girl Gem felt as if she had grown up a lot over the course of the school year which included making many unlikely friendships , at this point she was sure she had a full blown crush on Fred but she had yet to tell anyone besides her cousin , and she did notice that Brian no longer bothered her though every once in awhile she would look up and notice he would be staring at her from across the room but would quickly divert his gaze. She had grown so fond of Fred she spent most of her waking moments outside of class with him , even though he had different classes than her he would always walk her to class , they had even made it a routine that Gem would read a book to him if they had no homework to do which was rare but when it happened they spent their time near the lake when it was warmer out leaned against a tree. Gem was even more saddened at the fact that she wouldn't be able to see Fred for three months considering that their lives were now heavily intertwined but she had come to realize as much as she had come to know about his family he knew nothing about hers besides the fact that she had a younger brother and she wished she could tell him everything about her family that she could tell him that her father would yell at her for their friendship but she hoped that he would laugh at the stupid idea of being unable to talk because of bloodlines that he would just pat her head like always and continue his rants about anything and everything. She wished she could ask her father if she could spend the day with Fred and she would want to take him to all the same places her cousin and her went but she couldn't , the more she thought about it she realized that maybe it was a good thing that she hadn't said anything to Fred about her crush because she would never want to bring him into her life with her horrible father. Gem would have to make this last month the best one so she could hold on for three months while she stayed at home , though she really loved her mother and brother being around her father was a high price to pay for being near them but if she wanted to return to the school she would have to deal with it . This particular morning Gem was feeling extra sad she wanted to stay in bed forever hoping that she might sink so far into the sheets that she would get lost but she willed herself out of bed and today she decided to do things different she was up before mostly everyone so she got up and ready heading towards the Gryffindor rooms thinking she would mix things up and wait for Fred to walk to breakfast together , she sat on the stairs for about an hour not realizing how until now how late they would usually wake up. Finally after waiting for what felt like forever for Gem some of the Gryffindors started walking out though she noticed that some of them would glare at her or give her a side eye she didn't have time to dwell on it before Fred and George had walked out both reaching to pat her head but she ducked making them barely miss her neatly combed hair "not today boys but maybe next time" she had told them in a jokingly matter "so Ms.Malfoy we learned something interesting about you" George had spoken up , Gem had stopped in her tracks afraid of what it was that the two boys had heard "a little birdie has told us that your birthday is coming up soon" Gem continued walking feeling the breathe that she was holding in escape her tighten lungs "now who told you this" though they just looked at her with a funny face she knew it was Angelina. Gem had only told her about her birthday because Angelina told her it was simple and harmless trivia at a friend should know but Gem absolutely hated birthday because at home it was never a happy celebration it was always the same thing she would wake up with a present at the end of her bed and her parents would not speak a word about it but at the end of the day they would all sit together for dinner and her favorite food would be placed in front of her but never any words spoken , this year though she would be spending her birthday at Hogwarts. As the three of them walked to the hall there was something else that stopped Gem in her tracks , although not quite literally , the one question she was never asked "what would you like for you birthday" she didn't have an answer as pompous as it might sound she had everything anyone could really ask for at a young age if anything the things she desired weren't exactly tangible , "there is nothing that I would like except to hangout with you guys and Angelina" she spoke it in a laugh to cover up the fact that she had no idea what she wanted though it wasn't a lie at all she did want to hang out with them. All throughout breakfast she listened as the boys joked around but she never said a word and when the time came for class and Fred walked beside her she still hadn't said a word and when they had reached her classroom instead of a pat on the head as a goodbye he pulled her into a hug , seeing as they were basically the same height it made it a bit awkward , Gem had stayed ridged not really sure what to do with herself since she wasn't used to affection like this but when Fred pulled away and as he walked away he looked back at her where she stood still and flustered he let out a boisterous laugh beginning to run to his class. For the rest of the week it went on like that , though when Friday rolled around she no longer stood rigid with her hands on her side but she hesitantly wrapped her arms around his waist putting almost no pressure against him like she was afraid she might do something wrong. The whole week had gone like normal and when the weekend rolled around Gem had not found Fred anywhere yet George would not tell her where in the world he had gone though she did spend those two days with him , she had found that in a way she was more similar to him than she was to Fred , they were both quieter and calmer in the same sense , she laughed to herself at the thought that they were identical but so vastly different she could tell them apart from miles away. Gem had felt some sense of security with George something she had never felt with her own family he felt like a brother who she could talk to about anything if they had spent even a day more alone she might have just spilled everything she had been keeping in about her family , but as Sunday came to an end and George had dropped her off in front of her common room with a pat on her head and she sat in bed she felt a sadness she wondered if she should expect anything from her parents for her birthday this year because as she had come to realize that the way her parents show her any kind of love is through gifts , she always felt bad complaining about the fact all she ever got was expensive items from her parents when she wished they would at least acknowledge her but she did know there was people who had it worse she at least had food on the table and a roof over her head. The next morning Gem had woke up in a better mood than she felt last night , it was 6am so she had an hour until breakfast would start though she could tell almost everyone was awake and getting ready in less than 10 minutes and once again she decided to wait for the two boys outside of their common room , she headed off right away considering it would take her awhile to make it to the top of the tower. Before she even arrived she had ran into Fred and he was on his way down , probably to wait for her , and as soon as his brown eyes saw her sparkling blue eyes he had tackled her into a hug almost pushing them both down the stairs "Happy Birthday Malfoy" he had screamed in her ear making her stumble back only to be caught by him and for her to immediately bring her finger to his lips signaling for him to be quiet. Though she was happy about Fred's reaction to her she did not want other people to know it was her birthday. Fred had seemed suspiciously giddy the whole day , although it wasn't something new it was an excessive amount this particular day ,  and when she made it to potions she made her way to her normal seat and when she arrived there was a small long black box with green/silver ribbon around it she was confused on what it could be and why it was on her desk , there was a small little note card with nothing except the initials S.S , she took the box in her hand and noticed it was velvet she carefully removed the ribbon not wanting anyone to see how excited she actually was , when she opened the box on the top of it was G.M engraved with gold there was a beautiful quill something like she had never seen before , and when she pressed it on the paper without any ink the paper was marked , Gem was surprised until she soon realized it was an enchanted quill one she wouldn't need ink. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the doors slammed opened making everyone in the classroom look up to face Snape and when he made contact with Gem for a split second he nodded his head towards her making her aware of who exactly this gift was from , when the class finally came to an end she let everyone slowly disperse so she was the last one there and she made her way to the front of the class where Snape sat with his head looking down grading papers "professor I just wanted to say thank you I really appreciate this it's the best thing I could possibly ask for" , "it really is no big deal at all Ms. Malfoy , I figured one of my best student could really use something like this to make all her work even better , now while I would love to continue this chat it seems like someone is waiting for you" he nodded his head in the direction of the door where the familiar red hair boy waited for her bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Angel//Fred Weasley Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ