Chapter 28

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He firmly shook my hand. Leo Yuri had blonde hair and green eyes, he was tall and lean. His two body guards where huge bigger then Ryan and Rufous and that said a lot.

"Well I guess I'll leave you, well done  tonight Ryan and it was lovely meeting you" he said and walked out with his body guards following him.

"So you signed the contract?" I asked once I knew we where alone, "can we not fight about this?" He sighed looking tired.

"We're not and I'm not. He seems okay, but I swear one thing out of line and I'll pull you out of that contract" I said. "Yes ma'am" he said doing a mock salute, "I'm gonna wait outside for you" I said. "Okay I'll be quick" he gave me a quick kiss and I walked out.

I saw Rufous approaching and he smiled at me. We fell in to light hearted conversation, about what we've been up to since the last time we had seen each other.

"Hey guys ready to go?" Ryan asked coming out of the dressing room, "yeah" I said smiling at him. He stepped forward but a group of girls came up to him, they squealed and crowded around him. Taking pictures and getting autographs.

I smiled to myself as I watched him, he kept looking at me too. I turned my head to Rufous as he spoke to me at that moment. When I turned back to look at Ryan my heart stopped.

I had turned just in time to see Ryan locking lips with a brunette. My heart shattered and tears filled my eyes, I was hurt we had just solved our problems now this had to happen.

The girl pulls away and what hurt me more was that she and Ryan smiled at each other, I had expected him to push her away then come running to me to explain that she meant nothing to him.

The group dispersed and Ryan strolled towards us like nothing had happened. As he walked towards us with a smirk on his face, I couldn't take it anymore and turned around. I ran out the door to the parking lot and through the crowed of people.

Tears blurred my vision as I walked out. "Bayliy! Wait!" I heard someone shout, then I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I snapped my head at the person and glared at Ryan, "hey what's wrong why are you crying?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"What's worng? Really?" I asked narrowing my glare on him. "Would you please just tell me" he said getting frustrated, "you know what you're a jerk Ryan and it was a mistake coming here" I said and started to walk away.

"What does that mean?" He shouted as he followed behind me. I whipped my head around to look at him, "you know what you're right. You have no relation to me, you took on the responsibility of Isa because you felt sorry for us, you are not her real father and I should never expect you to act like it. You and I made a mistake now I'm pregnant with your child. We aren't a couple or married or even toghter, nothing between us is official so it's perfectly fine if we see other people. So I'm not mad that you stuck your toung down some girls throat in front of me."

I walked away, Ryan stood still and shocked, he didn't know what to say in that moment. I hailed a cab and got in just as he came running out to stop me. I told the driver my address and he never spoke to me again for the rest of the ride.

Which I was grateful for because I wanted to have a moment to my thoughts. When I got home I sighed tiredly as I walked through the door and switched the lights on.

"Guys I'm home" I called as I threw my keys in on the counter I felt something crunch beneath my shoes but didn't pay much attention to it. "Guys!" I called again then I looked up.

I took in the sight before me with wide eyes and a heavy heart. The apartment was completely trashed, everything was moved or smashed on the floor. "Isa! Uncle Tony?" I called going in on the bedroom to see it in the same state as the kitchen and living room. But no one was in the house.

When I went into Isa's room I looked at the mess then turned to leave but something caught my eye. Isa's favourite teddy bear was in the middle of the bed with a yellow sticky note on its paw. I picked it up and read the note.

Hello again Bayliy

I guess you didn't do a good enough job of hiding from me. I have the girl and if you want me to prolong killing her call the number below.

I saw the number and instantly picked my phone up and dailed it. "I was hoping to hear from you soon sweetheart" the voice sneered. My heart pounded when I heard the voice, it was all my nightmares in real life. "What the hell have you done to my daughter, you asshole."

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