Chapter 7 - When Hunters Meet the Hunted

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"Ostende mihi viam in ea." Lilith muttered from where she was crouched down, eyes flashing gold a moment as her hand hovered above the ground.

The grass beneath her palm wilted, a brown picture in the dirt appearing of a vaguely familiar, grand Mansion before the image sped up, leading a route back to where her hand graced the Earth.

"Whatcha' doing, Kid?"

Lilith jumped up from where she was crouched, turning to see Dean stood by the Impala, arms crossed.

"Just dropped my key!" She called back, glancing back to the brown patch of dirt that was gone- fresh grass having returned in a second- before walking over and hopping in the back seat, "And don't call me 'kid', I'm 18. Besides, that's someone else's nickname."

"Whatever you say."

"Where're we going?" Sam asked, turning to her.

"Oh, I'll direct you. Pull out, turn left and keep going straight."

"What should we be expecting, exactly?" Dean queried, "Some sort of teen gang warfare?"

"Not quite." Lilith admitted. "I don't really know. But I know Rey, my friend, is there and with all the fights her sister gets into-"

Well, they didn't HAVE to know about the Werewolf part, did they?

"You're worried she's gotten caught up in it, too?" Sam queried.

Lilith shrugged, "Possibly."

"But you said you could handle them." Dean pointed out. "You don't even know who's there."

"Exactly," Sam added, "You don't know how many there are."

Lilith shrugged again, eyes on the passing town, "I fancy my odds. Left, then next right. Besides, I have back up now, right?"

"I'm not about to beat some kids up." Dean warned, turning the Impala where he'd been directed.

"Even if I said 'please'?"

"Lilith, look-"

"I'm joking, I'm joking... but this has never happened before. Things have been, well, odd lately. Who knows? It could be something to do with your Vamps."

"Well, if it happens that it is," Dean said, now more to his brother. "I say we call Cass down."

"Dean, this is probably just a Vamp's nest. With everything going on up there now-"

"He'd come if there're kids around who could get caught up in crossfire."

"Fine." Sam agreed, disgruntled, "If things go wrong or we're suspicious, we call Cass."

"Cass?" Lilith asked.

"Castiel." Sam explained. "An Angel we know."

"A what now?"

After cramming a conversation about the very real Heaven, Hell, Demons, Angels, Archangels and Lucifer into 5 minutes, Dean pulled the Impala down a road and-

"This is it." Lilith announced, "The Mansion's over there but- damn, we missed them."


Lilith frowned a moment, picking up a familiar Trace, "A few streets away- do a U-turn."

"Yes, Ma'am." Dean muttered and obliged.

It wasn't long until they were on Reyna's street. But Reyna wasn't in sight. Sanya and a few others were, however, all seeming to be ready to part as they climbed into two different cars.

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