Chapter 13 - An Excusable Time for Expletives

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Stefan: Where are you?

Elena: Have you seen Jeremy? If you see him, get him and come to s. mansion. plz

Damon: Whthr sleeping in or hate sex or death, you get your ass to the mansion ASAP

Reyna: We need to talk.

And QUITE a few missed calls, too.

"You don't check your phone for a few hours and you really see how many people think about you." Sanya yawning as she fished around the room for her bra. They'd fallen asleep after- after, and it was nearly 3 now. So much for hunting the Hunters.

"I didn't hear your phone buzzing or I'd have woken you." Jeremy said, wondering where his damned belt had gone. He wasn't about to go outside like Ferris Bueller again, so he'd borrowed a flannel shirt from Sanya. Sadly, he couldn't do anything about the jeans. The Dance seemed like it had been weeks ago- not 20 hours ago.

"It's been on DND for the past four years- aha!" She said, finally spotting the undergarment on top of her bookcase. How it'd gone there, she didn't know- but hey, at least she'd found it. "Anyway, the supernatural support gang is at the Salvatore mansion- and they asked us to come over."


"Well, Elena asked me to get you and I texted back that you're with me. I was very groggy, so I'm sorry."

"Damn it, now she won't stop making fun of me."

Sanya laughed.

Within the hour, they were walking up the garden which led to the old boarding house, currently the Salvatore Mansion.

"What now?" Sanya wondered aloud as they entered the house, and immediately were flanked by the Salvatore brothers.

"Hello, Witch. Little Gilbert." Damon greeted, his grin most infuriating. "Happy to see you drop in."

Everyone ignored him, and Stefan spoke, "Bonnie and Caroline will be here soon-"

"Where are they?" Jeremy asked.

"At the hospital, with Isabella." Elena appeared from a corner and smiled at her brother. "Good night, baby brother?"

"Shut up, Elena."

Sanya decided to let that conversation topic die, because she knew Damon would start making not-a-virgin-anymore jokes soon. "How IS Isabella? Is Reyna with her?"

"No," A voice called and Reyna stepped out of a room, her laptop in her arms. Her eyes were hard and she was frowning. "I'm here."

Sanya swallowed and bit her lip. Holy Hecate, she hadn't anticipated this. But it was probably good that she didn't have to keep up one of her pretences anymore. "Uh-"

"Come in here." The Werewolf said, her voice firm. "As my unopened text said; we need to talk."

"Right, we'll, uh, wait inside the other room for you two to finish up before we dig out more about the hunters." Stefan said, dragging a disappointed Damon away- he'd have preferred to stay for the drama.

Elena mouthed an encouraging 'good luck' to Reyna, before leaving as Jeremy gave Sanya a tight-lipped smile, placed a hand on her shoulder momentarily, then followed his sister out.

"So," Sanya cleared her throat, she was terrible at confrontation, "what's this all about?"

"How about we start with when you erased my memories for the sake of your psychopath friend?"

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