Chapter 21 - And The Final Thing-

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'Try to make amends. Then, once you've left, you won't regret as much.' Sam had advised that morning. Castiel had nodded. Dean had read her like a book and handed her a bottle of beer. She'd declined. It had been 9 in the morning.

"Hey." Lilith called, feigning ease and walking over to meet Sanya. "I didn't know if you'd make it."

"I wasn't going to come." Sanya replied flatly- which was, technically, the truth. She'd changed her mind about eighty times while walking around town. "But, I figured, I did almost kill you yesterday, so it's only fair for me to show up."

"And I nearly got the Vampires- your family," Lilith added, warily and curiously but not insultingly, "killed. So, it wouldn't been fair if you didn't, too."

"I didn't realise- I didn't understand that I thought of them as my family 'till last night. All this time, I just thought I was protecting them because it was the right thing to do." She replied, tone still flat. "Why did you want to meet up? I told you the flat was yours."

"I was hoping we'd talk stuff out more first. Kind of lessen the tension but, when do we ever lessen tension?" Lilith shook her head slightly. She was stalling herself and she knew it. "I won't be needing the flat. I'm leaving Mystic Falls tomorrow."

Clumsy as she was, Sanya had never fallen deep into anything. But right now, she felt like she was falling into a dark, cavernous well, with nothing and no one on the surface to pull her out.

Which was stupid, seeing as she'd told her to go. She shouldn't- she shouldn't be- agh.


"Yeah." Lilith pressed on, "They- the Winchesters- travel pretty light so I'll probably head to the flat for some clothes and a book or so but the rest of my stuff you can sell or bin or- or I can get them to drop it off at a skip." She paused a moment, thinking. "And you can keep the deposit if we get it back, they have their own- uhm- way of getting money so... yeah. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon."

What was there to say to that?

Sanya tried to summon up the bitterness, the anger, the pure and adulterated rage she'd been feeling since last night, but she could feel nothing. Well, if emptiness was an emotion- she was feeling that.

At least she wasn't crying. She couldn't stand crying- she must've been ten or something the last time she'd cried- in exception to last night.

"Okay." She said simply, wondering why she'd even sat down as she got to her feet again. "Goodbye, then."

"Hey, Za." Lilith called after a moment, only just taking in the fact Sanya was about to leave like that.

Well- she was, too but- no, she wasn't! She'd at least intended on a goodbye. A proper goodbye. Running after Sanya, Lilith dared stop her by taking her wrist- then her hand. "Kid, wait!"

Even though Sanya didn't turn to Lilith and only stood still, silent, Lilith kept talking. "We can't just leave it on this. We don't have to leave it at all, not properly. I can call and Skype and- if you forgive me, and if you want to, this doesn't have to be goodbye at all. Well, I'd still be leaving but- it'd be as hard to leave-" you. Us. "all this as it should be."

Lilith always talked too much. She was just chatter, chatter, chatter- at least with Sanya. If- if this was a normal life, like she'd once wanted it to be- if they were regular teenagers, without death and magic and the supernatural breathing upon their necks, perhaps Sanya would've- well, her response would've been... different, to say the least.

But it wasn't, and Jeremy was still dead, and so she didn't.

"Skype?" Sanya asked quietly, turning her face towards Lilith only a little. "After everything- after I nearly killed you and you killed Jeremy, after- after me telling you to leave and you actually deciding to leave, you're telling me you want to SKYPE?"

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