Chapter 19 - Swimming, Soulmate Bonds and Sleepovers

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"We'll try again in a few days." Sam told his brother as they looped an arm each around the semi-conscious Lilith. The second Sanya had turned her back, the blonde had near enough blacked out.

The Vampires proved no threat, Sam had decided- not tonight at least, they were busy mourning.

Dean looked as though he was going to argue- and he wanted to- but instead they began out and towards the Impala.

"You can heal her?" Dean asked Castiel as he scooped Lilith up and placed her in the back seat. Luckily for him, this was the one time she wouldn't have killed him for doing so.

"I can try." Castiel replied from the other back seat, tone grave as he supported the girl beside him. "But it seems to be more emotional damage."

"Let's just get back to the Motel." Same decided, nodding to his brother who was, as usual, climbing into the driver's side, "We'll work things out there."


Sanya didn't know where she was going- she thought she'd set out for home, but when the sun started to shine and light fell upon them, she noticed that she was deep into the woods.

Well, if there was ever a time she wanted to get eaten by a grizzly bear, this was it.

Sadly, it wasn't a grizzly which caught up with her, but the Salvatore brothers.

"What do you want?" Sanya asked quietly- very surprised to see them. She'd been sure they'd go with Elena- with Reyna- as they should have. She was okay alone.

"To walk with you through these dangerous woods." Damon said, but even his voice was sober.

"We're here for you, Sanya." Stefan said earnestly.


"Bonnie and Caroline took her home. Tyler is- Tyler is with Jeremy. Reyna went to take Isabella to the hospital-"

Sanya stopped short, "Izzie, is she-"

"She'll live. Wolfie just texted me." Damon assured her, both brothers noticing she didn't ask about Lilith. Probably a good thing. "That was- what you did- it was really powerful."

"To control blood is to control us all." Stefan said, looking at her. "I've never seen anything like it- I saw it in a cartoon once, but it's not the same thing."

"I lost control." She whispered, pushing across a branch to make her way across. "I almost killed her."

"She killed Jeremy, almost killed Isabella." Damon said, his voice hard but the hand he laid on her shoulder was soft. "She deserved it."

That still doesn't stop this feeling of guilt and fucking awful-ness, she wanted to say, but she seemed to have lost her will to speak.

"Sanya, you want to go get something to eat- or-"

"No." She said, suddenly sensing water somewhere- somewhere close and she wanted to cry. She wanted to sob and immerse herself in water and just let herself go.

'You'd say how you wanted to swim every day in lakes and seas-'

"I want to swim."

Stefan blinked a couple of times before speaking again, "You- what?"

"You heard me." The brunette replied, a moment later wading into the lake she'd led them towards.

Damon looked unimpressed, but still walked in after her nonetheless, after sharing a look with her brother.


"-wasn't just her 'flatmate', Dean. Cass said he felt the bond between them was a soulmate bond. They were family. Sanya was all she had-"

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