Chapter 18 - Water Douses Everything

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Sanya thought she'd gone blind.

But that wasn't exactly right, was it? Blind people saw darkness- and she... she could see nothing but an intense bright light, probably with as much force as the sun would have.

She was too late in tearing her eyes away from whatever the bright light was- there were white spots dancing in front of her eyes and she couldn't make out anything, except for a distant scream of "LOOK AWAY!"

She didn't care what it was- she didn't care what it did- she didn't care who made it- she wanted to hurt someone, and hurt someone as bad as she felt right then. She might have been alone almost always- but she had never lost anyone, and the sight of Jeremy's body- sweet Jeremy, who had asked to be her person, with whom she'd spent a few brief days and wanted to spend so much longer- it drove her to tears and madness and rage, and she could practically feel her magic pulsing to get out and bombard everyone in a ten-mile radius.

She was water. Water douses everything. By the time she looked back at the bright light, it seemed to be dimming, but she wasn't. Her eyes were pure liquid silver, the aura of sea-green around her as noticeable as if she'd worn a traffic signal on her head.

If you asked her the next day, or any other day, where the water came from, she wouldn't be able to say. She would have no idea- but she'd tell you that her feelings, the storm of emotions were the reason that the warehouse was flooded and almost washed away, and all that she cared to remember was seeing a drenched Lilith.

The blonde had dropped to her knees in the middle of the Warehouse, shivering and giving off a smell of pleasant, sweet-smelling welding fumes.

Sanya should've knocked her out that very second and been merciful, but she didn't.

"Look at me." Sanya demanded quietly, walking over and kneeling in front of the girl she loved. "Sunshine, look at me."

And Lilith did- and whatever you said about her, her blue eyes never lost that twinkle, that look that made you feel she was about to pull the fire alarm and skip the rest of the school day with a rucksack of alcohol and her portable speaker (which she had, frequently).

"Why- why are you with them?" Lilith asked, voice coming out weak before she had to stop and cough out more water. "They're killers."

"You're a killer." Sanya told her, eyes boring into her flatmate's. "You. You were condemning a whole species. Damon was right, you're playing God. And look-" The water Witch swallowed and pointed to the unconscious, bloodied Isabella in weeping Reyna's arms, and at Jeremy's body, which she had cried for. "You killed them."

Lilith was often one to shrug things off. Horror films didn't scare her, gore didn't bother her and dark matters were often the subject of her jokes- but at that moment, as she looked at the injured and the deceased and heard Sanya's words, she was horrified. "I didn't- it wasn't-"

"Me and you, Lilith. It was always supposed to be me and you." There were tears streaming down Sanya's face as Lilith looked back to her, but her voice was steady. "If you wanted a normal life- I know I talked about covens and all, and we argued so much- but if that's what you wanted, I would've been with you. I've been with you through everything- and you never even let me finish a single thing I said. You heard covens and you started screaming at me."

The blonde's fieriness, which had never wavered before the previous moment, returned- it seemed to be personified in the sudden red streak which ran through her fair hair. "Covens are new people- after everyone we've met, after everything people did to us- how can you trust them? How could you let in-"

"I didn't want to join another coven." Sanya said, tone as soft as it ever was. "I wanted us to build our own." A family.

"You never said-"

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