Chapter 11 - Revelations and Realisations

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"Hey," Tyler said, sliding to the group who were gathered at the Manion's front door. "Where'd the baddies go?"

"Into the woods." Elena said, sounding a little weak. She didn't exactly have good memories in the woods- none of them did. "Damon and Stefan went in there- Reyna, Bonnie and Caroline headed in there, too, so did the Hunters-"

"There were four." Sanya spoke, her voice strange. Four? There had been two- two men, brothers.

They did have others on their side. She only hoped it wasn't one of their own, someone from Mystic Falls. She cleared her throat, "Four of them. We should go and cut them off-"

"Come on, let's go-" Elena agreed immediately.

"You're insane if you think you're going in there." Jeremy said, stepping up to them. "We'll both probably be killed."

"I can't just let Stefan- my friends-"

"We're HUMAN, El." Her little brother said, but before he could say anything, Sanya spoke.

"We'll go in, and- if we don't come back- well, remember to feed my cat." She gave Jeremy a less-than-reassuring smile, and he gaped back. It reminded her of the first time she'd seen him- when his mother had come to drop off some cookies at the orphanage. He'd look at her in awe, horrified and impressed that a kid around his age was living in such a place. She'd scowled at him, and turned away.

"Come on, Tyler." She said, and the Werewolf and the Witch began to the woods, one's eyes glowing green-gold and the other's silvery-purple.

Dean looked around the darkened forest, but there was no one. Nothing. No trace of anything supernatural, until-

"Uh, Dean?" Sam muttered, noticing the approaching dark figures that were closing in, circled around them.

The elder brother pointed the Colt in various directions, one wrong move and these creatures could- could do God knows what to them.

"We're outnumbered." He observed, now back to back with his brother. He'd fired a few shots on the way into the Forest in the direction he'd seen the movement, but was certain all those shots had gone to waste.

"You're telling me?" Sam replied, quite disappointed that this was how they were going to die. A Vamp nest getting the better of them. Really?

The Vampires got nearer and nearer, the brother's hope lessened and lessened- all until they heard distant cop car sirens approaching.

Within a second, the Vampires had vanished.

"Seems like someone has a problem with authority." Dean mused before pocketing the Colt. "Come on, before we get dragged down for it."

Lilith and Castiel had barely made it into the forest when they heard the sirens. They'd heard gunshots- but no shouting, no cries and hadn't known whether or not that that that was a good thing.

"Cops." Lilith muttered, before they heard a 'whoosh', and Vampires rushed past them. "No, you don't." She added, eyes glowing gold as she shoved the shotgun to Castiel, raised her hands and shot what turned out to essentially be small fireballs after the group.

Whether they hit a target or not, she had no idea as her attention was caught by a squeal of tires.

"They've left us!" Lilith announced, feeling understandably betrayed by the brothers as she and Castiel scrambled out of the Forest to see the Impala disappear into the night.

Perhaps Sanya was right- maybe these Winchesters weren't so trustworthy and- oh, great, now she'd be arrested.

"They had to." The Angel assured her, his loyalties to the Winchesters unwavering as he held out his hand to her. "Hold tightly."

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