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And there they all were. Dave and his Team had to make sure that noone in this city would get hurt nor anything else. They also had to make sure that Zak and Darryl were alright. Jacob was finally done with their bullshit, told some people of his side to go to the hospital and just kill Darryl and Zak there. Everyone was worried and didn't really know what was gonna happen.

Staying at Dave's place, but not everyone. The ones that had pets were worried about them, but they couldn't go back for them sadly. Georgey was at his place sleeping, completely knocked out. Little red dropping down on the floor. Baby tears running down his cheeks.
He was sleeping, but probably having a nightmare.

Dave asked TapL to kidnap Mega as a hostage. Even tho they were friends something about Mega didn't sit right  with Dave anyway so he didn't really cared what Mega would say.  If he would say anything at all. Jacob's Team took awhile to come since they were scattered everywhere and nowhere. Dave asked another person to track down where Jacob's people are.

Noone's POV

"Track where they are right now. TL is on his way for the hostage." Dave commanded.
"Alright Techno." Fundy said and tracked them down.
Dave looked back at the rest and said that were gonna stay here. He would shutdown the house while they were gone, but would open it up for TapL when he would come back.
TapL arrived very soon with Mega blindfolded and tided up. Mega was just so pissed off. After that they had to quickly leave to get Darryl and Zak.

The house was shut down.

They were a tad bit scared.
Clay was just angry and wanted to fight with them, but the risk of dying was also a thing. He didn't want to leave George and Sapnap. Holding them tight. "Don't worry. We'll be alright." he quietly said.

Mega was quietly angry, pissed, confused and what not.

"Fundy, did you track them down?" Dave asked.
"Yea and there are already 2 people here. The rest is on their way. Go hurry to the hospital! They are almost there with Jacob." Fundy said and they hurried up.
"Tell our Team to watch my house and scatter around the city!" Dave commanded.
"Will do." Fundy responded.

"Hurry the fuck up 1 and 2!" Jacob yelled.
"Coming!" 1 said with two nodding.
"This will be the end for all of you! I'm not going anywhere until everything is done here!" Jacob thought to himself.

They all seemed like they somewhat forgot about Georgey.

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